Four Card Spreads, Guidance, Tarot Verbatim
Today is another celebration of ‘All’s well,’ of people who are together on things, people who are happy and united, people who are doing all the right things. We are one big happy family, and the women of the family are right. Here’s a celebration that the judge agrees, in writing, that we are the good guys. Women’s rights are mentioned too.
Three of Cups
Eight of Wands – Justice – Ten of Cups
3 Tarot Readings: Everybody is Together, United, on This (Ten of Cups and Three of Cups)
Things are more and more the way they should be, we are all happy and having good times together.
More and more people are getting together and and getting along with one another as they should.
We are all one big happy family, happy that everything is as it should be.
We have every right to be happy in every way because we are the happy people.
Everybody is together that all these things are right.
Said the right things to unite everybody to join in.
All of us are talking about how happy we are that things are the way they should be.
The right words get people together as one.
We say all the right things so the women of the family are happy.
It’s only right that all the women of the family are happy with us.
Tarot Readings: The Women of the Family (Ten of Cups and Three of Cups)
The girls of this family are all sane ones.
The women of the family are right in everything they say.
Everybody says they agree on women’s rights.
Say the correct things so all the women are happy.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
The judge put it in writing that he agrees with us, that we are the good guys.
My writing makes people feel like celebrating; it is right for everybody.
We tied the knot (got legally married), and we are having parties.
This is a respectable neighborhood, all of us know one another well.
Same as yesterday, we have all four ‘happy’ cards. Two of them mean happy. Ten of Cups is a happy family, happy bunch of people, neighborhood, the respectable people (almost ‘the moral majority’ type thing). Three of Cups is sharing the good times, partying, and refers especially to women who get together, celebrate, party, have good times with (anyone), pool their efforts and resources or unite with one another. These two are similar cards in Rider Waite and in Tarot Verbatim(TM).
Eight of Wands is more and more, speaking, ‘all’ of something, writing or written documents (even texting). It also means quickly, but not today.
Justice means right, entitled or rights to – judges, lawyers, police and all courtroom personnel or even regulatory agencies and their people – and ‘should.’ Lots of ‘shoulds’ as a rule. Well, it means ‘rules’ too, but not today.
Today is another celebration of ‘All’s well,’ of people who are together on things, people who are happy and united, people who are doing all the right things. We are one big happy family, and the women of the family are right. Here’s a celebration that the judge agrees, in writing, that we are the good guys. Women’s rights are mentioned too.
Eight of Wands is more and more, speaking, ‘all’ of something, writing or written documents (even texting). It also means quickly, but not today. The illustration is not very helpful: Limbs flying in the air, making a pattern that looks like lines of text. They were released very quickly or they would not be one above another. I could think of better illustrations for the idea this Rider Waite Tarot card expresses consistently in Tarot Verbatim(TM)
Justice means right, entitled or rights to – judges, lawyers, police and all courtroom personnel or even regulatory agencies and their people – and ‘should.’ Lots of ‘shoulds’ as a rule. Well, it means ‘rules’ too, but not today. This is a beautiful card, would love to have it in stained glass. The red-robed figure has the sword of execution of the law in one hand, and the scales of justice in another. Very upright posture, huh?
Ten of Cups is a happy family, happy bunch of people, neighborhood, the respectable people (almost ‘the moral majority’ type thing). Mama and papa, with their boy and girl, all so happy together; rainbow over the house on the golf course. (Where’s the dog?) It is about people united as a group in a happy way. Neighborhood watch type thing.
Three of Cups is sharing the good times, partying, and refers especially to women who get together, celebrate, party, have good times with (anyone), pool their efforts and resources or unite with one another. The sisterhood. Three women celebrate sharing the profit of pooling their labor and money, still friends after the distribution.
Our Daily Spread
Guidance Our study today is being a private and competent person, shutting disruptive elements out of your life, and having it your way. This is more easily done than we at first think: It’s a matter of paying attention and not responding to what will morph into disruption. Having successfully done this, a person is freer to be very competent at something, because there are much fewer obstructions to progress.
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Full instructions are at the bottom.
Guidance and the Tarot Readings are for you if you just want your daily look ahead. “Guidance” is the summary, followed by your word for word Tarot Readings from the four Rider Waite Tarot cards you see pictured here. Pick the sentences that you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them. Sentences contradict one another because negative cards, in this group reading with no question, can attach to any of the other three cards.
Want more? – keep going to Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
Want even more? – call Emily at 800 993-6912 to get yourself a detailed accurate live Tarot Reading, no information from you, or choose an email reading. There’s a tab for that on this page. You support 500 acres of animal sanctuary in the wilderness where Emily lives.
The Community of Users in the Comment section, which is the very last thing, would *love*to hear from you.
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Eight of Wands – Nine of Pentacles – Ten of Cups
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose what applies to you.]
Tarot Readings: The success (Nine of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Content in Life (Nine of Pentacles + Ten of Cups)
Tarot Readings: The Loner (Nine of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: The success (Nine of Pentacles)
She stands apart from the crowd in every way.
She makes money at home and has none of these problems to deal with.
People talk about her, that no one else is in her niche.
She is doing well in business and doing well in her home life, has none of the usual problems.
Her contented single life segues into a happy trouble-free married life.
