Tarot Readings for you for September 2-3, 2020 Wednesday-Thursday©




Five of Cups   Judgement   Hanged Man
Five of Cups – Judgment – Hanged Man


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Hindsight makes foresight. Everywhere, failures inspire changes. Would we wake up without those wake-up calls, ya think? Re-living scenes gives us insights we would not have without the past to review. Retrospect sometimes reveals that a blunder was brilliant. Having a nose for the next move so you are one … or more than one … step ahead: Some of us are born with that … like migrating birds have a compass in their beaks.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


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Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Five of Cups   Judgement   Hanged Man


Five of Cups – Judgment – Hanged Man


Tarot Readings : Inspired Awakening Judgment and Hanged Man
Judgement Hanged Man

An inspiration gets me up from the doldrums (of regret, grief, hurt feelings).

A realization gives me new life, and I can only be sorry for my past.

Just when you feel you are losing, you get some inspiration from your angel.

I thought that was a bad thing, but have changed my mind about that.

Knowing what I know now, I am over my funk.

A re-interpretation about a past scene hits you.

Inspired rush of feeling about recovering from drinking.

I get it – aha! – and am re-doing my past.

Failures inspire changes.

Snaps out of feeling down and is mentally alive again.

A really sorry past is the reason you have a new level of insight now.


Tarot Readings : The Past is a Wake-up Call Five of Cups and Hanged Man
Five of Cups Hanged Man

I’ve got this urge not to be broke anymore.

Sudden flashback of what could have been.

Depression is your impetus to change.

I can only wish I had understood my epiphany.

An intense wake-up call about the drinking.

Something someone says about regret rings a bell with you.

An idea occurs to you about how to recover from a loss.


Tarot Readings : Intense Feeling of Loss Five of Cups and Hanged Man
Five of Cups Hanged Man

Intense grief strikes suddenly.

I awoke to an intense feeling of loss.

Suddenly – eureka! – I see what I have lost.

Suddenly I realize I was wrong, and I’m ashamed.

Back then, intuition told you the loss would happen.




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Re-framing the past: We do it all the time -make new pasts – without even being aware of it. A past event is re-interpreted as other things happen, and the biography moves over to a new genre. Try this: Mentally write your biography, ending the book at different places. If you end it in one place, the perspective on some scenes within shifts drastically. A book is framed by where it ends, and our minds follow the same process as we live along. In the same way, we ardently wish we had … or had not … met someone, done something, adopted some attitude, or not adopted it, thinking ‘if only.’ We also walk around with some ‘Thank God I didn’ts.’ That is what our soliloquy is about today: the past as foundational.




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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Five of Cups shows a black robed figure, head bent, contemplating the waste of the wine spilled upon the ground, its back turned to the cups that are still full. Clearly, this is about mourning past losses, about grief. It’s about alcoholism because of the melancholy and the spilt liquor. It’s about depression and loss, about being a loser and about feeling like a loser. Today, though, in the company of two Rider Waite Tarot cards that mean a new view of life and a new life, Five of Cups is more about an emphasis and engrossment with past scenes.






Judgment is a change and an awakening. It’s about twenty other things too that we are not accessing today. It follows a card of loss, and it’s about recovery. Of course it is: dead people stepping up from their coffins. So Judgment is the new phase, brought on by the horn waking you up from where you lay.






Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Hanged Man is realizing – a new thought or new perspective striking. You feel disoriented when something makes you think differently about what you thought you were familiar with … that eureka, ‘I coulda had a V8,’ lipstick-on-the-collar moment. Hanged Man is the subconscious kicking in and scrambling our neat stacks of conscious views.







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Now Without The Pictures

Two of these cards are about revelation, realization, and new awareness: Judgment and Hanged Man. Hanged Man goes further and is about insight too. Life-changing inspiration, when you take them together. Very synergistic, these two. Resonating along with them is Five of Cups suggesting the past is engrossing, the past is where this thought that makes the new life arises from. These cards play one another emotionally.

Five of Cups is the role of the past, is being engrossed about the past. It emphasizes a preoccupation with whatever is a loss and whatever is regrettable (including guilt, including mourning a death) about the past – and being preoccupied and engrossed with the downside of the past to the extent that casts a shadow upon the future. Five of Cups suggests ‘Don’t just look back: “There’s still some full cups there, you.” (By the way, the spilled wine brings in depression, and brings in drinking as a regret.) Today we go deeper in Five of Cups, because of the influence of its table-mates – table-mates that speak of new life, realization, and inspired thoughts. Today we are making the very best use of what happened back there, buying another ticket to the bus we missed, realizing in retrospect that selling short is what made our profit, and re-writing our story as a success in light of some valuable trash we picked up.

Judgment  means to return, and it has been returning here lately! Today, of its many trunks and branches, we are emphasizing its ‘new life’ and ‘change’ aspects to say ‘life altering.’ Today Judgment is about a realization that moves our mind into completely new territory, new perspective, new attitude; it is about the mind leading with the change we make in who we are. It is an inspired change, and it is also an intense grief striking suddenly that fuels the inspired change. I saw it coming back then, we say, and now I see where to go with it, now that it has happened.

Hanged Man is all about sub- and super- consciousness: The below-the-waterline brain we all have. Hanged Man swims there. This level of awareness … and remember Judgment is about new awareness, new consciousness …. writes us letters and throws them onto the floor of our daily thoughts, unsettling us with its naked truths. We are afire with these realizations: That is why Hanged Man is upside down – unsettled – and his hair is on fire, so to speak: literal depiction

Five of Cups and Judgment are a study in contrasts: Five of Cups is mourning the past, and Judgment is a new, changed, future. Five of Cups is about being down, and Judgment is about being up. Five of Cups mourns a death, and Judgment celebrates a resurrection. So we speak of getting up from the doldrums of regret – from grief, hurt feelings and such. We talk about having a new life and repenting the past life. We talk about feeling your angel when you feel like a loser. We talk about being over the funk.

