Tarot Readings for You for January 29-30, 2021 Friday-Saturday©


World   Page of Pentacles   Temperance
World – Page of Pentacles – Temperance
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His observation and his opinion is that someone is a superior person in some way that’s important to him. He wants to associate with and talk to this person (pick his or her brains, we say) … but what’s in it for the one who’s accomplished? Well, I see it’s up to me to sell myself … I must know something my role model doesn’t know … or I will be overlooked.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


World   Page of Pentacles   Temperance
World – Page of Pentacles – Temperance


Tarot Readings : World and Page of Pentacles
World Page of Pentacles

Keep in mind not to converse with those people.

She is his trophy woman; he is her intimate partner.

I see how I am either totally out of the loop, or close in it.

Thinking about shutting people out of his life to be with you.

You’re looking at someone who ain’t interested in socializing.

You know how to get the person who isn’t interested to bargain.

He does not identify with or associate with anything outside himself.


Tarot Readings :World and Temperance
World Temperance

Is open to, and is not open to, a relationship.

Even with her closest friend, she is closed off.

Not letting even your best friend know about it.

I am your partner and I don’t know anyone else.

Right by his side is the trophy woman he dreams of.

Not open to discussions now – in an introspective mood.


Tarot Readings : Page of Pentacles and Temperance
Page of Pentacles Temperance

We know and we don’t let on.

Feels he is the equal of the master.

He sees his partner as superwoman.

We have the same idea that no one else has.

He’s got a relationship going with Teflon Lady.

What’s on my mind is intimacy with that shapely lady.

You know just how to deal with this: by not dealing with it.

The two of us have an idea to partner up and cut the others out.

He is interested in a relationship with a woman who doesn’t want him.



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I’m meditating on the invisible social walls that surround us. If I want to break into a circle of friends who impress me as the kind of people I would like to become accustomed to being around, I see I cannot bring some of the people I know now. I have something in common with both styles of people, both camps, but they do not fit with each other at all. What shall I do? Thinking about shutting people out of my life to be with you.



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A glance at the complex and puzzling illustration of World leaves you with a strong impression that the woman in the wreath-wall isn’t having anything to do with what’s outside it. Once in a while it even refers to ‘cutting the others out of the deal.’ And that is the central idea to World. It applies all kinds of ways.

World is a spiritual adept, a concept that expands to include her being superwoman, a master, Teflon Lady.

World is an esoteric Tarot card at heart, but today is not the day for that. Today, World means such things as: not involved, not with those people, out of the loop, shutting people out, someone who isn’t interested, is not open to, is closed off from, and not dealing with it. (For the complete meanings of World, Google ‘World Tarot Verbatim,’ which takes you to the archives here.) World is the woman who doesn’t want the guy in romance stories, sometimes.

The illustration, though, also brings World to being the shapely woman, the trophy woman. Heck, if your line of inquiry ever involves nude dancers in one of those cages, World is your card.


Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

He stares at, concentrates upon, that pentacle. Page of Pentacles is one of the cards that often translates words about looking and seeing.

But most often, Page of Pentacles is about thinking, feeling, knowing, considering, being interested in. Two key words for him are mind and idea.

Page of Pentacles is an identity card, which means it translates single pronouns, most often ‘I’ and ‘he.’ (And today it appears with Temperance which can translate ‘we,’ ‘us,’ ‘they,’ and ‘them.’) So Page of Pentacles can simply say the ‘I’ or ‘he’ in your spread, and can also translate: I am, I think, I feel, I know, he is, he thinks, he feels, he knows. ‘He feels he is’ is just as likely.

Today Page of Pentacles translates ‘introspective mood,’ reflecting that focus on self this card represents.




Tarot Verbatim™ ignores the dilution theme that pouring water and wine together suggest. The angel is pretty much ignored too, except for the fact the symbol of healing on his chest brings that word into Temperance’s dictionary.

What Tarot Verbatim™ picks up on is the back-and-forth flow, and it applies to communication. Temperance is conversation back and forth. ‘I’ll get back to you on that,’ we say. Temperance also applies to ‘mutual’ and ‘together.’ It will say ‘with’ regarding two people or two sides. ‘I’m with her.’ And it is all about dealing with another person, socializing with, associating with. Negotiation and bargaining belong to Temperance too.

Temperance is also relationship, close or intimate relationship, partners and partnership. ‘Equal intimate partners’ belongs to Temperance, and each of the three words does separately. Temperance is your best buddy, your close friend.



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Now Without The Pictures

Just as when you reach a certain level of social savvy the mooches and muggers disregard you, so does trouble generally avoid you when you reach a certain level of spiritual savvy. That concept is the core meaning of World, illustrated by the woman with two wands (Master of Both Worlds) dancing nude in the secure confines of her wreath-wall, unnoticed and un-interfered-with by the critters outside. So World is one of the esoteric (occult) cards at heart. (Magicians draw a circle to keep the bad spirits away from what they are doing. The wreath is that circle, potentially.)

Not today though. Today World is counterbalanced by Temperance. Temperance is as much intimate association as World is absence of association. And in between, we have ‘making up your mind’ and also ‘who I am’ in Page of Pentacles.

So here’s a theme of contrasting being a member and being excluded (or excluding yourself). To be or not to be, that is the question Page of Pentacles ponders about whatever the association or membership is. If I’m Alice’s friend, Jim will hate me … hmm. There’s also a theme of a person not interested in associating with another person who dreams of a close bond.

Another story these three cards make is that of someone who wants to be a friend of a superior person. World is a superior person, and is also a person who is not available to communicate or socialize with. (This can be the CEO you can’t get through to on the phone, for instance.)

Both Page of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles hold the pentacle and stare at it, and both these cards involve a focus on self – but in very different ways.

Page of Pentacles is an identity card (as is Page of Wands). The similar meanings of these two pages probably comes from the fact that pages were knights in training – in training at the home of a stranger knight, not their father. They had to fit in to succeed at the only career available to them. (Careers were in your genes in those days.) So the pages had to present themselves as acceptable good people, which is the meaning you see for them here.



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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


World   Page of Pentacles   Temperance

World  – Page of PentaclesTemperance

I feel I am Page of Pentacles  not World intimately Temperance involved World .

Keep in mind Page of Pentacles not to World converse Temperance with those people World .

She is his trophy woman World ; he is Page of Pentacles her intimate partner Temperance.

I see how I am Page of Pentacles either Temperance totally out of the loop World , or close in it Temperance.

Thinking Page of Pentacles about  shutting people out of his life World to be with you Temperance.

You’re looking at Page of Pentacles someone who ain’t interested World in socializing Temperance.

You know how to Page of Pentacles get Temperance the person who isn’t interested World to bargain Temperance.

He Page of Pentacles  does not World identify with Page of Pentacles or associate Temperance with anything outside World himself Page of Pentacles.

She is not open to World a relationship Temperance as he thinks Page of Pentacles.

She is closed off World with her closest friend Temperance – him Page of Pentacles.

Not letting even World your best friend Temperance know about it Page of Pentacles.

I am Page of Pentacles your partner and Temperance I don’t know anyone else World .

Right by his side is Temperance the trophy woman World he dreams of Page of Pentacles.

Not open to World discussions Temperance now World – in an introspective mood Page of Pentacles.

Being the intimate partner of Temperancea woman who won’t have anything to do with anyone else World – that’s his dream Page of Pentacles.

We Temperance know Page of Pentacles and we Temperance don’t let on World .

Feels he is Page of Pentacles the equal of Temperance the master World .

He sees Page of Pentacles his partner as Temperance superwoman World .

We have the same Temperance idea Page of Pentacles that no one else has World .

He’s got a Page of Pentacles relationship going with Temperance Teflon Lady World .

What’s on my mind is Page of Pentacles intimacy with Temperance that shapely lady World .

You know just how to Page of Pentacles deal with this: by Temperance not dealing with it World .

The two of us Temperance have an idea Page of Pentacles  to partner up and Temperance cut the others out World .

He is interested in Page of Pentacles a relationship with Temperance a woman who doesn’t want him World .



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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


WorldPage of Pentacles

World and Page of Pentacles

I feel I am not involved. Keep in mind not to _ with those people. She is his trophy woman. I see how I am totally out of the loop. Think about shutting people out of his life. You’re looking at someone who ain’t interested. You know how to get the person who isn’t interested …. Does not identify with, or associate with, anything outside himself. She is not open to _ as he thinks. She is closed off to him. Not letting _ know about it. I am … and I don’t know anyone else. The trophy woman he dreams of. Not open to _ now – in an introspective mood. A woman who won’t have anything to do with anyone else – that’s his dream. Know, and don’t let on. Feels he is the master. He sees superwoman. An idea that no one else has. He’s got a Teflon Lady. What’s on my mind: that shapely lady. You know just how to: by not dealing with it. Have an idea to cut the others out. He is interested in a woman who doesn’t want him.



World and Temperance

Not intimately involved. Not to converse with those people. She is his trophy woman; … her intimate partner. Either totally out of the loop, or close in it. Shutting people out of his life to be with you. Someone who ain’t interested in socializing. Get the person who isn’t interested to bargain. Does not associate with anything outside. She is not open to a relationship. She is closed off with her closest friend. Not letting even your best friend …. Your partner, and I don’t know anyone else. Right by his side is the trophy woman. Not open to discussion. Being the intimate partner of a woman who won’t have anything to do with anyone else. We _ and we don’t let on. He is the equal of the master. His partner, superwoman. We have the same _ that no one else has. Relationship going with Teflon Lady. Intimacy with that shapely lady. Deal with this by not dealing with it. The two of us partner up and cut the others out. A relationship with a woman who doesn’t want him.


Page of PentaclesTemperance

Page of Pentacles and Temperance

I feel I am intimately involved.Keep in mind to converse with these people. He is her intimate partner. I see how I am close in the loop. Thinking about being with you. You’re looking at someone who is interested in socializing. You know how to get them to bargain. He identifies with or associates with …. A relationship as he thinks. Her closest friend – him. Your best friend knows about it. I am your partner. Right by his side is the _ he dreams of. Discussion in an introspective mood. Being the intimate partner: that’s his dream. We know. Feels he is an equal. He sees his partner as _. We have the same idea. He’s got a relationship going. What’s on my mind is intimacy. You know just how to deal with this. The two of us have an idea to partner up. He is interested in a relationship.



Tarot Readings for You for January 27-28, 2021, Wednesday-Thursday©

King of Cups High Priestess Ace of Pentacles
King of Cups – High Priestess – Ace of Pentacles




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We celebrate two people who are unassertive in this world finding one another, as they are a perfect fit or match for one another: the gentleman and the lady. We have devoted our subject to just their relationship because we respect it, and because we secretly dream of it.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!



Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


King of Cups High Priestess Ace of Pentacles


King of Cups – High Priestess – Ace of Pentacles


Tarot Readings : King of Cups and High Priestess
King of Cups High Priestess

A passive man and a passive woman: perfect.

The other woman a guy loves is perfect, of course.

Her sweetheart has the money for her to stay at home.

The other woman has a man with money who loves her.

This quiet man loves the quiet woman and gives her a big ring.

He feels everything and she knows everything, so they are right for each other.


Tarot Readings : King of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
King of Cups Ace of Pentacles

The gentleman pays the lady’s way.

The gentleman has the perfect lady.