Tarot Readings: Content in Life (Nine of Pentacles + Ten of Cups)
He tells her when she is single that she will not have any trouble and be in a happy marriage with him.
When you’re an independent woman in a good marriage, you are indifferent to what people say.
She doesn’t have all these problems, she just runs their house.
Her house is in a good and safe neighborhood, she doesn’t worry about any of those things.
She is unfazed when he tells the woman he married she has a gorgeous body.
She is in a committed relationship with him without having to even talk to him.
Everyone is her circle is happy all by themselves, they are all competent and private people.
She has no problems at home, she is more and more established in her own place.
Happy to have people around, and even more content to be alone.
Tarot Readings: The Loner (Nine of Pentacles)
She blocks out what everybody says and lives the way she pleases.
She does not acknowledge her family, is more and more independent of them.
The cooler she is, the more calls she receives. Being unavailable makes for happily ever after.
She minds her own business and is uninvolved in all the things most people get together about.
Her spouse isn’t around the house, she feels more and more single.
She owns the properties as a single woman; there is no joinly owned property.
Private telephone calls to this house are blocked.
She is not one of those people; she does not even talk to them.
She does not take telephone calls; she does not allow people in her house.
I am more and more detached, I keep people out of my hair.
She keeps to herself because people whould talk if she were one of them.
A private talk the public is excluded from.
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Eight of Wands – Nine of Pentacles – Ten of Cups
World and Nine of Pentacles are similar women. No way do these cards stand for men. Both are: private, successful, competent, knowledgeable, unavailable, superior. Both shut people out but are not engendering resentment doing so.
The distinction between them is Nine of Pentacles is a businesswoman a lot of the time, and World tends to be esoteric. Also, World can be a shapely dame. Nine of Pentacles has too much dignity for anyone to think of her that way.
Both Eight of Wands and Ten of Cups suggest people together. That is the main meaning of Ten of Cups – happy marriage, happily-ever-after, happy people, prosperity (Nine of Pentacles is prosperity too) and ‘everybody’ like a happy reunion scene.
Eight of Wands is talk, communication of any kind. It means ‘many’ and makes a nearby card mean a plural word. It is also about ‘quickly’ and ‘one thing after another, sequentially.
Nine of Pentacles is a single woman; Ten of Cups is married.
Life stories again today. Not a lot of variety: The women are happy, content, and doing well. (I’ll drink to that.)
Nine of Pentacles does well for herself and is a private, successful, competent, knowledgeable, unavailable, superior woman. She does not let people in the door of her life, has a gift for that. Tends to be a businesswoman, tends to be a single woman. She is often well-off financially, but not necessarily so: She is comfortable in her circumstances and ‘don’t need nobody.’
Eight of Wands One of the simple Rider Waite Tarot cards in Tarot Verbatim(TM), Eight of Wands is about talk, communication of any kind. The sticks flying through the air bring on any word that means rapid, as in ‘rapid succession.’ It means ‘many’ and makes a nearby card mean a plural word.
Ten of Cups Everybody has plenty, is happy, and gets along with everybody in a community way. Happy marriage, good family. Life in the suburban gold course gated community or its equivalent. Reunion of close family or friends type feeling.
World can be a complex card in Tarot Verbatim (TM), but today she is a person who is private, successful, competent, knowledgeable, unavailable, superior. She excludes undesirable anythings from her sphere by such an act of will that she is simply invisible to them.
World tends to be esoteric. Also, World can be a shapely dame.
Did you come here just for your predictions? –
If so, you are done when you finish reading the sentences of Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading.
Each Tarot sentence is a literal-interpretation reading of the scenes pictured on the four cards you see. Only what each of the cards says – phrase by phrase – no fillers – no psychic ability used. The readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. Tarot, all by itself, talks to you. This is a demonstration of that .
Tarot will address any group flexibly, as it does here of ‘all the visitors.’ (It can address ‘all the people at work who have a say in my raise,’ for instance, without you knowing who or where those people are.)
Horoscopes are group readings too.
Astrology has to be based on someone else’s birth data, though, so it does not solidly apply to you just because of where the sun was when you were born. (Astrologers know this.)
Emily wants to know whether these sentences are more accurate for regular visitors than for people who have come only a few times. Would you help with a comment, if that is who you are? Please?
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that means ‘no, never or not.’ That negative modifier can apply to any one of the cards.
Without a question also the pronouns (you, him, her, me, us, them, they, etc.) in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. Notice how, as much as possible, we drop pronouns, which makes for some awkward phrasing.
The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information! In a ‘real’ reading, the parties are identified (including the gender of the questioner!), and so is the time frame if there is one. In this group reading, we cannot do that, so we have variety.
INSTRUCTIONS & Explanations (Comments are below this.)
Do you want To know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing. This tells the thinking regarding the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. This is the meaning of each separate card. This is how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works. Regular visitors actually learn to read Tarot without trying. The Tarot Talks tab has some examples for students.
P. S. Call Emily for your personal live reading at 800 99 3 6 9 12 (from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day). Emily analyzes relationships in business situations and personal situations accurately from *Tarot, *intuitive, and *practical perspectives. She tells you what is happening and what to do about it to make it happen best. (Testimonials about this are on the web site and here under its Tab, and in Comments.)
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