We also talk about the reverse of the two feelings: Sudden grief, wishing I had figured out an epiphany I had, waking up to a feeling of loss, suddenly being ashamed I am wrong, and about the feeling this bad time was coming on.

Judgment means a change, so we have a change of heart here: have changed about feeling that was a bad thing; a re-interpretation of a past scene; redoing the past; depression being the agent of change.

Judgment is a wake-up call, so we say, with Five of Cups and Judgment: The past is a wake-up call. Depression is an impetus to change. Five of Cups is regret and drinking, so we have a wake-up call about the drinking.

Five of Cups is being broke or bankrupt, and Judgment is both to say, and to recover, so these two could be ‘declare bankruptcy’ and could ‘not be broke anymore.’

Five of Cups and Hanged Man In the midst of a funk comes an inspiration, a realization, an epiphany. Wallowing in sorrow for some past scene, we suddenly realize something surprising. These two can say ‘I thought (Hanged Man) it was a bad thing (Five of Cups).

A scene from the past hits you. Hanged Man is ‘I get it’ and ‘aha.’

Hanged Man is an inspired rush of feeling, and Five of Cups adds ‘about drinking.’ Five of Cups can be ‘I was wrong and I’m ashamed’ – a repentance – and Hanged Man adds ‘I realize.’ An idea occurs to you (Hanged Man) about a loss (Five of Cups).

Judgment and Hanged Man describe an inspired awakening. They describe waking up with a great idea. They describe the kind of new perspective that gives you a new life. They also say ‘I changed my mind’ because Hanged Man can simply translate that way. It can simply say ‘knowing’ or ‘feeling.’ So, knowing what I know now, I’m over it … because Judgment is over it. These two cards describe the ‘world is new’ feeling you have when you recover from serious illness. But you could just be getting an idea (Hanged Man) about how to recover (Judgment). Something someone says (Judgment) rings a bell (Hanged Man). Lastly, Judgment and Hanged man can simply say ‘Suddenly I realize’ or ‘I had an intuition that would happen.’




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Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations


Resonates with your subconscious awareness!

Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.


Five of CupsJudgement

Five of Cups and Judgment

Gets me up from the doldrums (of regret, grief, hurt feelings). … gives me new life, and I can only be sorry for my past. Just when you feel you are losing, your angel …. Have changed about that being a bad thing. I am over my funk.** A re-interpretation about a past scene. Inspired about recovering from drinking. … redoing my past. Failures _ changes. … out of feeling down, and am alive again. A really sorry past … a new level of _ now. THE PAST IS A WAKE-UP CALL. Not to be broke anymore. Sudden _ of what could have been. Depression is your _ to change. I can only wish my epiphany …. A wake-up call about the drinking. Something someone says about regret. Recover from a loss. Grief suddenly …. I awoke to a feeling of loss. Suddenly … what I have lost. Suddenly _ I was wrong, and I’m ashamed. Back then _ told you the loss would happen.


Five of CupsHanged Man

Five of Cups and Hanged Man

An inspiration … from the doldrums of regret, grief, hurt feelings. An inspiration … and I can only be sorry for the past. Just when you feel you are losing, you get some inspiration …. I thought that was a bad thing. Knowing what I know now, my funk …. A past scene hits you. Inspired rush of feeling about drinking. I get it – aha! – and am _ my past. Failures inspire __. Snaps out of feeling down. A really sorry past is … insight now. I’ve got this urge _ to be broke anymore. Flashback of what could have been. Depression is your impetus. I can only wish … my epiphany. An intense … about the drinking. … about regrets rings a bell with you. An idea occurs to you about a loss. Eureka! – I see what I have lost. I realize I was wrong, and am ashamed. Back then, intuition … the loss ….


JudgementHanged Man

Judgment and Hanged Man

INSPIRED AWAKENING An inspiration gets me up. A realization gives me new life. You get some inspiration from your angel. I have changed my mind about that. Knowing what I know now, I am over … A re-interpretation hits you. Inspired rush of feeling about recovering …. I get it – aha! – and am re-doing __. _ inspire changes. Snaps out of … and is mentally alive again. You have a new level of insight now. I’ve got this urge not to be _ anymore. Sudden flashback. _ is your impetus to change. I understand my epiphany. An intense wake-up call. Something someone says rings a bell with you.*** An idea occurs to you about how to recover. Intense _ strikes suddenly. I awoke to an intense feeling. Suddenly – eureka! – I see …. Suddenly I realize *** …. Intuition told you the loss would happen.




Tarot Readings for You for October 20, 2015 Tuesday©

GUIDANCE      An inspired idea births a change. The inspiration for that idea, more often than we would like to acknowledge, is that we lack something. Lacking something gets us to thinking, something we should do more of without external encouragement. Another thing about ideas and change is that, after the bad times are over, we gloss them over in our memory … and wouldn’t it be a good thing if we could do that gloss-over ahead of time, preemptively, instead of retroactively, after the fact? That way, a nightmare would be an adventure instead.


Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


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Judgment – Hanged Man – Five of Pentacles


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Ideas Change Things (Judgment and Hanged Man)

Tarot Readings: Darkest Before Dawn (Judgment and Five of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: Night Visions (Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles)


Tarot Readings: Ideas Change Things (Judgment and Hanged Man)

Just when I need a bright idea, here it comes!

I just know these bad times are a-changing.

Words of inspiration for the worst of times.

Major realizations are sudden lights in the dark.

I change my mind about feeling too sorry for myself.

Gets the idea to come back because of missing you.

Warn them plainly, so they get it, about bad times.

Sudden recovery from illness is an intense experience.

You have a ‘Eureka!’ that your sad times are over.

An idea to to get the homeless people’s lives back.

A vision that it’s perspective that makes this a bad thing.

Changes in my thinking are tiring me out.

Shout to make yourself understood – someone is numbed out.