A calm emotional man is right for a quiet woman.

The path he is on is right for him, and so is his woman.

He has an addiction, so he gives his paycheck to his lady.

A warmhearted guy like him is the best man for a shy gal.

The most important thing for an affectionate man is to have the right woman.

The emotional man is on the right path because his woman has the spiritual knowledge.


Tarot Readings : High Priestess and Ace of Pentacles
High Priestess Ace of Pentacles

The lady has a perfect gentleman.

The lady has Mr. Right as her honey.

She keeps rightly quiet about her romantic partner.

His woman knows what’s right for the drinking man.

Such a ladylike woman is perfect for such a good man.




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Anyone else’s Mr. Right or Mrs. Right isn’t necessarily the Mr. or Mrs. Right for you. Finding a life partner is kind of like buying the right clothes or the right car or truck: trying them on, test-driving them, is called for, for the right fit. It’s all about fit. Today we are looking at quiet, shy, passive, polite men and women … who find their quiet, shy, passive counterpart. We are drinking to that!





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King of Cups

King of Cups

Tarot Verbatim™ assigns personality types, not hair colors (for God’s sake!) to ‘people cards,’ a/k/a ‘court cards.’ King of Cups’ personality types range from the unassertive or passive gentlemanly diplomatic fellows to the passive-aggressive guys who are drinkers or have other addictions.

So you find these types of men as King of Cups: a passive man, quiet man, calm emotional man, warmhearted guy, affectionate man, fellow who feels everything, her honey or sweetheart or romantic partner, a guy who loves (or loves her). You find a gentleman – that is Mr. King of Cups signature, the gentleman, the good man. Today, King of Cups’ gentlemanly side is brought out by High Priestess, the lady, his gentlemanly counterpart.

You also find the drinking man or addicted man, the weak man, the fellow who whines or is passive-aggressive.

Like many of the court cards, in a given sentence which has already expressed the type of person the card represents, the actual interpretation of the card boils down to a simple pronoun. So today Mr. King of Cups brings us: he, for him, his.


High Priestess

High Priestess

As one of the esoteric (occult) cards, High Priestess straddles categories in her definitions. This card represents the spiritual plane and spiritual knowledge or expertise, and therefore also means knowledge in general and also a woman who knows whatever. This is the card for the expert.

Due to its being Number Two in Major Arcanae, High Priestess also represents (esoterically speaking) the feminine principle of receptivity: knowing and not acting. (Long story.) So that makes High Priestess translate ‘lady’ and ‘woman’ and related terms like ‘ladylike’ and ‘his woman.’ She also is the passive woman because of the ‘not acting.’

High Priestess also represents staying, staying home, staying in one place, and being unavailable (like World, another highly spiritual and esoteric card).

It doesn’t make sense at first that High Priestess is ‘the other woman.’ I think this meaning occurs as a blend of its other characteristics: the passive stance, the staying at home.


Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Let me interpret this curious drawing for you. See the gold on the straight path, with the gold in the hand in the sky above it? – it equates being on the straight and narrow with having money and success. It equates being right with being rich. Think ‘prosperity Christianity’ which does exactly that. So keep in mind that, most of the time, Ace of Pentacles will be about having money and/or being right.

Since Ace of Pentacles depicts God Consciousness flowing from a person to other people, Ace of Pentacles is the card for God – and Emperor, as the highest authority card, also represents God the Father.

So Ace of Pentacles means unconditional love too. All good things: healing, health, safety, benefit. The flow brings these words: cooperation, easy, smoothly.

Besides being ‘right’ or ‘on the right path,’ one of Ace of Pentacles’ favorite words is ‘perfect.’ It also means ‘best’ and even ‘better,’ depending upon context.

Ace of Pentacles is one of the money cards too. So it translates ‘financial’ and ‘pay’ (and even ‘paycheck’ once in a while), and it also translates ‘give’ along with ‘pay.’

Watch for this Ace of Pentacles card to also be about a ring, since it looks kind of like one.




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Now Without The Pictures

Here we have King of Cups as the gentleman and High Priestess as the lady, with Ace of Pentacles saying ‘right for’ and ‘perfect.’ This suggests two people who, as the passive, quiet, diplomatic, polite, and maybe even shy persons are right or perfect – are on the right path. So I (Emily) am limiting today’s sentences to personal, mostly romantic, pairing between two such people. Why? – because it’s so right.

All the sentences are variations on the theme of two quiet people being right for each other, with a little seasoning about the money situation between them.




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


King of Cups High Priestess Ace of Pentacles

King of Cups  – High Priestess – Ace of Pentacles

The other woman High Priestess a guy loves King of Cups is perfect, of course Ace of Pentacles.

Her sweetheart King of Cups has the money Ace of Pentacles for her to stay at home High Priestess.

The other woman High Priestess has Ace of Pentacles a man King of Cups with money Ace of Pentacles who loves her King of Cups.

This quiet man loves King of Cups the quiet woman High Priestess and gives her a big ring Ace of Pentacles.

He feels everything King of Cups and she knows everything High Priestess, so they are right for each other Ace of Pentacles.

The gentleman King of Cups pays the Ace of Pentacles lady’s High Priestess way Ace of Pentacles.

The gentleman King of Cups has the perfect Ace of Pentacles lady High Priestess.

A calm emotional man King of Cups is right for Ace of Pentacles a quiet woman High Priestess.

The path Ace of Pentacles he King of Cups is on is right Ace of Pentacles for him King of Cups, and so is his King of Cups woman High Priestess.

He has an addiction King of Cups, so he gives his paycheck Ace of Pentacles to his lady High Priestess.

A warmhearted guy like him King of Cups is the best Ace of Pentacles man King of Cups for a shy gal High Priestess.

The most important thing Ace of Pentacles for an affectionate man King of Cups is to have the right Ace of Pentacles woman High Priestess.

The emotional man King of Cups is on the right path because Ace of Pentacles his woman has the spiritual knowledge High Priestess.

The lady High Priestess has a perfect Ace of Pentacles gentleman King of Cups.

The lady High Priestess has Mr. Right Ace of Pentacles as her honey King of Cups.

She keeps High Priestess rightly Ace of Pentacles quiet about HIGH PRIESTESS her romantic partner King of Cups.

His woman knows High Priestess what’s right for Ace of Pentacles the drinking man King of Cups.

Such a ladylike woman High Priestess is perfect for Ace of Pentacles such a good man King of Cups.




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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


King of CupsHigh Priestess

King of Cups and High Priestess

A passive man and a passive woman. The other woman a guy loves. Her sweetheart … her to stay at home. The other woman _ a man who loves her. This quiet man loves the quiet woman. He feels everything and she knows everything. The gentleman _ the lady’s _. The gentleman … lady. A calm emotional man is … a quiet woman. … him, and so is his woman. He has an addiction to his lady. A warmhearted guy like hims is the man for a shy gal. An affectionate man’s woman. An emotional man’s woman has the spiritual knowledge. The lady’s gentleman. The lady … her honey. She keeps quiet about her romantic partner. His woman knows the drinking man. Such a ladylike woman for such a good man.


King of CupsAce of Pentacles

King of Cups and Ace of Pentacles

A passive man … perfect. … a guy loves is perfect, of course. Her sweetheart has the money. Has a man with money who loves her. This quiet man loves her and gives her a big ring. He feels everything so they are right for each other. The gentleman pays the way. The gentleman has the perfect _. A calm emotional man is right for _. The path he is on is right for him. He has an addiction, so he gives his paycheck A warmhearted guy like him is the best man. The most important thing for an affectionate man is to have the right _. The emotional man is on the right path. … has a perfect gentleman. _ has Mr. Right as her honey. … rightly her romantic partner. What’s right for a drinking man. Perfect for such a good man.


High PriestessAce of Pentacles

High Priestess and Ace of Pentacles

A passive woman: perfect. The other woman is perfect, of course. Has the money for her to stay at home. The other man has _ with money. / The other woman has money. … the quiet woman, and gives her a big ring. She knows everything, so they are right for each other. Pays the lady’s way. Has the perfect lady. Is right for a quiet woman. The path is right for _ and so is his woman. Gives his paycheck to his lady. The best for a shy gal. The most important thing is to have the right woman. Is on the right path because his woman has the spiritual knowledge. The lady has a perfect _. The lady has Mr. Right. She keeps rightly quiet. His woman knows what’s right. Such a ladylike woman is perfect.




Tarot Readings for You for January 3-4, 2021 Sunday-Monday©


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement
Hanged Man – Six of Swords – Judgment


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Our original inspired idea sends us off on a course, and before we complete that destination, another inspired idea changes us, gives us a new perspective and a new life. The redirection is more of a surprise than the original inspiration.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement


Hanged Man – Six of Swords – Judgment


Tarot Readings : Hanged Man and Six of Swords
Hanged Man Six of Swords

I smell another turning point.

Realize it’s time to leave here again.

Get a hunch, and move on to the next phase.

Put aside the bright idea to do that one again.

You recover: You know you’re getting over it.

I know just how to get away with that remark.

My gut tells me I am on my way to recovering.

As soon as he leaves, he gets an urge to go back.


Tarot Readings : Hanged Man and Judgment
Hanged Man Judgement

Suddenly see the light and move on.

I blurt it out, and realize I am on my way.

New thoughts come in as old thoughts leave.

You understand what the departed is telling you.

Suddenly an inspired notion gets you on your way.

Change my mind about letting bygones be bygones.

Distancing yourself, you feel a fresh start coming on.

Change your mind, get it over with, and get on with it.


Tarot Readings : Six of Swords and Judgment
Six of Swords Judgement

Seeing another transition.

Exit those voices in my head.

Life improved when I spoke my mind.

Go to the new place you have in mind.

Got a strong feeling change is underway.

The departed speaks to your subconscious.

You get a feeling when the deceased reappears.

One more thing to put behind you, and you know it.




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I smell another turning point around the bend. My gut tells me I am on my way to a new phase. I am getting a hunch and moving on to the next phase. It’s time to get it over with and get on with it.




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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Another card based on myth. Several myths have the main character (god or hero) hang himself on a tree and sacrifice a body part, a body function, for ‘wisdom,’ by which is meant a spiritual psychic gift. (Odin and Apollo for starters.) That is how some Tarot systems have Hanged Man represent sacrifice.

Hanged Man’s illustration depicts the feeling you get when a new level of awareness comes upon you. He is upside-down and his head is afire.

So Hanged Man realizes, sees, knows, gets a feeling, has a hunch, sees the light, his gut tells him. He also has inspired notions and represents the subconscious. Hanged Man is one of the cards that can represent a vision. (Judgment and Four of Swords are two more.)

The most common words for Hanged Man, besides ‘realize,’ are these: idea, know, know how to, thought(s), understand, mind, feel, see, in my head, have in mind.


Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Six of Swords is a complex card until you sort out its sources for its meanings. You see maybe refugees leaving at dusk or twilight ‘with the clothes on their back’ and with the help of a friend. Traditionally, the man is a friend and it’s his humble boat. They are leaving a terrible place, and headed for a better one. Tradition is, they will arrive wherever that is.

So here you have a card whose mood is both despairing and hopeful. You have a journey, you have a transition, you have life improving … but improving because anything would be an improvement.