.. …….…… …..

Tarot Readings: Darkest Before Dawn (Judgment and Five of Pentacles)

Reminding myself it’s darkest before dawn.

Been down so far so long everything is up.

I see myself moping around, and I snap out of it.

Feel so bad, and then when you recover, you feel so good.

It’s when you feel soo unappreciated that a promotion comes.

When I had nothing, I knew there would be better days.

Necessity is the mother of enlightenment – again!

Snap out of those depressing thoughts already.

An intense feeling of despair comes on suddenly.

Aware how the bad times have changed you for the better.

I know I will recover slowly from the complications.

I see myself telling the story of these bad old days.

You who are going through so much: Surprise! – it’s shifting.

A new day is dawning on this poor side of town.

You just know those bums will be back.

Realize I’m being sorry for myself after things have changed already.

.. …….…… …..

Tarot Readings: Night Visions (Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles)

When I hit bottom, I got a brainstorm – a new idea.

Enlightenment (new awareness) makes you aware of what you were missing.

‘Dark Night of the Soul’ disorients you and brings on a new level of awareness.

A flash of intuition that these people are desperate.

Suddenly aware of just how miserable things are.

My best ideas come when I lack something.

You remember the bad times in a different light.

.. …….…… …..


Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS?

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.


.……. …………………..………..

Judgment – Hanged Man – Five of Pentacles




                LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

.. …….…… …..     Here we are again with two very similar Tarot cards in our three-card spread. Judgment and Hanged Man both mean these things: inspiration, a sudden thought striking, awakening, ‘getting it,’ realization, a vision, a whole new idea, a new perspective. They have their unshared meanings too of course: Judgment’s meaning change, a new phase or new life, and ‘suddenly; Hanged Man’s subconscious and spiritual applications. Together, they often say ‘change the mind.’ And Hanged Man is a vision, and Judgment has an angel making a statement.

So who’s their neighbor for all this realization and change? Five of Pentacles. Bad times, lack, doing without and being broke, hitting bottom and dark night of the soul. Pitiable, desperate, unloved strays on the cold dark street.

The main message, therefore, for today is plain: The jolt that happens *when you hit bottom and realize it* gets you to thinking and creates a new better turn of events.

Judgment and Five of Pentacles state the core meaning of the majority of today’s one-sentence readings: hitting bottom and waking up, realizing a situation is desperate, a change … to or from … hard times. Feeling so bad, and recovering.

Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles describe the spiritual awakening we call Dark Night of the Soul (a term in Roman Catholic theology). Dark Night of the Soul is, after the summit or mountain-top experience – the revelation, or vision, or awakening – you look back and see ‘who I used to be’ and you look ahead and see ‘who I am not yet,’ and you are bummed out. But we also use the term – because it fits so well – for hitting bottom and ‘getting it,’ learning a hard, but invaluable, lesson.





Judgment      Judgment is the new life, the new idea, the awakening. We use its main meanings, the ones you can see at a glance from the angel’s horn waking the dead. A new better life happens suddenly. The loud noise is an alarm of any sort, and an announcement – which is words of course.

Other meanings for Judgment that we do use today are: promotion, enlightenment, surprise, shifting, snap out of it, recover, remember, remind, and words. (Looking for a comprehensive list of Judgment’s never-ending translates? – Type ‘Judgment Tarot Verbatim’ into Google.

Hanged Man      Hanged Man is a new perspective, a whole new idea about something you thought was familiar, a reinterpretation of your reality, a discovery that changes the whole story. Hanged Man calls forth a lot of sayings like ‘turned on its head,’ ‘brains are scrambled,’ and ‘brainstorm’ that reflect this upside-down feeling of a shift in perception. Something comes to light, whether the light switch is inside you or outside you. ‘Inside you’ would be subconscious; ‘outside you’ would be a discovery of some sort.

Hanged Man, as the subconscious side of things, means intuition, hunch, gut feeling, inkling, and ‘a little birdie told me.’ Hanged man is an inspiration or bright idea, too, and it very commonly means ‘know’ and all its synonyms and variants.

Five of Pentacles      Five of Pentacles’ illustration clearly is about hard times, the dark nights we all go through, doing without necessities, losing a home, being unloved and unappreciated, complications, being dead tired, what you are missing … and missing it, feeling sorry for someone or for yourself. Being sick and tired of it, or just moping – feeling that miserable, whether it’s based in solid reality or not – ‘Woe is me.’ It’s about being sick, crippled or handicapped or on the street (including being thrown out of the house for the night). This is the card for stray animals … and people.


What does it take to make him see the light? – or her, of course. We wait for this person to hit bottom because it will take that crash to wake him up. Sometimes it’s ourselves. We ‘get it,’ and realize we ‘got it’ late … “What was I thinking?” Or sometimes necessity is the mother of solution and the situation isn’t desperate, just inconvenient. We are finding and describing the ways that a lack of something makes for a better situation.






Tarot Readings: Ideas Change Things (Judgment and Hanged Man)

Just when I need a bright idea HANGED MAN, here it comes JUDGMENT!

I just know HANGED MAN these bad times are a-changing JUDGMENT.

Words JUDGMENT of inspiration HANGED MAN for the worst of times.

Major realizations JUDGMENT are sudden lights HANGED MAN in the dark.

I change JUDGMENT my mind HANGED MAN about feeling too sorry for myself.

Gets the idea HANGED MAN to come back JUDGMENT because of missing you.

Warn them plainly JUDGMENT, so they get it HANGED MAN, about bad times.

Sudden recovery JUDGMENT from illness is an intense experience HANGED MAN.

You have a ‘Eureka! HANGED MAN‘ that your sad times are over JUDGMENT.

An idea to HANGED MAN get the homeless people’s lives back JUDGMENT.

A vision that JUDGMENT it’s perspective HANGED MAN that makes this a bad thing.

Changes JUDGMENT in my thinking HANGED MAN are tiring me out.

Shout JUDGMENT to make yourself understood HANGED MAN – someone is numbed out.

.. …….….  .. …..

Tarot Readings: Darkest Before Dawn (Judgment and Five of Pentacles)

Reminding myself JUDGMENT it’s darkest FIVE OF PENTACLES before dawn HANGED MAN (as ‘dawning,’ actually).

Been down so far so long FIVE OF PENTACLES everything looks HANGED MAN up to me JUDGMENT. [‘Everything looks up to me’ is Hanged Man and Judgment.]

I see HANGED MAN myself moping around FIVE OF PENTACLES, and I snap out of it JUDGMENT.

Feel so bad FIVE OF PENTACLES, and then when you recover JUDGMENT, you feel so HANGED MAN good.

It’s when you feel soo HANGED MAN unappreciated FIVE OF PENTACLES that a promotion comes JUDGMENT.

When I had nothing FIVE OF PENTACLES, I knew HANGED MAN there would be better days JUDGMENT.

Necessity is the mother of enlightenment HANGED MAN – again JUDGMENT!

Snap out of JUDGMENT those depressing FIVE OF PENTACLES thoughts HANGED MAN already JUDGMENT.

An intense feeling HANGED MAN of despair FIVE OF PENTACLES comes on suddenly JUDGMENT.

Aware HANGED MAN how the bad times FIVE OF PENTACLES have changed you for the better JUDGMENT.

I know HANGED MAN I will recover JUDGMENT slowly from the complications FIVE OF PENTACLES.

I see HANGED MAN myself telling the story JUDGMENT of these bad old days FIVE OF PENTACLES.

You who are going through so much FIVE OF PENTACLES: Surprise HANGED MAN! – it’s shifting JUDGMENT.

A new day JUDGMENT is dawning HANGED MAN on this poor side of town FIVE OF PENTACLES.

You just know HANGED MAN those bums FIVE OF PENTACLES will be back JUDGMENT.

Realize HANGED MAN I’m being sorry for myself FIVE OF PENTACLES after things have changed already JUDGMENT.

.. …….….  .. …..

Tarot Readings: Night Visions (Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles)

When I hit bottom FIVE OF PENTACLES, I got a brainstorm HANGED MAN – a new idea JUDGMENT.

Enlightenment (new awareness) JUDGMENT makes you aware of HANGED MAN what you were missing FIVE OF PENTACLES.

‘Dark Night of the Soul FIVE OF PENTACLES‘ disorients you HANGED MAN and brings on a new level of awareness JUDGMENT.

A flash of intuition JUDGMENT and HANGED MAN that these people are desperate FIVE OF PENTACLES.

Suddenly JUDGMENT aware of HANGED MAN just how miserable things are FIVE OF PENTACLES.

My best ideas come JUDGMENT and HANGED MAN when I lack something FIVE OF PENTACLES.

You remember JUDGMENT the bad times FIVE OF PENTACLES in a different light HANGED MAN.





resonates with your subconscious awareness!

.. …….……    …..

Six of Swords – Justice – Hang

………………..      Judgment and Hanged Man     A bright idea – here it comes! I just know … are a-changing. Words of inspiration. Major realizations are sudden lights. I change my mind. Gets the idea to come back. Warn them plainly, so they get it. Sudden recovery is an intense experience. You have a ‘Eureka! That … are over. An idea to get … lives back. A vision that it’s perspective …. Changes in my thinking. Shout to make yourself understood. Reminding myself … before dawn. Everything looks up to me. I see myself _ and I snap out of it. When you recover, you feel so good. It’s when you feel soo … that a promotion comes. I knew there would be better days ahead. _ is the mother of enlightenment – again! Snap out of those thoughts already! An intense feeling comes on suddenly. Aware of how times have changed you for the better. I know I will recover. I see myself telling the story. Surprise! – it’s shifting. A new day is dawning. You just know _ will be back. Realize after things have changed already. I got a brainstorm – a new idea. Enlightenment (new awareness) makes you aware of …. … disorients you and brings on a new level of awareness. A flash of intuition. Suddenly aware of …. My best ideas come …. You remember _ in a different light. x

… ……….. ..      Judgment and Five of Pentacles   Just when I need _, here it comes. These bad times ar a-changing. Words for the worst of times. Major realizations are sudden _ in the dark. I change about feeling too sorry for myself. Comes back because of missing you. Warn them plainly about bad times. Sudden recovery from illness. Your sad times are over. Get the homeless people’s lives back. A vision that it’s _ that makes this a bad thing. Changes in _ are tiring me out. Changes are tiring me out. Shout – someone is numbed out. Reminding myself it’s darkest …. Been down so far so long everything _ up to me. … moping around, and I snap out of it. Feel so bad, and then when you recover …. It’s when you feel soo unappreciated that … comes. When I had nothing, there would be better days. Necessity is the mother of _ again. Snap out of those depressing _ already. A _ feeling of despair comes on suddenly. Bad times have changed you for the better. I recover slowly from the complications. Telling the story of these bad old days. You who are going through so much: It’s shifting. A new day on this poor side of town. Those bums will be back. I’m being sorry for myself after things have changed already. When I hit bottom, a new idea! Enlightenment – new awareness … what you were missing. Dark Night of the Soul brings on a new level of awareness. A flash that these people are desperate. Suddenly aware of just how miserable things are. My _ come when I lack something. You remember the bad times. x

……… ….…… ..      Hanged Man and Five of Pentacles   Just when I need a bright idea …. I just know these bad times …. Inspiration for the worst of times. Sudden lights in the dark. … my mind about being too sorry for myself. Gets the idea to _ because of missing you. … so they get it, about bad times. Illness is an intense experience. You have a ‘Eureka!’ that your sad times …. An idea to get the homeless people …. It’s perspective that makes this a bad thing. … in my thinking are tiring me out. … to make yourself understood – someone is numbed out. It’s darkest before the dawning. Been down so far so long _ looks …. I see myself moping around. Feel so bad, and then you feel so good. It’s when you feel soo unappreciated …. When I had nothing, I knew …. Necessity is the mother of enlightenment. … those depressing thoughts. An intense feeling of despair. Aware how the bad times …. I know … slowly from the complications. I see … of these bad old days. You who are going through so much: Surprise! … is dawning on this poor side of town. You just know those bums …. Realize I’m being sorry for myself …. When I hit bottom, I got a brainstorm. … makes you aware of what you were missing. ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ disorients you. Intuition that these people are desperate. Aware of just how miserable things are. My best ideas … when I lack something. You remember the bad times …. x

.. …….…… …..