A journey over water is a journey in consciousness. That’s everybody’s tradition. The combination of this card strongly meaning to leave or depart, and the journey over water being a journey in consciousness adds up to Six of Swords being the card for ‘the departed.’ This picture kind of reminds you of this: “In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.”.

Part of the complexity of Six of Swords meaning (besides both hope and hopelessness) is the fact that it means all these things: to leave; to go to; the journey or to be on the way.

Since Six of Swords is leaving a bad place and going to a better one, it naturally means to recover, to get over (whatever), transition, to get underway – to be on your way. It also means to distance yourself from something.




This scene of Judgment Day shows dead people alive again, awakened by the angel’s horn. That short cross on the angel’s flag is the one that means where the spiritual and the physical intersect, or the union of those two.

We use the common meanings for Judgment which are: change; again; to return; to come back; new life or new phase; back to life or recover or get over; the speak/tell/say theme of Tarot’s; life after death, including the return of the departed; and revelation or realize or idea (or get the idea). Judgment translates ‘again’ because the people are alive again, and ‘suddenly’ because that happened suddenly.

Note that Judgment can mean both a fresh start and to start over. It means both the first time and the second time because the new life is a return to the old life. Ya just hafta get used to this! So you find Judgment translating these words and phrases: another, the next phase, do that one again, the new place, a fresh start coming on, one more thing, reappears.

Judgment also means renewal or recovery or restoration, which of course arises from the restoration, renewal, and recovery of the formerly dead bodies. You find Judgment meaning any number of words beginning in the prefix ‘re-‘ because of the regeneration theme.





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Now Without The Pictures

Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing. They are also mourning a loss (of everything they had). And Six of Swords also is grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course, shows coffins and obviously is about life after death. Judgment is a new life; Six of Swords is putting the old life behind.

Six of Swords and Judgment are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another. Judgment is a change in consciousness and Six of Swords is a journey in consciousness or a transition. Life changes here. Six of Swords is leaving; Judgment is coming back.

Hanged Man and Judgment together are a season of epiphany: They are both awareness, are both that sudden awareness from another dimension. This epiphany is represented by the angel from another dimension blowing the horn of big announcement loudly enough to wake the dead to new life, and everything changes in the twinkling of an eye. Judgment is the announcement, and Hanged Man is you ‘getting it.’ Together, Hanged Man and Judgment repeat a strong theme of otherworldly awareness coming to physical worldly attention.

Hanged Man and Six of Swords describe that moment of awakening, the eureka awareness, that makes a turning point in your life history and sends you on your way someplace else. Hanged Man and Six of Swords is the story of the all the people who just left when they realized (a Hanged Man favorite word) ‘this isn’t the place for me; it’s time I got out of here.’ Hanged Man and Six of Swords is the turning point, the very moment you disengage.

Hanged Man is taking in information and Judgment is emitting it, so Hanged Man is hearing and Judgment is speaking. This spread therefore describes any time you get a clue and make a change of direction in any way.

And, by the way, that journey Six of Swords is taking over water can be interpreted literally as ‘a trip over water.’ Also, an overseas trip. (And if the subject is travel overseas, Queen of Wands is the native country or home country. (You may find Six of Swords sending off someone on a cruise ship too.)




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement

Hanged Man – Six of SwordsJudgement

I smell Hanged Man another Judgement turning point Six of Swords.

Realize Hanged Man it’s time to leave here Six of Swords again Judgement.

Get a hunch Hanged Man, and move on to Six of Swords the next phase Judgement.

Put aside Six of Swords the bright idea Hanged Man to do that one again Judgement.

You recover: Judgement You know Hanged Man you’re getting over it Six of Swords.

I know just how to Hanged Man get away with Six of Swords that remark Judgement.

My gut tells me Hanged Man I am on my way to Six of Swords recovering Judgement.

As soon as he leaves Six of Swords, he gets an urge to Hanged Man go back Judgement.

Suddenly Judgement see the light Hanged Man and move on Six of Swords.

I blurt it out Judgement, and realize Hanged Man I am on my way Six of Swords.

New Judgement thoughts Hanged Man come in Judgement as old Six of Swords thoughts Hanged Man leave Six of Swords .

You understand what Hanged Man the departed Six of Swords is telling you Judgement.

Suddenly Judgement an inspired notion Hanged Man gets you on your way Six of Swords.

Change Judgement my mind Hanged Man about letting bygones be bygones Six of Swords.

Distancing yourself Six of Swords, you feel Hanged Man a fresh start coming on Judgement.

Change Judgement your mind Hanged Man, get it over with, and get on with it Six of Swords.

Seeing Hanged Man another Judgement transition Six of Swords.

Exit Six of Swords those voices Judgement in my head Hanged Man.

Life improved Six of Swords when I spoke Judgement my mind Hanged Man.

Go to Six of Swords the new place Judgement you have in mind Hanged Man.

Got a strong feeling Hanged Man change Judgement is underway Six of Swords.

The departed Six of Swords speaks Judgement to your subconscious Hanged Man.

You get a feeling Hanged Man when the deceased Six of Swords reappears Judgement.

One more thing Judgement to put behind you Six of Swords, and you know it Hanged Man.



Tarot Readings for You for December 28-29 2020 Monday-Tuesday©


Three of Pentacles   Fool   Ace of Cups
Three of Pentacles – Fool – Ace of Cups
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You’re cooperating before you know it because they are that kind of people. You’re in love before you know it until that one time you are together. A business meeting went smoothly when a certain person wasn’t present. We are looking at those times everything goes right when we weren’t paying attention.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Three of Pentacles   Fool   Ace of Cups


Three of Pentacles – Fool – Ace of Cups


Tarot Readings : Three of Pentacles and Fool
Three of Pentacles Fool

We love each other so we agree to forget.

People you love but wouldn’t think of dealing with.

Wasn’t looking, and now I’m in a love relationship.

Clear your mind, and meet people in a healing way.

With this person not at the meeting, it goes smoothly.

People who do their part without thinking about it benefit

You don’t think a thing about it, you just team up and cooperate.


Tarot Readings :Three of Pentacles and Ace of Cups
Three of Pentacles Ace of Cups

Not in a love relationship.

Making a deal with God in good faith.

You don’t worry, in a healthy relationship.

This deal is a safe one, somehow or other.

Just do it: Settling up is for your own good.

You do things for people you love without thinking about it.

Don’t worry, the three of us are in this together, so it’s easy.


Tarot Readings : Fool and Ace of Cups
Fool Ace of Cups

We agree so easily.

Let God deal with it.

An open love relationship.

Don’t worry, you have friends who help.

I assume we are going to get along together.

You get along, you have an easy life with no problems.

Didn’t even know we were in love until we got together.




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Here we have some people who have teamed up to get something done together. They are well-intentioned decent people, so all goes smoothly and profitably, and they each benefit. (All of us are looking for the place where these three people are.)




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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

The man standing on the bench is showing his clients that, yes, he built their building according to the specifications in the blueprint. They have an agreement; they have an agreeable meeting. Each of them has done his part fairly in the contract they have, and they are getting along, teaming up, as they come to a settlement on the builder getting his last final draw that represents his profit.






Fool’s meanings are all over the place. Just remember Fool is the Zero, the cipher, the place-holder that changes the value of other cards but has none of its own. So Fool is about the absence of things, Fool is freedom from everything, Fool is open, including the open (subconscious) mind, and Fool is oblivious. Fool is ‘Let it be,’ no problem, ‘water off a duck’s back,’ and Fool is ‘just’ anything – just go along with it, just do it, don’t look down. Fool is young, optimistic, and has faith.




Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups is the easy flow of spiritual consciousness into a person and from there into mass consciousness. In this card, Tarot uses Roman Catholics symbols: the dove (Holy Spirit), that ‘W,’ the fountain that represents a human’s five senses that are flowing into the larger body of water. Water is consciousness, and that’s not just Tarot symbology.

Since Ace of Cups depicts God Consciousness flowing from a person to other people, Ace of Cups is the card for God – and Emperor, as the highest authority card, also represents God the Father.

So Ace of Cups means unconditional love too. All good things: healing, health, safety, benefit. The flow brings these words: cooperation, easy, smoothly.






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Now Without The Pictures

Three of Pentacles and Ace of Cups both mean agreement. Both are about cooperation and getting along..

Fool and Ace of Cups are about an easy flow, and they each mean both ‘easy’ and ‘flow’ in various ways. They both are about having no worry and just letting it be. Fool can mean faith, and Ace of Cups means God.

All three of these Tarot cards are about things going smoothly. Their message, together, is why not join in with people who are already getting together and getting things done – that that is to your benefit – that you may as well…




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Three of Pentacles   Fool   Ace of Cups

Three of Pentacles  – FoolAce of Cups

We love Ace of Cups each other so we agree Three of Pentacles to forget Fool.

People you love Ace of Cups but wouldn’t think of Fool dealing with Three of Pentacles.

Wasn’t looking Fool, and now I’m in a love Ace of Cups relationship Three of Pentacles.

Clear your mind Fool, and meet people Three of Pentacles in a healing way Ace of Cups.

With this person not there at Fool the meeting Three of Pentacles, it goes smoothly Ace of Cups.

People who do their part Three of Pentacles without thinking about it Fool benefit Ace of Cups.

You don’t think a thing about it Fool, you just team up Three of Pentacles and cooperate Ace of Cups.

Not in Fool a love Ace of Cups relationship Three of Pentacles.

Making a deal with Three of Pentacles God Ace of Cups in good faith Fool.

You don’t worry Fool, in a healthy Ace of Cups relationship Three of Pentacles.

This deal Three of Pentacles is a safe one Ace of Cups, somehow or other Fool.

Just do it Fool: Settling up Three of Pentacles is for your own good Ace of Cups.

You do things for people Three of Pentacles you love Ace of Cups without thinking about it Fool.

Don’t worry Fool, the three of us are in this together Three of Pentacles, so it’s easy Ace of Cups.

We agree Three of Pentacles so easily Fool. [And Ace of Cups echoes ‘agree.’]

Let Fool God Ace of Cups deal with it Three of Pentacles.

An open Fool love Ace of Cups relationship Three of Pentacles.

Don’t worry Fool, you have friends Three of Pentacles who help Ace of Cups.

I assume Fool we are going to get along together Three of Pentacles. [And Ace of Cups echoes ‘get along.’]

You get along Three of Pentacles, you have an easy life Ace of Cups with no problems Fool.

Didn’t even know Fool we were in love Ace of Cups until we got together Three of Pentacles.



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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Three of PentaclesFool

Three of Pentacles and Fool

_ each other, so we agree to forget. We agree to forget. Wouldn’t think of dealing with. Wasn’t looking, and now I’m in a relationship. Clear your mind, and meet people. With this person not there at the meeting …. People who do their part without thinking about it. You don’t think a thing about it, you just team up. Not in a relationship. Making a deal in good faith. You don’t worry in a _ relationship. This deal is … somehow or other. Just do it: settle up. You do things for people without thinking about it. Don’t worry, the three of us are in this together. We agree so easily. Let _ deal with it. An open relationship. Don’t worry, you have friends. I assume we are going to get along together. You get along with no problems.