Six of


crowded flower neighborhood

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Tarot Readings for You for February 18, 2015 Wednesday©

GUIDANCE         Ideas have a life of their own sometimes; we catch them as untraceably as we catch viruses. We all occasionally send as well as receive thoughts, and some people do telepathy deliberately. Life-changing ideas, inspirations, visions and realizations are our topic today, including the ones that wake us up and grow us up. We remind ourselves inspirations and realizations can be about collecting money, getting a promotion with pay, and spending money. We also say that a spiritual wake-up call can trigger you getting the respect and recognition you deserve.


Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).



Judgment – Hanged Man – Six of Pentacles


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Life-changing Realizations (Judgment and Hanged Man)

Tarot Readings: The Idea Gets Through (Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: Recognize It’s What Is Deserved (Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: New Ways to Get Paid (Judgment and Six of Pentacles)

NOTE:  10-12-17 I (Emily) drew these same cards.  At the very end of this are the sentences I wrote for them then.  Gives you an idea of how many things one set of cards can say.


Tarot Readings: Life-changing Realizations (Judgment and Hanged Man)

A whole new perspective about what you contribute.

I got a fresh idea and I’m passing it on.

You are given an intense new lease on life.

A spiritual wake-up call pays you a visit.

You have paid your dues for the next level of insight.

Give people what motivates them to turn over a new leaf.

His major come-to-Jesus moment motivates how he treats others.

Our exchange contributes a new level of awareness to me.

Into your newly opened mind falls a major revelation.

Receiving a life-changing vision a piece at a time.


Tarot Readings: The Idea Gets Through (Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles)

I blurted out what was on my mind, and it was the right thing to say.

My telepathic brainwaves break through to the people who deserve to receive them.

I speak out and pass on the ideas that come to me.

See the light and change your mind about a give-and-take.

The second time, they get the message, and do right.


Tarot Readings: Recognize It’s What Is Deserved (Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles)

Abruptly, you are recognized and treated with the respect you deserve.

Sudden realization I got what I deserved.

An inspired payback.


Tarot Readings: New Ways to Get Paid (Judgment and Six of Pentacles)

A new way to get paid occurs to you.

That impulse to spend money hits me again.

Suddenly you know how to get your money back.

A gut feeling you are getting a promotion and the money that goes with it.

Refresh recollections about what you are owed.

Had a hunch the judgment would be collected.



Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined meanings of the three cards in the pictures in the Tarot Readings.  It explains how these cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – than a personal reading would give you. Also, pronouns are flexible: If the sentence feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ but you’re a ‘she,’ well, it’s yours.

*AND if you write names of any two cards into the Google search bar, it will give you meanings of those!



Judgment – Hanged Man – Six of Pentacles



………………………..     Judgment and Hanged Man echo and magnify one another. Judgment and Hanged Man are both sudden realizations and new awareness – new levels of consciousness experienced as an eye-opening dramatic internal event, or even a vision. Both these cards are enlightenment, and Judgment’s angel puts a divine element to the enlightenment and new life. Judgment is about life-changing or new-life realizations, and Hanged Man is about not only getting the new concept but passing it on, especially with Six of Pentacles next to him passing on what is deserved and rewarding to other people. Six of Pentacles is paying money, too, and being paid. The ‘re’ meaning of Judgment makes Six of Pentacles ‘repay’ or a reminder to be paid. Hanged Man with Six of Pentacles also suggests realizing money is to be exchanged.

………………………..    Judgment‘s illustration is rich and varied in ways to apply its meanings. The chief idea is waking up to a new phase or new life, which of course arises from dead people returning to life. It separately means waking up, and new life, and it means them together too, okay? The second main application to Judgment is new awareness or a new idea, discovery, perspective or realization, based on the surprise announcement of Judgment Day. The third main application to Judgment is the big announcement, news, publicity, which is based of course on the angel’s now-hear-this horn. This meaning descends to join the cards that mean anything about speaking, or mean communication in general. (There are a lot of those.)

………………………..      In Hanged Man, there is intense awareness as a major thought or inspiration strikes. This aspect of Hanged Man is featured when Judgment bonds with Hanged Man. Both of these mean a new awareness, even enlightenment or a vision. Both refer to consciousness. Both of these mean a sudden, surprising change of perspective. Hanged Man is ‘getting it’ and Judgment is ‘giving it,’ the ‘it’ being the thing or idea that pops up. Hanged Man’s illustration depicts the way you feel when something or someone re-arranges your brain. Hanged Man is about the subconscious too, so things like sensing something out of context, eureka, gut feelings, insights, urges, instinct, altered states of conscious, brainstorm, psychic awareness, psychic insight, and plain insight (if there is a difference), inspiration – including the muse. Hanged man is having a feeling, is something ‘in the back of your mind,’ and Hanged Man is having an open mind. When Hanged Man gets together with Judgment, you have a tsunami of perspective.

………………………..      Six of Pentacles is giving what is deserved – whatever it is, whether money or attention, or even odd things like prescriptions – and also getting what is deserved. Six of Pentacles is about fair exchange, paying your bills and collecting what is due you – profit, paycheck, favors, anything. Today it is about transmitting or passing on the vision or idea the other two cards are about – or, of course, receiving those. Hanged Man with Six of Pentacles describes passing on or transmitting an idea to others invisibly, like passing on the virus.


……….………….    Judgment and Hanged Man   Judgment and Hanged Man describe life-changing realizations, sudden revelations or visions, new horizons of consciousness, changing your mind, fresh ideas, sudden new perspective, etc. Judgment and Hanged Man combine a sudden change in consciousness, or just a sudden change – Judgment – with a major insight, psychic impression, realization, revelation or even vision – Hanged Man. These two cards magnify one another. Here are those sentences:

A whole new perspective.

I got a fresh idea.

An intense new lease on life.

A spiritual wake-up call.

The next level of consciousness.

What motivates them to turn over a new leaf.

His major come-go-Jesus moment motivates him.

A new level of awareness.

Your newly opened mind, a major revelation.

A life-changing vision a piece at a time.

See the light and change your mind.

Sudden realization.

A new way occurs to you.

Suddenly you know how to.

Judgment is a public announcement, by the angel, which makes it mean any kind of breakthrough communication: blurted out, speak out. It means ‘the second time’ or ‘next’ because the people have a second life after their resurrection, right? That brings in meaning ‘again’ too. Judgment means any kind of re-do, and ‘refresh’ is one of its dictionary entries too.

And Hanged Man means ‘on my mind,’ telepathy, brain waves, ideas that come, get the message, impulse, recollection or remember. Here are those sentences:

I blurted out what was on my mind and … to say.

My telepathic brain waves break through.

I speak out the ideas that come to me.

The second time, they get the message.

That impulse hits me again.

Refresh recollections.

Lastly, the orphan sentences. Hanged Man is a gut feeling; Hanged Man is to recognize. Judgment is a promotion (the next level, a new life); Judgment is sudden, suddenly – hence, abruptly. Here are those sentences:

A gut feeling you are getting a promotion.

Abruptly, you are recognized. x..

……….…………   Judgment and Six of Pentacles    Judgment and Six of Pentacles are both justice cards, and would be talking about court action and such, but for Hanged Man’s close association with Judgment that butts in and skews our topic to the spiritual and personality-growth side of things. Which is very okay. Together, Judgment and Six of Pentacles could be talking about the justice delivered on Judgment Day, were there other cards to bring that topic out. There aren’t, of course.

Judgment and Six of Pentacles combine a new phase (Judgment) with an exchange, or with passing something on, contributing, or giving. For example, ‘I’ve got a fresh’ (whatever) is Judgment, ‘and I’m passing it on’ is Six of Pentacles. Here are the other sentences.

A whole new _ about what you contribute.

I got a fresh _ and I’m passing it on.

You are given a new lease on life.

Give people what turns over a new leaf.

Our exchange contributes a new level of _ to me.

Judgment is an awakening, and Six of Pentacles is to receive, to treat others fairly, to deserve, and give-and-take. Judgment here brings phrases like ‘come-to-Jesus moment (which lawyers say in trials, meaning, of course, suddenly seeing a situation for what it is), break through, and see the light. Some day I will write a slang dictionary for Tarot cards. Here are those sentences:

A wake-up call pays you a visit.

His major come-to-Jesus moment … how he treats others.

break through to the people who deserve to receive them.

See the light about give-and-take.

Judgment means to speak and it means suddenly, so watch for it to refer to blurting something out. Its ‘announcement’ category of meanings make ‘speak out’ one of its phrases too. Six of Pentacles is about ‘the right thing’ and it also means to contribute to another, which becomes ‘pass on,’ meaning pass on your wisdom to others.

I blurted it out, and it was the right thing to say.

I speak out and pass on ….

Judgment means ‘next’ or ‘the second time’ by way of its ‘new phase’ meanings. Here, Judgment says ‘the second time’ and ‘the next level,’ and Six of Pentacles says ‘do it right’ and’ paid your dues.’

The second time, they do it right.

You have paid your dues for the next level.

Judgment means suddenly because the angel shows up suddenly and unexpectedly, obviously, to wake the dead. Six of Pentacles is getting or giving what is deserved. Judgment means promotion too, both in its sense of a job step-up and a publicity campaign. We have ‘deserve’ in each of these sentences:

Abruptly, you are treated with the respect you deserve.

Sudden _ that I got what I deserved.

You are getting a promotion and the money you deserve that goes with it.

Judgment is ‘new’ and is ‘again,’ which sometimes has to be discerned as to which applies. We already knows it means ‘suddenly.’ And here, lastly, well, it means ‘judgment.’ Six of Pentacles is all about getting paid or collecting or spending money. So we are about financial exchanges here:


A new way to get paid.

to spend money again.

Suddenly get your money back.

The judgment is collected.

Judgment and Six of Pentacles say ‘payback’ because Judgment is ‘to return’ or ‘go back’ – And that’s because it means ‘to return to a former state or condition’ because the dead of course, are returning to living beings – and Six of Pentacles, as we know by now, means ‘pay.’

Payback. x..

……..…………   Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles   Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles shows someone who is giving, contributing, and passing on to those other people – people who are deserving. Hanged Man is ideas, perspectives, motivation and telepathic brainwaves. Here are those sentences:

Perspective about what you contribute.

I’ve got an idea, and I’m passing it on.

Give people what motivates them.

My telepathic brainwaves to the people who deserve to receive them.

I pass on the ideas that come to me.

Six of Pentacles is also about receiving, about being given (whatever), especially what is deserved. Hanged Man is intense, is a wake-up, is awareness, and is an open mind, a vision, recognize or being recognized, and, especially, realization. The phrase ‘pays you a visit’ for Six of Pentacles is slang for the way a sudden new perspective feels when it comes to you. Not that in ‘Into your open mind (Hanged Man) falls,’ Six of Pentacles translates ‘falls’ for receiving. In the illustration, the money literally falls into the hands of its receivers. Note that ‘receiving a piece at a time’ also literally translates from the illustration as the gold coins, one at a time, fall into the hands of the receivers. Six of Pentacles is receiving attention and also is deserved. That is how we get ‘treated with the respect you deserve.’ Here are all these sentences:

You are given an intense ….