Three of PentaclesAce of Cups

Three of Pentacles and Ace of Cups

We love each other so we agree. People you love and are dealing with. In a love relationship. Meet people in a healing way. The meeting goes smoothly. People who do their part benefit. Just team up and cooperate. Love relationship. Making a deal with God. In a healthy relationship. This deal is a safe one. Settling up is for your own good. The three of us are in this together, so it’s easy. We agree. We agree so easily. _ God deal with it. Love relationship. You have friends who help. We are going to get along together. We get along together. You get along, you have an easy life. … we were in love … we got together.


FoolAce of Cups

Fool and Ace of Cups

We love each other so we forget. People you love but wouldn’t think of …. Wasn’t looking, and now I’m in love. Clear your mind in a healing way. With this person not there, it goes smoothly. People benefit who … without thinking about it. You don’t think a thing abut it, and cooperate. Not in love. Faith in God. … with God in good faith. You don’t worry when you’re healthy. You don’t worry in a healthy _. A safe one, somehow or another. Somehow or another, this is safe. Just do it, it’s for your own good. You love without thinking about it. Don’t worry, it’s easy. So easily. Let God. An open love _. Don’t worry … help. I assume we are getting along. I assume we are going to get along. You have an easy life with no problems. Didn’t even know we were in love.


Tarot Readings for You for December 26-27, 2020, Saturday-Sunday©


Four of Wands   Hermit   King of Wands
Four of Wands – Hermit – King of Wands


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Your friend is one of those craftsmen who is experienced and knows his work. There are patient men, and there are hotblooded men: Your friend, he is both. He has a temper but is calm when he’s with you. He is one of those good ol’ boys, one of those plain folks who help out, and he helps you with your building. A workingman of retirement age is frustrated being home, so your friend goes out looking for something hands-on.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!




Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Four of Wands   Hermit   King of Wands


Four of Wands – Hermit – King of Wands


Tarot Readings : Four of Wands and Hermit
Four of Wands Hermit

He is one of those honest carpenters.

Your friend is one of those good ol’’ boys.

Some people are cool-headed; me, I’m hotblooded.

The company is looking for a hands-on workingman.

In the family we have patient men and hot-tempered men.

Go visiting to a relative’s house, a down-to-earth man with a job.


Tarot Readings : Four of Wands and King of Wands
Four of Wands King of Wands

People who get mad show us the truth.

Plain folks are the people who help out.

One of those laboring men who are old now.

He’s married with a family and is older than you.

He has a temper but when he’s with you he is calm.

When he is with his family, the edgy man calms down.

In our family we have hotblooded guys and celibate guys.

One of those craftsmen who is experienced and knows his work.


Tarot Readings : Hermit and King of Wands
Hermit King of Wands

Husband helps at home.

Honest working class man.

Anger counseling runs in your family.

Looking for a hotblooded man to marry.

A rough guy sobers up and gets married.

This exciting man sobers up to marry you!

A skilled craftsman helps with the building.

Workingman of retirement age is frustrated being home.




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Here you are looking for a hotblooded man to marry, and here’s this passionate man who’s older than you, who is seeking marriage-a down-to-earth man with a job. On the road to your house, he is feeling edgy: This exciting man sobers up to marry you. Anger management runs in the family, but he has wised up a lot.




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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Knight of Cups today is about helping out, being a buddy, and, yes, we use its ‘boyfriend’ meaning too. He is the helper, assistant or aide in work related questions. He is our friend. He looks us up, invites us places, agrees with us and gets us to agree with him, offers suggestions and accepts them, makes us offers and accepts ours. He does favors too. This is the ‘warm puppy’ boyfriend most women would love to have. Knight of Cups offers the cup of friendship. Knight of Cups has Mercury’s wings – the messenger Roman god – on his helmet, so he communicates, he talks, he introduces himself. He is the mellow fellow of the Rider Waite deck. This card’s illustration is rendered in pastels, in curved lines, so it is about friendly relaxed situations.





Here’s the wise old man who helps his fellowman and is a sincere friend. Hermit is a monk who goes out on the road with a light to find travelers in the cold who are welcome to come home with him for a good warm bed, good warm meal, and good warm conversation, maybe about their lives and God.






King of Wands

King of Wands

King of Wands stereotypes redheadedness. Queen of Wands is Earth Mother, so King of Wands is the husband of the deck (the main one). King of Wands will translate ‘married man,’ ‘family man,’ as well as ‘husband.’







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Now Without The Pictures

Two things jump out at you from this spread. The first is Four of Wands as family and married, with King of Wands as the husband and the married man. Adding Hermit to these two cards as they mean those two things makes for a story of a devoted husband, a husband who helps around the house, a man (passionate man, most likely) who is looking to get married.

The second thing that jumps out at you in this spread is the contrasts between Hermit and King of Wands. Hermit is calm, patient, kind, sincere, objective, understanding, helpful, mature and self-controlled. Hermit is famous for being the friend who comes to another’s aid … and who is the one to come to, to approach. Hermit is educated – a physician, in the illustration – is elderly, and not sexual (monk). Hermit is not only a single celibate man but a loner (a hermit). Hermit is the civilized, polite, wise man.

King of Wands, on the other hand, is the physical, hands-on able-bodied workingman. Further contrasts between these two men are: King of Wands reacts; Hermit analyzes. King of Wands is confrontational; Hermit is the counselor, the one who understands. King of Wands is mouthy; Hermit has taken a vow of silence. Hermit is objective and factual; King of Wands is excitable.

Hermit also means to see, observe or understand – to look at something objectively. What he is looking at when combined with King of Wands would likely be his own hotblooded edgy nature.

Another story we tell here is of the craftsman or carpenter who is helping a relative, or helping with a building, and a story of the honest (Hermit) laborer (King of Wands). Not to mention a passionate husband, King of Wands, who is true to (Hermit) his spouse (Four of Wands). Stories.




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Four of Wands   Hermit   King of Wands

Four of Wands  – HermitKing of Wands

He is one of those Four of Wands honest Hermit carpenters King of Wands.

Your friend Hermit is one of those Four of Wands good ol’ boys King of Wands.

On the road to Hermit your house Four of Wands, he is feeling edgy King of Wands.

Some people are Four of Wands cool-headed; Hermit me, I’m hotblooded King of Wands.

The company Four of Wands is looking Hermit for a hands-on workingman King of Wands.

In the family Four of Wands we have patient men Hermit and hot-tempered men King of Wands.

Go visiting to Hermit a relative’s house Four of Wands, a down-to-earth man with a job King of Wands.

People who Four of Wands get mad King of Wands show us the truth Hermit.

Plain folks King of Wands are the people who Four of Wands help out Hermit.

One of those Four of Wands laboring men King of Wands who are old now Hermit.

He’s married King of Wands with a family Four of Wands and is older than you Hermit.

He has a temper but King of Wands when he’s with you Four of Wands he is calm Hermit.

When he is with his family Four of Wands, the edgy man King of Wands calms down Hermit.

In our family Four of Wands we have hotblooded guys King of Wands and celibate guys Hermit.

One of those Four of Wands craftsmen who King of Wands is experienced and knows Hermit his work King of Wands.

Husband King of Wands helps Hermit at home Four of Wands.

Honest Hermit working King of Wands classFour of Wands man King of Wands.

A passionate man King of Wands seeks Hermit marriage Four of Wands.

Anger King of Wands counseling Hermit runs in your family Four of Wands.

Looking for Hermit a hotblooded man King of Wands to marry Four of Wands.

A rough guy King of Wands sobers up Hermit and gets married Four of Wands.

This exciting man King of Wands sobers up Hermit to marry you Four of Wands!

A skilled craftsman King of Wands helps with Hermit the building Four of Wands.

Workingman King of Wands of retirement age Hermit is frustrated being home Four of Wands.




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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Four of WandsHermit

Four of Wands and Hermit

He is one of those. Your friend is one of those. On the road to your house. Some people are cool-headed. The company is looking. In the family we have patient men.Go visiting to a relative’s house. People who show us the truth. the people who help out. One of those who are old now. with a family and is older than you. when he’s with you he is calm. When he is with his family, he calms down. In our family we have celibate guys. One of those who is experienced and knows. helps at home. Honest _ class _. seeks marriage. counseling runs in your family. Looking to marry. sobers up and gets married. sobers up to marry you! helps with the building. retirement age is frustrated being home.


Four of WandsKing of Wands

Four of Wands and King of Wands

He is one of those carpenters. is one of those good ol’ boys. your house, he is feeling edgy. Some people are _; me, I’m hotblooded. The company _ a hands-on workingman. In the family we have hot-tempered men. a relative’s house, a down-to-earth man with a job. People who get mad. Plain folks are the people who _. One of those laboring men. He’s married with a family. He has a temper but when he’s with you _. When he is with his family, the edgy man _. In our family we have hotblooded guys. One of those craftsmen who works. Husband at home. working man. A passionate man _ marriage. Anger runs in your family. a hotblooded man to marry. A rough guy gets married. This exciting man _ to marry you! A skilled craftsman_ the building. Workingman is frustrated being home.


HermitKing of Wands

Hermit and King of Wands

honest carpenters. Your friend a good ol’ boy. On the road, he is feeling edgy. cool-headed; me, I’m hotblooded. is looking for a hands-on workingman. we have patient men and hot-tempered men. Go visiting a down-to-earth man with a job. get mad show us the truth. Plain folks help out. laboring men who are old now. He’s married and is older than you. He has a temper but he is calm. the edgy man calms down. we have hotblooded guys and celibate guys. craftsmen who is experienced and knows. Husband helps. Honest working man. A passionate man seeks_. Anger counseling. Looking for a hotblooded man. A rough guy sobers up. This exciting man sobers up! A skilled craftsman helps. Workingman of retirement age.




Tarot Reading for Our Valued Members December 12-13, 2020 Saturday-Sunday©


Emperor Three of Swords Eight of Pentacles
Emperor – Three of Swords – Eight of Pentacles


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We concern ourselves with the nature of people who are in any kind of power or authority at all, especially when the atmosphere is prickly. Even in politics, there’s conservative and there’s labor, and we are looking at daily life that way. I will always have people in some kind of power to deal with, so I am mindful of my own place in this scene. Just keep doing my job, whether the job is at the job, or the job is just daily life.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!




Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Emperor Three of Swords Eight of Pentacles


Emperor – Three of Swords – Eight of Pentacles


Tarot Readings : Emperor and Three of Swords
Emperor Three of Swords

Daddy does things that hurt others’ feelings.

The head man is always divisive.

I hate being old but it keeps going on.

They get mean when they are powerful.

Warring against authority is a constant effort.

Sued by the labor department.

Elderly men are often hard to get along with.

Competing to be top dog all the time.

I work with war veterans.


Tarot Readings : Emperor and Eight of Pentacles
Emperor Eight of Pentacles

The boss at work is snarly.

A veteran employee is injured on the job.

Daddy always disliked him.

The top contender for the job.

I work at being a grownup, but everything is against it.

Federal governments are hostile to workers.

I work with a self-important guy with a chip on his shoulder.


Tarot Readings : Three of Swords and Eight of Pentacles
Three of Swords Eight of Pentacles

He is so self-controlled he works off his heartache.

I just hate working for The Man.

One heartache after another for an old-fashioned man.

Quit working when you are that old.

The workers are resisting the boss.

Always the rebel against authority.

An important man is working on a divorce.

A veteran worker is injured.

Establishing myself in a hostile work environment.




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It’s the usual thing in daily life to oftentimes have ill-tempered out-of-sorts people around you. It’s like mosquitoes when you hike: You don’t cuss at them, you just bring the bug spray and apply it quietly.




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Emperor is the male authority, all the way from God the Father to the capo of the pool hall. It is the head man, seniority, what is established, establishing yourself, and The Establishment. Emperor is powerful, influential, controlling, and generally rigid, so it is also conservative. And remember: Emperor is being the grownup too. Emperor stands for the controlling man who’s a clod.





Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Ouch! Three of Swords is a heart with knives in it against a stormy background. This card obviously means hurt, heartache, injury, fighting and war, not to mention a bad attitude. Hostility. Hostile attitude and hostile atmosphere. Something you just hate, someone who hates, someone you hate, etc. Or dislike. Three of Swords is competing, quitting, getting fired, suing and getting sued. It is also competition and jealousy. That’s when it’s being good.





Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles is work, anything about work, employment, job, workplace. It is whatever is usually done. It is doing something over and over. It means ‘all the time’ and it means ‘always’ and it means ‘frequently’ and ‘often.’ It’s the usual run-of-the-mill whatever. It means one thing (anything) after another in sequence. You see the carpenter at work making one thing after another the way he usually does.







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Now Without The Pictures

Emperor is daddy, authority, the established power, a government whatever (especially a federal whatever), old-fashioned, old person usually male; veteran (all meanings), rigid personality, senior person, the boss. (The herd bull to me.)

Three of Swords suggests bad feelings (rancor). That could be heartache, being generally hard to get along with, being divisive or snarly; being competitive, hating, rebellion, being hostile to or against, resisting and even suing. Three of Swords is quitting, is getting fired, and Three of Swords is a divorce. It is also injury.

So we have authority, abuse of authority, and rebelling against authority, and we have hatred and heartache. We have stories.

Eight of Pentacles comes along to make it all chronic. Darn him, he means constant, and he means often, and he means always. Drat.

Eight of Pentacles is also the workers and the workplace. So Emperor and Eight of Pentacles is working for the boss, is a senior worker, is working when you’re old.

Eight of Pentacles and Three of Swords is a busy combination. This pair says: a hostile workplace, hate the job, injured on the job.

Emperor and Three of Swords is all of these: rebel against authority, an ill-tempered boss, hating to be old.

Our general topic is friction involving authority figures, and being old and hard to get along with.




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Emperor Three of Swords Eight of Pentacles

EmperorThree of Swords – Eight of Pentacles

Daddy Emperor does things Eight of Pentacles that hurt others’ feelings Three of Swords.

The head man Emperor is always Eight of Pentacles divisive Three of Swords.

I hate Three of Swords being old Emperor but it keeps going on Eight of Pentacles.

They get Eight of Pentacles mean Three of Swords when they are powerful Emperor.

Warring against Three of Swords authority Emperor is a constant effort Eight of Pentacles.

Sued by Three of Swords the labor Eight of Pentacles department Emperor.

Elderly men Emperor are often Eight of Pentacles hard to get along with Three of Swords.

Competing to be Three of Swords top dog Emperor all the time Eight of Pentacles.

I work with Eight of Pentacles war Three of Swords veterans Emperor.

The boss Emperor at work Eight of Pentacles is snarly Three of Swords.

A veteran Emperor employee Eight of Pentacles is injured Three of Swords on the job Eight of Pentacles.

Daddy Emperor always Eight of Pentacles disliked Three of Swords him.

The top Emperor contender Three of Swords for the job Eight of Pentacles.

I work at Eight of Pentacles being a grownup Emperor, but everything is against it Three of Swords.

Federal governments Emperor are hostile Three of Swords to workers Eight of Pentacles.

I work with Eight of Pentacles a self-important guy Emperor with a chip on his shoulder Three of Swords.

He is so self-controlled Emperor he works off Eight of Pentacles his heartache Three of Swords.

I just hate Three of Swords working for Eight of Pentacles The Man Emperor.

One heartache Three of Swords after another Eight of Pentacles for an old-fashioned man Emperor.

Quit Three of Swords working Eight of Pentacles when you are that old Emperor.

The workers Eight of Pentacles are resisting Three of Swords the boss Emperor.

Always Eight of Pentacles the rebel Three of Swords against authority Emperor.

An important man Emperor is working on Eight of Pentacles a divorce Three of Swords.

A veteran Emperor worker Eight of Pentacles is injured Three of Swords.

Establishing myself Emperor in a hostile work Eight of Pentacles environment Three of Swords.



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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


EmperorThree of Swords

Emperor and Three of Swords

Daddy hurts others’ feelings. The head man is divisive. I hate being old. They are mean when they are powerful. Warring against authority. Sued by the _ Department. Elderly men are hard to get along with. Competing to be top dog. War veterans. The boss is snarly. A veteran is injured. Daddy disliked (him). The top contender.** … being a grownup, but everything is against it. Federal governments are hostile to _. A self-important guy with a chip on his shoulder. He is so self-controlled, he ) his heartache. I just hate _ The Man. … heartache for an old-fashioned man. … working when you are that old. … are resisting the boss. The rebel against authority. An important man … a divorce. A veteran is injured. Establishing myself in a hostile environment.


EmperorEight of Pentacles

Emperor and Eight of Pentacles

Daddy does things. The head man is always _. … being old but it keeps going on. They get _ when they are powerful. … against authority is a constant effort. … by the labor department. Elderly men are often _. … to be top dog all the time. I work with veterans. The boss at work …. A veteran employee …. Daddy always …. The top _ for the job. I work at being a grownup. Federal governments are _ to workers. I work with a self-important guy. He is so self-controlled he works off …. Working for The Man. One _ after another for an old-fashioned man. _ working when you are that old. The workers are _ the boss. Always the authority. An important man is working on …. A veteran worker. Establishing myself in a work environment.


Three of SwordsEight of Pentacles

Three of Swords and Eight of Pentacles

Does things that hurt others’ feelings. _ is always divisive. I hate _ but it keeps going on. … mean when they are powerful. Warring against _ is a constant effort. Sued by the Labor _. _ are often hard to get along with. Competing to be _ all the time. I work with war _. _ at work is snarly. An employee is injured on the job. _ always disliked him. The contender for the job. I work at _ but everything is against it. _ are hostile to workers. I work with a guy with a chip on his shoulder. He works off his heartache. I just hate working for …. One heartache after another. Quit working. The workers are resisting _. Always the rebel. Working on a divorce. A worker is injured. A hostile work environment.***




Tarot Readings for You for August 13-14, 2020, Thursday-Friday©


Ten of Cups   Nine of Cups   Seven of Pentacles
Ten of Cups – Nine of Cups – Seven of Pentacles


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I think getting what I want will make me happy, but am I happy right now with all the things I wanted, I wonder. What if I just go ahead and be content with the life at home that I already have. Do that, and be as happy as you want to be – right?



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


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Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Ten of Cups   Nine of Cups   Seven of Pentacles


Ten of Cups – Nine of Cups – Seven of Pentacles


Tarot Readings : Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups Nine of Cups

Be good and be rich – right?

Make everyone happy if you can.

This is too much house, methinks.

I enjoy being family, now that I think of it.

You have a satisfying marriage, somehow or another.

Got married and had kids because I didn’t know better.

We are content when we are with people like ourselves, aren’t we?

We are content when we are with people like ourselves, aren’t we?

How to make myself happy by making a good life for everybody else is a puzzle.


Tarot Readings : Ten of Cups and Seven of Pentacles
Ten of Cups Seven of Pentacles

Maybe married for money.

Can we all have it our way?

Is this the house you want?

If you’re so happy, why ain’t you rich?

Contemplating celebrating with a feast.

But does the family want to please you?

Doesn’t everybody want the same things?

Asking myself if this is the marriage I want.

I guess a house in the suburbs is my dream life.


Tarot Readings : Nine of Cups and Seven of Pentacles
Nine of Cups Seven of Pentacles

Really? – he wants to marry me?

I guess I’m satisfied with home life.

Why did you want to be happy, now?

I guess all I want is a home and family.

Figuring out you really enjoy being at home.

So will getting what I want make me happy?

Not sure I want to be at the family gathering.

Figuring out I am content to be with people like myself.

He figures he can make himself rich by making everybody else rich.



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Figuring out I am content to be with people like myself and not sure I want to be at the family gathering. He is thinking of making other people prosperous as a way to be content and prosperous himself. We think that just having a home in the suburbs would be a dream.



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Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

The successful family woman. The bunny and the greenery indicate fertility is associated with her, and the serving-platter size gold coin she holds in her lap indicates wealth and money. Put them together, and she is the support of husband and family, the loyal and generous backer of whatever the family endeavors. It extends further than that: She is the caretaker, the Earth Mother. And it may further extend to Queen of Pentacles being the possessive too-loyal member of family and clan, the domestic woman whose relatives can do no wrong.

Ten of Cups, as one of those what-you-see-is-what-you-get Rider Waite Tarot cards, is easy to apply. This is an anchor card: Its meanings are few and dependable. You see mama and papa embracing and the two kids, boy and girl, skipping for joy, and you even see a rainbow over their house in the suburbs on a corner lot. Happily ever after, Ten of Cups says, everyone getting along, being prosperous, being good people, and being married … married with children. The home life, home and family, the family gathering even. The good people, the good life. Happy, celebrating.

In Tarot Verbatim™ the three marriage cards also mean house and real estate, and groups of people or organizations of any size, including neighborhood, city, county, district, state, region, nation, and international. (Four of Wands is the other positive marriage card, and Ten of Pentacles is the negative one (negative unless the other two are already in the spread, in which case it may be promoted).

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups, we love you, you are the one we want to see. And you’re so easy to read, to apply: This is another anchor card of few and reliable interpretations. Nine of Cups is famous (in just about any deck) as Your Wish is Granted. Its most common translate is ‘want.’ It spans having enough, having plenty, and having too much. The picture of the fella who drank it all (the nine empties behind him) assumes he ate it all too, so Nine of Cups is the card for the feast.

But its focus is on the sort of good feeling you have when you ‘have it all.’ Words like these: happy, content, satisfied, enjoy, pleased, content, satisfied, safunsified, dream life, dream-come-true.

Nine of Cups’ shadow side is excess, greed, too much … and this is the card for your fat self.



Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

And here’s our third anchor card. Seven of Pentacles is for when you aren’t sure, you don’t know, you wonder, you ponder, you are puzzled, you think, you figure, you guess, you doubt, you contemplate and speculate. You have done your part – done everything called for in the situation, and you will not know until later whether the result is what you want it to be. (Notice how that ‘want it to be’ echoes Nine of Cups.) Seven of Pentacles will only know whether he has cucumbers when the plant’s blooms set fruit. Watch this card simply translate ‘if’ sometimes. ‘If you can,’ we say today. And phrases like ‘somehow or another.’ And don’t forget ‘maybe,’ one of its favorite words.

Like Page of Cups, Seven of Pentacles can form your sentence into a question, so you find a lot of our one-sentence readings ending in question marks. Sometimes, after a statement, Seven of Pentacles will add the rhetorical ‘aren’t we?’ or ‘doesn’t it?’




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Now Without The Pictures

Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups have so much in common you have to be careful interpreting verbatim a sentence both appear in. Both are happy, content, prosperous, and satisfied. Of course Ten of Cups is more likely to be happy, and Nine of Cups is more likely to be satisfied.