A wake-up _ pays you a visit.

Our exchange contributes awareness to me.

Into your open mind falls ….

Receiving a vision a piece at a time.

You are recognized and treated with the respect you deserve.

Realization I got what I deserved.

Hanged Man is ‘getting it,’ is receiving mentally, so it indicates an idea gets through, and it can say ‘on my mind’ and ‘see the light’ and ‘get the message,’ all of which it does in these sentences. In these sentences, Six of Pentacles is ‘the right,’ ‘give and take,’ and ‘do right.’


What was on my mind was the right ….

See the light about a give-and-take.

They get the message and do right.

Obviously, Six of Pentacles is a money exchange of any kind. Hanged Man is an idea occurring, an impulse, knowing, a gut feeling, recollection, a hunch, and insight. Here are the sentences these make:

A way to get paid occurs to you.

That impulse to spend money.

You know how to get your money.

A gut feeling you are getting the money.

Recollections about what you are owed.

Had a hunch _ would be collected.

You have paid your dues for insight. x..




You have heard ‘An idea whose time has come,’ haven’t you? We examine today that ideas are contagious, they spread, and you are encouraged to pass on the visions that fall into your open mind to the people who deserve them. Your open mind incubates new concepts for the people around you just as you pick up what others’ minds are producing. Fertile mental ground is the subject of our message today.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


……….………….    Judgment and Hanged Man    LIFE-CHANGING REALIZATIONS A whole new perspective. I got a fresh idea. An intense new lease on life. A spiritual wake-up call. The next level of consciousness. What motivates them to turn over a new leaf. His major come-go-Jesus moment motivates him. A new level of awareness. Your newly opened mind, a major revelation. A life-changing vision a piece at a time. I blurted out what was on my mind and … to say. My telepathic brain waves break through. I speak out the ideas that come to me. See the light and change your mind. The second time, they get the message. Abruptly, you are recognized. Sudden realization. An inspired _back. A new way occurs to you. That impulse hits me again. Suddenly you know how to. A gut feeling you are getting a promotion. Refresh recollections. Had a hunch the judgment …. x..

……….…………  Judgment and Six of Pentacles  A whole new _ about what you contribute. I got a fresh _ and I’m passing it on. You are given a new lease on life. A wake-up call pays you a visit. You have paid your dues for the next level. Give people what turns over a new leaf. His major come-to-Jesus moment … how he treats others. Our exchange contributes a new level of _ to me. … and change … about a give-and-take. The second time, they do right. I blurted it out, and it was the right thing to say. … break through to the people who deserve to receive them. I speak out and pass on …. See the light about give-and-take. The second time, they do it right. Abruptly, you are treated with the respect you deserve. Sudden _ that I got what I deserved. Payback.*** NEW WAYS TO GET PAID A new way to get paid. … to spend money again. Suddenly get your money back. You are getting a promotion and the money that goes with it. Refresh _ about what you are owed. The judgment is collected. x..

……..…………   Hanged Man and Six of Pentacles    Perspective about what you contribute. I’ve got an idea, and I’m passing it on. You are given an intense …. A wake-up _ pays you a visit. You have paid your dues for insight. Give people what motivates them.*** _ motivates how he treats others. Our exchange contributes awareness to me. Into your open mind falls …. Receiving a vision a piece at a time. THE IDEA GETS THROUGH What was on my mind was the right …. My telepathic brainwaves to the people who deserve to receive them. I pass on the ideas that come to me. See the light about a give-and-take. They get the message and do right. RECOGNIZE IT’S WHAT IS DESERVED You are recognized and treated with the respect you deserve. Realization I got what I deserved. An inspired pay_. A way to get paid occurs to you. That impulse to spend money. You know how to get your money. A gut feeling you are getting the money. Recollections about what you are owed. Had a hunch _ would be collected. x..





Judgment ……….. Judgment shows the angel on Judgment Day awakening the dead to new life. Many trunks of meanings arise from this illustration and the concepts it suggests. The branch we use today is about a life-altering message, about telling others a new idea that we woke to. The companion cards in this spread channel Judgment’s interpretation this way, and even fill in a lot of detail rather neatly. Judgment means to tell, to announce, to publicize because, of course, the noise from the horn gets the ‘arise’ message through.


Hanged Man…………. Hanged Man is about getting hit with a realization, recognition or idea. It is about that brainstorm experience, that psychic impression that comes from nowhere and ‘you just know’ it’s true. It can be enlightenment. You sense something out of context because you put two and two together under the water and ‘eureka’ happens. It is also mental stimulation – being turned on, feeling intensely, having an urge, instinctual drives, altered state of conscious, insight, gut feelings, even the muse. These are just a few of its many ‘mind’ phrases. You see a fellow upside-down hanging from a tree (a scene from several myths from around the world), with an energy halo around his head, indicating extreme mental stimulation and that ‘upside-down hair-on-fire’ feeling that getting hit with a perspective tsunami creates.


Six of Pentacles ………….Six of Pentacles is giving and receiving, and fairness – hence a fair exchange, and the scales make it potentially a justice card. Money and attention are the majority of the exchanges it shows up to talk about. You see an employer carefully weighing coins he pays the workers, in an attempt to pay every time he owes them, because coins’ value was not, back in the days of real currency, about face value; it was about the weight of the gold in them. Today Six of Pentacles’ main focus is passing on or transmitting the vision in Judgment and Hanged Man to others, to deserving others – because Six of Pentacles is about getting what you have earned or deserved.