Ten of Cups is about house, marriage, get-togethers, and community (any sort of human group) and Nine of Cups is not. Nine of Cups is about feasting, excess, being satisfied, being pleased and/or wanting to please, getting what you want, enough, gratitude, and having possession or wealth as an individual, as Ten of Cups is not. (Ten of Cups’ prosperity emphasizes the family or other group.) Nine of Cups and Ten of Cups together say ‘I just want to be happy’ and also ‘I am happy with what I have.’ This should help you grasp the distinctions that are the difference in the two of them.

Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups both give you whatever makes you happy. Together they say unequivocally your dream comes true. Ten of Cups is having it all – happily ever after, life in the suburbs as one of the good people (well-off people); Nine of Cups is also having what you want, wanting what you have, or wanting something.

And with all this joy and wealth, wouldn’t you know the remaining card casts doubt! So most of our readings are wondering about what Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups together mean. Most of our sentences are wondering about or guessing, contemplating or asking why, questioning or figuring out, not being sure and thinking about all those things that you enjoy, that make you happy, that satisfy you. ‘Get married to the person you want and live happily ever after’ becomes ‘What if’ and ‘Will I’ do all those things.



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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Ten of Cups   Nine of Cups   Seven of Pentacles

Ten of CupsNine of CupsSeven of Pentacles

Be good Ten of Cups and be rich Nine of Cups – right Seven of Pentacles?

Make Nine of Cups everyone Ten of Cups happy Nine of Cups if you can Seven of Pentacles.

This is too much Nine of Cups house Ten of Cups, methinks Seven of Pentacles.

I enjoy Nine of Cups being family Ten of Cups, now that I think of it Seven of Pentacles.

You have a satisfying Nine of Cups marriage Ten of Cups, somehow or another Seven of Pentacles.

Got married and had kids Ten of Cups because I didn’t know Seven of Pentacles what I wanted Nine of Cups.

We are content when Nine of Cups we are with people like ourselves Ten of Cups, aren’t we Seven of Pentacles?

How to make myself happy Nine of Cups by making a good life for everybody Ten of Cups else is a puzzle Seven of Pentacles.

Maybe Seven of Pentacles married Ten of Cups for money Nine of Cups.

Can Seven of Pentacles we all Ten of Cups have it our way Nine of Cups?

Is this Seven of Pentacles the house Ten of Cups you want Nine of Cups?

If Seven of Pentacles you’re so happy Ten of Cups, why ain’t you rich Nine of Cups?

Contemplating Seven of Pentacles celebrating Ten of Cups with a feast Nine of Cups.

But does Seven of Pentacles the family Ten of Cups want to please you Nine of Cups?

Doesn’t Seven of Pentacles everybody Ten of Cups want Nine of Cups the same things Ten of Cups?

Asking myself if this is Seven of Pentacles the marriage Ten of Cups I want Nine of Cups.

I guess Seven of Pentacles a house in the suburbs Ten of Cups is my dream life Nine of Cups.

Really Seven of Pentacles? – he wants Nine of Cups to marry me Ten of Cups?

I guess Seven of Pentacles I’m satisfied Nine of Cups with home life Ten of Cups.

Why did Seven of Pentacles you want to be Nine of Cups happy Ten of Cups, now?

I guess Seven of Pentacles all I want is Nine of Cups a home and family Ten of Cups.

Figuring out Seven of Pentacles you really enjoy Nine of Cups being at home Ten of Cups.

So will Seven of Pentacles getting what I want Nine of Cups make me happy Ten of Cups?

Not sure Seven of Pentacles I want to be Nine of Cups at the family gathering Ten of Cups.

Figuring out Seven of Pentacles I am content Nine of Cups to be with people like myself Ten of Cups.

He figures Seven of Pentacles he can make himself rich Nine of Cups by making everybody else rich Ten of Cups.



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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Ten of CupsNine of Cups

Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups

Be good and be rich. Make everyone happy. This is too much house. I enjoy being family. You have a satisfying marriage. Got married and had kids I wanted. We are content when we are with people like ourselves. make myself happy and a good life for everybody. married for money. we all have it our way. the house you want. you’re so happy and rich. celebrating with a feast. the family want to please you. everybody wants the same things? the marriage I want. a house in the suburbs is my dream life. he wants to marry me. I’m satisfied with home life. want to be happy. all I want is a home and family. you really enjoy being at home. getting what I want makes me happy. I want to be at the family gathering. I am content to be with people like myself. make himself rich by making everybody else rich.


Ten of CupsSeven of Pentacles

Ten of Cups and Seven of Pentacles

Be good – right? everyone if you can. house, methinks. being family, now that I think of it. marriage, somehow or another. Got married and had kids because I didn’t know. we are with people like ourselves, aren’t we? How to make a good life for everybody else is a puzzle. Maybe married Can we all Is this the house? If you’re so happy, why ain’t… Contemplating celebrating. But does the family? Doesn’t everybody _ the same things? Asking myself if this is the marriage? I guess a house in the suburbs. Really? – marry me? I guess home life. Why are you happy. I guess a home and family. Figuring out being at home. So will _make me happy? Not sure at the family gathering. Figuring out people like myself. He figures he can make everybody else rich.


Nine of CupsSeven of Pentacles

Nine of Cups and Seven of Pentacles

be rich – right? Make _ happy if you can. This is too much, methinks. I enjoy it, now that I think of it. You have a satisfying _, somehow or another. I didn’t know what I wanted. We are content, aren’t we? How to make myself happy by making _ is a puzzle. Maybe for money. Can we have it our way? Is this what you want? If you’re _, why ain’t you rich? Contemplating a feast. But does _ want to please you? Doesn’t _ want _? Asking myself if this is what I want. I guess _ is my dream life. Really? – he wants to _? I guess I’m satisfied. Why did you want to be _? I guess all I want is _.Figuring out you really enjoy …. So will getting what I want __? Not sure I want to be at Figuring out I am content. He figures he can make himself rich.



Tarot Readings for You for August 1-2, 2020 Saturday-Sunday©


Eight of Wands   Wheel of Fortune   Queen of Wands
Eight of Wands – Wheel of Fortune – Queen of Wands


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Sticking close to home, established in your niches, keeping your turf well-oiled and in working order, you consistently have all the good luck in the world. Coincidences favor you. You can afford to be plain when this is who you are.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Eight of Wands   Wheel of Fortune   Queen of Wands


Eight of Wands – Wheel of Fortune – Queen of Wands


Tarot Readings : Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune
Eight of Wands Wheel of Fortune

Good things are happening here at my home.

A lot of wonderful things happen to a sensible woman.

One chance after another to have a home of your own.

Things happen fast when she’s in charge.

One more chance to talk to your mother.

One lucky coincidence after another establishes you in your specialty.

More and more opportunities for her to have a house of her own.


Tarot Readings : Eight of Wands and Queen of Wands
Eight of Wands Queen of Wands

Am getting my house in the best ever order.

You luck out having your own place quickly.

She has the ability to tell what’s really happening.

Being married to someone she can talk to is wonderful.

Language skills are this woman’s best opportunity.

Her wonderful ability to manage the paperwork.

His wife has a lot of wonderful things to say.


Tarot Readings : Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands
Wheel of Fortune Queen of Wands

This woman makes things happen!

Everyone says you’re lucky to have her as your wife.

The most wonderful wife.

She is competent to get things done.

Opportunities for a woman to be a manager.

Everybody says she is a miracle-worker.




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“What do women want?” men ask. Even Father Freud, who knew it all, asked that! Well, women want to talk, dammit! A guy who talks to his woman gets a lot of (even egregious) faults forgiven. Women say he’s a wonderful man. A guy who does everything right but doesn’t talk, is remembered for those sealed lips.




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Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands

You can count on Eight of Wands; it is an anchor card. It has few meanings, and they are ‘old reliables.’ Three main branches hath the Eight of Wands meaning tree:

(1) It makes plurals.

(2) It refers to any communication at all, written or verbal or any data – it even can say ‘writing’ as a verb. It means text or document, and even means ‘texting.’

(3) Eight of Wands means ‘increasingly’ and ‘more and more’ in all sorts of ways. This Tarot card in Tarot Verbatim adds suffixes like ‘-er,’ ‘-iest,’ and ‘-ier.’

Besides these, Eight of Wands often means ‘quickly’ or similar words, and it sometimes refers to movement – as today when it says ‘coming at you.’

Eight of Wands means ‘one after another,’ means ‘over and over again,’ means ‘another’ and means ‘to repeat,’ too.

It makes plurals because there’s one board after another, and that’s also how it means all the ‘increasingly’ or ‘one after the other’ synonyms. The boards are flying through the air fast, so Eight of Wands means quickly. Occasionally it will refer to flying or being airborne.


Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Although its main meaning is destiny and the coincidences of karma, Wheel of Fortune is also luck, miracle, a windfall or jackpot, a chance and taking a chance, a chance or opportunity, ‘wonderful,’ and the best thing that ever happened. This ‘best thing’ can be in retrospect rather than the ‘wish is granted’ you get from Nine of Cups. Wheel of Fortune can simply translate forms of the word ‘happen’ – often.

The Wheel of Fortune illustration looks like a roulette wheel and the iconic animals and angels with books suggest spiritual influences on what happens in what we call ‘the real world,’ the physical reality.




Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands is the sensible woman, the wife and mother, the manager – the married woman and the woman he married. She is able, she is competent; she is skilled. She keeps order in both her personal life and in her surroundings, and she is all about having a place of her own, a niche of her own, a house of her own: She is established.

This is not a glamorous w- oman; this is a no-nonsense dame. No pretenses. She is the main wife card, the housewife too, and that is how King of Wands becomes the main husband card.





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Now Without The Pictures

Things happen for the best at home: That’s the first thing you hear these three cards say. Eight of Wands is your plural-maker for the ‘things.’ The ‘happen for the best’ is Wheel of Fortune of course. And Queen of Wands is at home. Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune also say ‘one lucky coincidence after another,’ with Eight of Wands being ‘one after another’ and Wheel of Fortune being, as usual, the lucky coincidence. Wheel of Fortune is also opportunity, and Eight of Wands can simply make it say ‘opportunities,’ adding the plural and disappearing.

Queen of Wands is the practical and pragmatic dame with her head screwed on straight, and she will keep you and yours straight too because she is the manager. Put Wheel of Fortune next to her like we have here, and she is a miracle-worker.

When she is in charge, things happen fast too – because Wheel of Fortune is ‘happen’ and Eight of Wands is ‘fast.’ Happen fast, that’s a common phrase for us to remember here.

Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands say ‘lucky woman,’ so they also say ‘lucky to have that wife or woman.’

Eight of Wands is talk, so you talk to your mother when Queen of Wands joins Eight of Wands – or your wife, or the manager. Wheel of Fortune says you are lucky to. Wheel of Fortune can make Eight of Wands ‘wonderful things to say,’ with Wheel of Fortune being wonderful, and Eight of Wands being both the ‘things’ and the ‘to say.’ (You can double up on meanings like this if it makes a nice natural statement.)

Queen of Wands is ‘home,’ so Wheel of Fortune brings the idea of luck to house or home, so ‘a chance to have a home of your own.’

Eight of Wands has another easily overlooked talent: It can add the gerund form, the ‘-ing’ form to indicate a continuing process (like Two of Pentacles does). So it turns Queen of Wands having her house in order to ‘getting her house in order.’

Eight of Wands can be paperwork (the writing, the documents, etc.), and Queen of Wands is the woman with the ability to manage, so you have ‘Her wonderful ability to manage the paperwork. Queen of Wands is the ‘her ability’ and the ‘manage’ here. Eight of Wands is the paperwork. And naturally, Wheel of Fortune is ‘wonderful’ again.

So today we have stories.




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Eight of Wands   Wheel of Fortune   Queen of Wands

Eight of Wands – Wheel of FortuneQueen of Wands

Good things are happening Eight of Wands and WHEEL OF Fortune here at my home Queen of Wands.

A lot of wonderful things happen Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune to a sensible woman Queen of Wands.

One chance after another to Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune have a home of your own Queen of Wands.

Things happen fast Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune when she’s in charge Queen of Wands.

One more chance to Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune talk to Eight of Wands your mother Queen of Wands.

One lucky coincidence after another Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune establishes you in your specialty Queen of Wands.

More and more opportunities for Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune her to have a house of her own Queen of Wands.

Am getting Eight of Wands my house in the best ever Wheel of Fortune order Queen of Wands.

You luck out Wheel of Fortune having your own place Queen of Wands quickly Eight of Wands.

She has the ability Queen of Wands to tell Eight of Wands what’s really happening Wheel of Fortune.

Being married to Queen of Wands someone she can talk to Eight of Wands is wonderful Wheel of Fortune.

Language Eight of Wands skills are this woman’s Queen of Wands best opportunity Wheel of Fortune.

Her wonderful Wheel of Fortune ability to manage Queen of Wands the paperwork Eight of Wands.

His wife Queen of Wands has a lot of Eight of Wands wonderful things to say Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune.

This woman Queen of Wands makes things happen Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune!

Everyone says Eight of Wands you’re lucky Wheel of Fortune to have her as your wife Queen of Wands.

The most Eight of Wands wonderful Wheel of Fortune wife Queen of Wands.

She is competent to Queen of Wands get things done Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune.

Opportunities Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune for a woman to be a manager Queen of Wands.

Everybody says Eight of Wands she is a miracle-worker Queen of Wands and Wheel of Fortune.



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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Eight of WandsWheel of Fortune

Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune

Good things are happening. A lot of wonderful things happen. One chance after another. Things happen fast. One more chance to talk. One lucky coincidence after another. More and more opportunities. Am getting in the best ever order. You luck out quickly. Tell what’s really happening. Someone to talk to is wonderful. Language is the best opportunity. Wonderful ability to _ paperwork. A lot of wonderful things to say. Makes things happen. Everyone says you’re lucky. The most wonderful. Get things done. Opportunities. Everybody says … a miracle-worker.


Eight of WandsQueen of Wands

Eight of Wands and Queen of Wands

Things at my home. A lot of sensible women. A lot of things a sensible woman …. One after another home of your own. Things _ fast when she’s in charge. K to your mother. One _ after another establishes you in your specialty. More and more _ for her to have a home of her own. Am getting my house in order.*** Having your own place quickly. She has the ability to tell. Being married to someone she can talk to. Language skills are this woman’s …. Her ability to manage the paperwork. His wife has a lot of things to say. This woman … things …. Everyone says … to have her as your wife. The most _ wife. She is competent to _ things. Everybody says she is a worker.


Wheel of FortuneQueen of Wands

Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands

Good thing happens at my home. Happens to a sensible woman. Chance to have a home of your own. Happens when she’s in charge. Chance to _ your mother. Coincidence establishes you in your specialty. Opportunity for her to have a house of her own. My house is in the best order ever. You luck out having your own place. She has the ability to _ what’s happening. Being married to _ is wonderful. Being married to her is wonderful. Her being married to him is wonderful. _ skills are this woman’s best opportunity. Her wonderful ability. His wife has a wonderful …. This woman makes things happen.*** You’re lucky to have her as your wife. Wonderful wife. She is competent to get it done. Opportunity for a woman to be a manager. She is a miracle worker.




Tarot Readings for You for July 20-21, 2020 Monday-Tuesday©

  Knight of Swords  
Hierophant – Knight of Swords – Page of Cups
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 Here I thought I was sane, and now I’ve gone and changed my mind again. I thought things were perfectly okay one minute, and the next minute I wasn’t so sure. For me, the pursuit of what is real is quite the quest. I thought I was mainstream until these things happened. The culture doesn’t make sense to me anymore – the Establishment has turned silly. Whether to stay the same or change everything again …. Is it safe to come out now?


Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread

You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately

AND you know a system that works because

you have had a few Tarot Email Training emails from Emily

You Are on Your Way


Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) our subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times. The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!

Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”

  Knight of Swords  


Hierophant – Knight of Swords – Page of Cups


Tarot Readings : Hierophant and Knight of Swords
Knight of Swords

Switching from very normal to very odd.

Suddenly I’m all right – what happened?

I am changing things for the better, I think.

It’s perfectly normal to suddenly get stupid.

Suddenly the Establishment has turned silly.

I’m going to be good from now on … maybe.

The pursuit of what is real is quite the quest.

I have enough all of a sudden, how about that?

We are closing in on the way it ought to be, I think.

I can change my mindset on a dime – at least, I think so.


Tarot Readings : Hierophant and Page of Cups

Gay or straight, I dunno.

I think I’m okay for a change.

Is it safe to come out right now?

Am behaving myself for a change.

Can anything be harmless that acts that fast?

The culture doesn’t make sense to me anymore.

Whether to stay the same or change everything.

I thought I was mainstream until things happened.

Here I thought I was sane, and now I’ve gone and changed my mind again.


Tarot Readings : Knight of Swords and Page of Cups
Knight of Swords

Get out of that silly religion.

Should I change my religion?

Shall I go back to being normal?

I no longer question the status quo.

I imagine I’ve got back my reputation.

How fast can I get away from this mindset?

I dunno, that’s not the way it’s usually done.

Whether to leave or leave things as they are.

All of a sudden, a funny feeling … and he commits.

I seem to have broken away from the way things are supposed to be.

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Normal isn’t what it used to be. Normal is weird now, and I wonder about that. Can anything be normal that reversed itself that fast? Should I bug out now, or are we closing in on the way things ought to be? Are you okay, or are you on your way out? So I no longer question the status quo, and I get my reputation back … I think.
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Hierophant has a long list of words to his name but if you think of conventional behavior, the norm, surface appearances, then the fitting phrase will come to you in your Tarot interpretations. The moral theme you would expect of the pope plus the idea of daily physical routines cover most of Hierophant’s territory.  (Google ‘Hierophant Tarot Verbatim’ if you are looking for an exhaustive report on Hierophant representing ‘face,’ the tacit understanding we all operate with in social life, and that includes organizations. Tarot Email Training has it all.)

So Hierophant means normal; means the status quo, the usual, the mainstream perspective. Hierophant means: all right, okay, sane, harmless, safe, reputation, what is real, and having enough.

Hierophant also represents culture, religion, the Establishment, mindsets. And naturally Hierophant is all about behaving, being good, being straight, the way it ought to be, the way things are supposed to be.

Hierophant is very much in the real mundane routine physical world; it can translate ‘physical.’ This arises from the ‘real physical world’ of the everyday routine you see the pope and associates doing.

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Today we bring out Knight of Swords switchy-changey meanings, as he appears between the thoroughly conventional Hierophant and the weirdness of Page of Cups. Knight of Swords ‘ran off in all directions’ as Don Quixote did.

Look for this Knight to mean quick and fast movements in any direction: He pursues, he leaves, he switches, he goes back and forth, he makes a U-turn; he gets away from, and he gets back to.

Knight of Swords is one of the Tarot cards that will say ‘not anymore,’ ‘no longer,’ and negative phrases like today’s ‘that’s not the way.’ Once in a while this Knight will translate time-phrases like ‘from now on’ and ‘until.’



Page of Cups

A guy dressed in women’s clothes who carries a fish around in a cup.  He has a blank expression, and his hand on his hip the way a woman would.  Page of Cups has a few applications, all related to this silly scene.

Think of Page of Cups as a ‘duh’ card. It appears for ‘it doesn’t make sense.’ It means: I think; I don’t know; I imagine, I seem to. It translates ‘very odd,’ ‘ridiculous,’ ‘silly’ frequently.  It translates ‘maybe’ and ‘whether.’  It’s all about doubt.

Page of Cups appearing as the first Self card in Celtic Cross has some special meanings. One is to alert the reader to: This reading doesn’t make sense but is true or factual. Another is to alert the reader something is wrong with the question but it’s being answered anyway. Often there is an assumption in the question that isn’t factual or well-based.

Page of Cups translates ‘question’ either as a verb or a noun. It may advise ‘Ask questions.’   For example, Page of Cups with Emperor or another authority card says ‘Question Authority’ or ‘Ask by what authority.’   Page of Cups also instructs the reader to put the material in the form of a question.

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Now Without The Pictures

I could spend days writing sentences for these three, they interact so intensely, but the sentences are mostly in the same humorous vein of ‘I wonder where sanity went so fast?’ and ‘Normal is weird all of a sudden.’

This spread invites witticisms: Make some of your own! Hierophant is conforming to accepted behavior, and is ‘within normal limits.’ Hierophant is the Establishment and the official narrative. Page of Cups is weird and is the weirdo, and it famously asks questions, and questions what is. Hierophant is a mindset, and Page of Cups is doubt. It’s the function of Knight of Swords that provides the action and the lively humor in today’s session, though.

Knight of Swords is moving fast, and is switching from one thing to another, headed in the opposite direction. So on one hand we have the conformist, and on the other we have the maverick, the doubter, the silly-boy, the odd man out … the weirdo. And in between, we go from one to the other.

There’s even a contrast between straight, Hierophant, and gay or bisexual, Page of Cups, with Knight of Swords switching. Another contrast in our spread today is: Hierophant is safe and safety, and Knight of Swords can be an emergency. When Page of Cups turns this contrast into a question, we are asking “Am I safe, or should I make a run for it – stay where I’m used to, or bug out?

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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


  Knight of Swords  


HierophantKnight of SwordsPage of Cups

It’s perfectly normal Hierophant to suddenly Knight of Swords get stupid Page of Cups.

Suddenly Knight of Swords the Establishment Hierophant has turned silly Page of Cups.

I’m going to Knight of Swords be good from now on Hierophant … maybe Page of Cups.

The pursuit of Knight of Swords what is real Hierophant is quite the quest Page of Cups.

I have enough Hierophant all of a sudden Knight of Swords, how about that Page of Cups?

We are closing in on Knight of Swords the way it ought to be Hierophant, I think Page of Cups.

I can change Knight of Swords my mindset Hierophant on a dime Knight of Swords – at least, I think so Page of Cups.

Gay Page of Cups or straight Knight of Swords/Hierophant , I dunno Page of Cups. I think Page of Cups. 

I’m okay Hierophant for a change Knight of Swords. Is it Page of Cups safe Hierophant  to come out right now Knight of Swords?

Am behaving Hierophant my wayward self Page of Cups for a change Knight of Swords.

Can anything Page of Cups be harmless Hierophant that acts that fast Knight of Swords?

The culture Hierophant doesn’t make sense Page of Cups to me anymore Knight of Swords.

Whether to Page of Cups stay the same Hierophant or change everything Knight of Swords.