Daily Message Tarot Analysis for November 2, 2011 ©

Advice      Some of our best ideas,  inspirations and realizations occur because we are in desperate need of something we lack.  ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’  type thing.  When we arrive at a new level of awareness,  we realize how benighted we were back then,  and may feel sorry for others still in that territory.  Major realizations disorient a person,  don’t they?  He knows how to change,  so why feel sorry for him?




Hanged Man

Knight of Swords – Five of Pentacles – Page of Cups




Is this the first time you come here?  Well … what to do:

 *Go to Advice above which is a summary of the Messages.  (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)

 *Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below.  One or more of those sentences has something to say to you.  Intuitively pick those out.  They are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it.  (It  is a group message like a horoscope,  except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data,  so it can be specific,  accurate,  detailed and direct.  Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)

 Did you come here for your predictions?  –  You are done now  –  See you tomorrow.

 Without a question to focus the answer,  four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards.  Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible,  especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads.  When a pronoun is in parentheses,  feel very free to substitute.  The question in a  ‘real’  individual reading supplies at least half the information!



Hanged Man

Knight of Swords – Five of Pentacles – Page of Cups






Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Poor Times Perspective

Feels weird when you realize how fast you can get out of poor times.

Hmmm,  realize that stupid idea is what got us out of being headed for bankruptcy.

When you are homeless,  you see things in a different light and change your attitudes.

It happened so fast it feels intensely strange not to be poor anymore.

Why is it when you hit bottom that you get the flash of inspiration?

In desperate times,  any old escape that gets you out is a great idea.

Lack of inspiration makes for foolhardy changes.

Realize desperation makes (you) rush into something inappropriate.

How to get going when (you are) numb with despair  –  what would inspire (you)?

Enlightenment Perspective

When it strikes you that you you are miserable for a silly reason,  suddenly you aren’t.

Why is it when you hit bottom that you get the flash of inspiration?

The switch feels strange as you realize those were the bad old days back there.

In desperate times,  any old escape that gets you out is a great idea.

Enlightenment,  when you have been in the dark,  sends you off on a strange course.

Strange changes in your brain exhaust you,  deplete you.

Psychic awareness is a sudden disruption that makes you feel weird and even inferior.

The switch feels strange as you realize those were the bad old days back there.

Sudden recovery from illness,  as your awareness is heightened,  feels strange.

A strange new idea strikes you about what is lacking.

Enlightenment is how to get out of the doldrums.  How about a new level of awareness?

A new concept or inspiration makes you feel sorry for the poor fools left in your dust.

‘Dark night of the soul’  brings a new level of  ‘who’d a thunk it’  awareness when it’s over.

I feel like a poor old fool with each new level of awareness.

Just when I need a bright idea,  a really silly one strikes me.

We feel intensely sorry for fools rushing in.

Questions to Ask Ourselves

Do I understand you let that idiot get you down?  –  get over it!

Why feel sorry for yourself when you know you can leave?

He knows how to change,  so why feel sorry for him?

Quit feeling sorry for yourself.  Do you know how inappropriate for you that is?


Now,  Part Two,

Do you want to know a little,  or a lot,  about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works?  If so,

 *Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below.  This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread  –  the pictures above here.  It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.

 *Go to Meanings and Illustrations:  Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards.  It is what each of the four cards,  by itself, has to say.  It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.

 You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.

 Say hello back!  Comment!  I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you.  Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it.  Read others’ comments.

 And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day.  (3-6-9-12 like a clock.  It makes a pattern on the phone as well –  easy to remember.)  I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives,  and even make it fun.  (Testimonials are on the web site.  https://emilysinsight.com.)



Hanged Man

Knight of Swords – Five of Pentacles – Page of Cups







Both Page of Cups and Hanged Man are about awareness,  in different ways.  Page of Cups is feeling strange or weird or awkward,  or a notion that is strange,  weird or inappropriate.  Hanged Man is an intense realization,  a eureka experience,  an inspiration,  a concept,  a bright idea.


Knight of Swords is a change,  a shift,  leaving,  something strikes , rushing headlong into something –  that sort of thing.  Five of Pentacles is poor times,  feeling sorry for yourself,  doing without or lacking,  bankruptcy,  being homeless or on the street,  benighted,  self-pity –  the  ‘dark night of the soul’  experience.




Both Page of Cups and Hanged Man are about awareness, in different ways. Page of Cups is feeling strange or weird or awkward, or a notion that is strange, weird or in appropriate. Hanged Man is an intense realization, a eureka experience, an inspiration, a concept, a bright idea.


Knight of Swords is a change, a shift, leaving, something strikes, rushing headlong into something – that sort of thing. Five of Pentacles is poor times, feeling sorry for yourself, doing without or lacking, bankruptcy, being homeless or on the street, benighted, self-pity – the ‘dark night of the soul’ experience.



Knight of Swords shows a fully armed knight leaning over the rushing horse’s neck,  arm extended,  cloth and mane whipped in the wind.  His expression is intense in pursuit.  But the Rider Waite Tarot card can also mean fleeing as well as going back and switching directions back and forth.  It suggests a strike sometimes as well.

Five of Pentacles Depleted,  exhausted,  lacking what you need,  numb with despair and homeless or bankrupt:  Poor times,  this Rider Waite Tarot card screams.  A mother and wounded,  crippled child in rags pass on foot by a cathedral where a hot meal and warm bed await –  because they are so tired it doesn’t register as shelter!

Page of Cups Silly,  inappropriate,  awkward,  strange or weird,  foolish,  see things differently,  foolhardy:  That is the fellow wearing women’s clothing and carrying around a fish in a cup.  This can mean inspiration just as Hanged Man can.  It suggests putting the sentence in question form,  and also humor at times.

Hanged Man most often means  ‘realize’  or  ‘realization.’  An idea,  concept,  inspiration,  eureka experience,  “Get it”  or understand,  intense experience,  intense awareness … to know.  Telepathy or psychic experience.  The Illustration depicts how  ‘upside-down’  you feel when you suddenly realize something –  maybe  ‘something you knew already.’


Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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