I thought Page of Cups I was mainstream Hierophant until things happened Knight of Swords.

Here I thought Page of Cups I was sane Hierophant, and now I’ve gone and changed my mind again Knight of Swords.

Get out of Knight of Swords that silly Page of Cups religion Hierophant.

Should I Page of Cups change Knight of Swords my religion Hierophant?

Shall I Page of Cups go back to Knight of Swords being normal Hierophant?

I no longer Knight of Swords question Page of Cups the status quo Hierophant.

I imagine Page of Cups I’ve got back Knight of Swords my reputation Hierophant.

How fast can I Page of Cups get away from Knight of Swords this mindset  Hierophant?

I dunno, Page of Cups that’s not the way Knight of Swords it’s usually done Hierophant .

Whether to Page of Cups leave or leave Knight of Swords things as they are Hierophant.

All of a sudden, Knight of Swords a funny feeling Page of Cups … and he commits Hierophant.

I seem to Page of Cups have broken away from Knight of Swords the way things are supposed to be Hierophant .

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Knight of Swords

Hierophant and Knight of Swords

Switching from very normal to _. Suddenly I’m all right. I am changing things for the better. It’s perfectly normal to suddenly get _. Suddenly the Establishment _. I’m going to be good from now on. The pursuit of what is real. I have enough all of a sudden. We are closing in on the way it ought to be. I can change my mindset on a dime. or straight …. I’m okay for a change. safe to come out right now? Am behaving myself for a change. be harmless that acts that fast? The culture … anymore. stay the same _change everything. mainstream until things happened. I was sane, and now I’ve gone and changed again. Get out of that religion. change my religion? go back to being normal? I no longer _ the status quo. I’ve got back my reputation. get away from this mindset? that’s not the way it’s usually done. to leave _ leave things as they are. all of a sudden, he commits. broken away from the way things are supposed to be.


Hierophant and Page of Cups

very normal _ very odd. I’m all right – what happened? for the better, I think. It’s perfectly normal … stupid. the Establishment has turned silly. I’m going to be good … maybe. what is real is quite the quest. I have enough, how about that? the way it ought to be, I think. my mindset – at least, I think so. Gay _straight, I dunno. I think I’m okay. Is it safe? Am behaving my wayward self. Can anything be harmless? The culture doesn’t make sense to me. Whether to stay the same or …. I thought I was mainstream. Here I thought I was sane, and my mind. silly religion. Should I _religion? Shall I be normal? question the status quo. I imagine my reputation. How fast can I _this mindset? I dunno, … it’s usually done. Whether _ or leave things as they are. a funny feeling … and he commits. I seem to have … the way things are supposed to be.


Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords and Page of Cups

Switching from _ to very odd. Suddenly – what happened? I am changing things, I think. to suddenly get stupid. Suddenly has turned silly. from now on … maybe. The pursuit is quite the quest. all of a sudden, how about that? We are closing in, I think. I can change on a dime – at least, I think so. Gay or _, I dunno. I think for a change. Is it _ to come out right now? wayward self for a change. Can anything act that fast? doesn’t make sense to me anymore. Whether to _ or change everything. I thought I was, until things happened. Here I thought … , and now I’ve gone and changed my mind again. Get out of that silly _. Should I change my _? Shall I go back to _? I no longer question. I imagine I’ve got back. How fast can I get away? I dunno, that’s not the way. Whether to leave or …. All of a sudden, a funny feeling. I seem to have broken away from.

Tarot Readings for You for July 18-19, 2020 Saturday-Sunday©

Three of Cups
Fool – Two of Pentacles – Three of Cups
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Today we are getting silly. Today is a day for levity. We’ve got some people we enjoy the company of, who we share the way of life of, so we aren’t careful about what we say or do. Celebrating for no particular reason again, we raise our glasses for the sake of raising our glasses. After that it’s good-night on a full soul.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
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Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) our subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


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Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


    Three of Cups


Fool – Two of Pentacles – Three of Cups


Tarot Readings : Fool and Two of Pentacles

Be an optimist so you continually enjoy life.

A new phase in the cycle of our life together.

Somehow my mind just isn’t on enjoying life.

Sometimes you just forget and it’s party time.

I don’t care what’s going on; I’m happy with you.

It doesn’t matter what you went through, life is good now.

He doesn’t care one way or the other who your friends are.


Tarot Readings : Fool and Three of Cups
Three of Cups

Let the good times roll.

The wine makes me forget every time.

It’s all good, you may as well let it go on.

Let’s celebrate and forget our ups and downs.

Being with my buddies clears my mind every time.

These investors don’t worry about the ups and downs.

When I was young, it was one fun get-together with friends after another.


Tarot Readings : Two of Pentacles and Three of Cups
Three of Cups

As long as it’s just between us friends, who cares?

All of us get together occasionally and let our hair down.

Got tipsy drinking with friends and don’t remember a thing.

Hanging out with likeminded people who keep an open mind.

One of those people that, every time, it just doesn’t get through to.

Some of my best friends somehow don’t have a worry in the world.

We share with each other all the time without even thinking about it.


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Wine and good company make you forget and feel good every time. Hanging out with likeminded people who keep an open mind, you don’t have a worry in the world. It doesn’t matter what you went through and there’s no cause to remember it anyway. When you’re happy inside, you don’t much care what is going on outside.
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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




On a nice day the kid picks a flower and ditty-bops out on a hike in the mountains, without provisions – he and his pet pup. He isn’t looking where he is going, skipping mindlessly to the edge of a precipice. Fool is the zero: That is what holds most of its many seemingly unrelated meanings together. Starting out. New phase. Youth. Heedless – ‘never mind.’ Don’t worry. Let it be. Doesn’t care or ‘Who cares?’ Doesn’t get through to him. Optimist. Open mind or clears the mind.





Two of Pentacles

The juggler who dances while juggling is all about timing, of course, as well as about ups and downs, back and forth, and movements. He is also about continuing, one thing after another, and situations in process or in progress.

On the other hand, behind him waves toss ships crazily, which echoes the ‘ups and downs’ and brings instability-based phrases like, today, ‘tipsy.’





Three of Cups

Three of Cups

They got together and grew those pumpkins, paid for the supplies, harvested them, and split the money so fairly they are all celebrating together, happy with one another as friends, and sharing the profit. Three of Cups doesn’t have a ‘bad’ bone in its body. It’s party time, we are drinking with friends and feeling good.







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Now Without The Pictures

Well, here we are again with two similar cards, and an unrelated one in between. Today they are all upbeat lighthearted cards. It takes more time to get some good sentences from Tarot when your cards are all in the same groove. You noted how repetitious the one-sentence readings are?

Fool and Three of Cups are in the same groove. they make phrases like: be an optimist – enjoy life; a new phase of our life together; we just forget – it’s party time; I don’t care, I’m happy with you; it doesn’t matter, life is good now; he doesn’t care who your friends are; wine makes you forget; it’s all good, you may as well, celebrate and forget; being with buddies clears my head; investors who don’t worry; young and having fun get-togethers with friends.

Two of Pentacles just peppers these sentiments with time phrases like: continually; in the cycle; sometimes; what’s going on; every time. And Two of Pentacles adds other phrases that are also throw-away like: somehow; what’s going on; what you went through; one way or the other; let it go on, ups and downs; one after another.

That’s our story today, and Tarot is sticking to it: Let the world turn without you today and tonight.

Fool and Two of Pentacles say ‘keep forgetting.’ That is the only useful memorable translate for those two today; the others are throwaways.


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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


    Three of Cups


FoolTwo of PentaclesThree of Cups

Be an optimist Fool so you continually Two of Pentacles enjoy life Three of Cups.

A new phase Fool in the cycle Two of Pentacles  of our life together Three of Cups.

Somehow Two of Pentacles my mind just isn’t on Fool enjoying life Three of Cups.

Sometimes Two of Pentacles you just forget Fool and it’s party time Three of Cups.

I don’t care Fool what’s going on Two of Pentacles; I’m happy with you Three of Cups.

It doesn’t matter Fool what you went through Two of Pentacles, life is good now Three of Cups.

He doesn’t care Fool one way or the other Two of Pentacles who your friends are Three of Cups.

Let Fool the good times Three of Cups roll Two of Pentacles.

The wine Three of Cups makes me forget Fool every time Two of Pentacles.

It’s all good Three of Cups, you may as well Fool let it go on Two of Pentacles.

Let’s celebrate Three of Cups and forget Fool our ups and downs Two of Pentacles.

Being with my buddies Three of Cups clears my mind Fool every time Two of Pentacles.

These investors Three of Cups don’t worry about Fool the ups and downs Two of Pentacles.

When I was young Fool, it was one Two of Pentacles fun get-together with friends Three of Cups  after another Two of Pentacles.

As long as Two of Pentacles it’s just between us friends Three of Cups, who cares Fool?

All of us get together Three of Cups occasionally Two of Pentacles and let our hair down Fool.

Got tipsy Two of Pentacles drinking with friends Three of Cups and don’t remember a thing Fool.

Hanging out with like-minded people Three of Cups who keep Two of Pentacles an open mind Fool.

One of those people that Three of Cups, every time Two of Pentacles, it just doesn’t get through to Fool.

Some of my best friends Three of Cups somehow Two of Pentacles don’t have a worry in the world Fool.

We share with each other Three of Cups all the time Two of Pentacles without even thinking about it Fool.

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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Fool and Two of Pentacles

Be an optimist so you continually_ A new phase in the cycle. Somehow my mind just isn’t on _. Sometimes you just forget. I don’t care what’s going on. It doesn’t matter what you went through. He doesn’t care one way or the other. Let _ roll. makes me forget every time. you may as well let it go on. forget our ups and downs. clears my mind every time. don’t worry about the ups and downs. When I was young, it was one after another. As long as _, who cares? occasionally let our hair down. Got tipsy and don’t remember a thing. keep an open mind. every time, it just doesn’t get through. somehow don’t have a worry in the world. all the time without even thinking about it.


Three of Cups

Fool and Three of Cups

Be an optimist – enjoy life. A new phase of our life together. my mind just isn’t on enjoying life. you just forget and it’s party time. I don’t care; I’m happy with you. It doesn’t matter, life is good now. He doesn’t care who your friends are. Let the good times _. The wine makes me forget. It’s all good, you may as well. Let’s celebrate and forget. Being with my buddies clears my mind. These investors don’t worry. When I was young, it was fun get-togethers with friends. it’s just between us friends, who cares? All of us get together and let our hair down. drinking with friends and don’t remember a thing. Hanging out with likeminded people who have an open mind. One of those people that it just doesn’t get through to. Some of my best friends don’t have a worry in the world. We share with each other without even thinking about it.


Three of Cups

Two of Pentacles and Three of Cups

you continually enjoy life. in the cycle of our life together. Somehow enjoying life. Sometimes it’s party time. what’s going on; I’m happy with you. what you went through, life is good now. one way or the other who your friends are. the good times roll. The wine _ every time. It’s all good, let it go on. Let’s celebrate our ups and downs. Being with my buddies every time. These investors _ the ups and downs. it was one fun get-together with friends after another. As long as it’s just between us friends _. All of us get together occasionally. Got tipsy drinking with friends. Hanging out with likeminded people who keep _. One of those people that, every time,_. Some of my best friends somehow _. We share with each other all the time.


