Tarot Readings for You for January 3-4, 2021 Sunday-Monday©


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement
Hanged Man – Six of Swords – Judgment


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Our original inspired idea sends us off on a course, and before we complete that destination, another inspired idea changes us, gives us a new perspective and a new life. The redirection is more of a surprise than the original inspiration.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.

WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.

The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!


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Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement


Hanged Man – Six of Swords – Judgment


Tarot Readings : Hanged Man and Six of Swords
Hanged Man Six of Swords

I smell another turning point.

Realize it’s time to leave here again.

Get a hunch, and move on to the next phase.

Put aside the bright idea to do that one again.

You recover: You know you’re getting over it.

I know just how to get away with that remark.

My gut tells me I am on my way to recovering.

As soon as he leaves, he gets an urge to go back.


Tarot Readings : Hanged Man and Judgment
Hanged Man Judgement

Suddenly see the light and move on.

I blurt it out, and realize I am on my way.

New thoughts come in as old thoughts leave.

You understand what the departed is telling you.

Suddenly an inspired notion gets you on your way.

Change my mind about letting bygones be bygones.

Distancing yourself, you feel a fresh start coming on.

Change your mind, get it over with, and get on with it.


Tarot Readings : Six of Swords and Judgment
Six of Swords Judgement

Seeing another transition.

Exit those voices in my head.

Life improved when I spoke my mind.

Go to the new place you have in mind.

Got a strong feeling change is underway.

The departed speaks to your subconscious.

You get a feeling when the deceased reappears.

One more thing to put behind you, and you know it.




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I smell another turning point around the bend. My gut tells me I am on my way to a new phase. I am getting a hunch and moving on to the next phase. It’s time to get it over with and get on with it.




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Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures




Hanged Man

Hanged Man

Another card based on myth. Several myths have the main character (god or hero) hang himself on a tree and sacrifice a body part, a body function, for ‘wisdom,’ by which is meant a spiritual psychic gift. (Odin and Apollo for starters.) That is how some Tarot systems have Hanged Man represent sacrifice.

Hanged Man’s illustration depicts the feeling you get when a new level of awareness comes upon you. He is upside-down and his head is afire.

So Hanged Man realizes, sees, knows, gets a feeling, has a hunch, sees the light, his gut tells him. He also has inspired notions and represents the subconscious. Hanged Man is one of the cards that can represent a vision. (Judgment and Four of Swords are two more.)

The most common words for Hanged Man, besides ‘realize,’ are these: idea, know, know how to, thought(s), understand, mind, feel, see, in my head, have in mind.


Six of Swords

Six of Swords

Six of Swords is a complex card until you sort out its sources for its meanings. You see maybe refugees leaving at dusk or twilight ‘with the clothes on their back’ and with the help of a friend. Traditionally, the man is a friend and it’s his humble boat. They are leaving a terrible place, and headed for a better one. Tradition is, they will arrive wherever that is.

So here you have a card whose mood is both despairing and hopeful. You have a journey, you have a transition, you have life improving … but improving because anything would be an improvement.

A journey over water is a journey in consciousness. That’s everybody’s tradition. The combination of this card strongly meaning to leave or depart, and the journey over water being a journey in consciousness adds up to Six of Swords being the card for ‘the departed.’ This picture kind of reminds you of this: “In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.”.

Part of the complexity of Six of Swords meaning (besides both hope and hopelessness) is the fact that it means all these things: to leave; to go to; the journey or to be on the way.

Since Six of Swords is leaving a bad place and going to a better one, it naturally means to recover, to get over (whatever), transition, to get underway – to be on your way. It also means to distance yourself from something.




This scene of Judgment Day shows dead people alive again, awakened by the angel’s horn. That short cross on the angel’s flag is the one that means where the spiritual and the physical intersect, or the union of those two.

We use the common meanings for Judgment which are: change; again; to return; to come back; new life or new phase; back to life or recover or get over; the speak/tell/say theme of Tarot’s; life after death, including the return of the departed; and revelation or realize or idea (or get the idea). Judgment translates ‘again’ because the people are alive again, and ‘suddenly’ because that happened suddenly.

Note that Judgment can mean both a fresh start and to start over. It means both the first time and the second time because the new life is a return to the old life. Ya just hafta get used to this! So you find Judgment translating these words and phrases: another, the next phase, do that one again, the new place, a fresh start coming on, one more thing, reappears.

Judgment also means renewal or recovery or restoration, which of course arises from the restoration, renewal, and recovery of the formerly dead bodies. You find Judgment meaning any number of words beginning in the prefix ‘re-‘ because of the regeneration theme.





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Now Without The Pictures

Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing. They are also mourning a loss (of everything they had). And Six of Swords also is grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course, shows coffins and obviously is about life after death. Judgment is a new life; Six of Swords is putting the old life behind.

Six of Swords and Judgment are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another. Judgment is a change in consciousness and Six of Swords is a journey in consciousness or a transition. Life changes here. Six of Swords is leaving; Judgment is coming back.

Hanged Man and Judgment together are a season of epiphany: They are both awareness, are both that sudden awareness from another dimension. This epiphany is represented by the angel from another dimension blowing the horn of big announcement loudly enough to wake the dead to new life, and everything changes in the twinkling of an eye. Judgment is the announcement, and Hanged Man is you ‘getting it.’ Together, Hanged Man and Judgment repeat a strong theme of otherworldly awareness coming to physical worldly attention.

Hanged Man and Six of Swords describe that moment of awakening, the eureka awareness, that makes a turning point in your life history and sends you on your way someplace else. Hanged Man and Six of Swords is the story of the all the people who just left when they realized (a Hanged Man favorite word) ‘this isn’t the place for me; it’s time I got out of here.’ Hanged Man and Six of Swords is the turning point, the very moment you disengage.

Hanged Man is taking in information and Judgment is emitting it, so Hanged Man is hearing and Judgment is speaking. This spread therefore describes any time you get a clue and make a change of direction in any way.

And, by the way, that journey Six of Swords is taking over water can be interpreted literally as ‘a trip over water.’ Also, an overseas trip. (And if the subject is travel overseas, Queen of Wands is the native country or home country. (You may find Six of Swords sending off someone on a cruise ship too.)




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Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From


Hanged Man   Six of Swords   Judgement

Hanged Man – Six of SwordsJudgement

I smell Hanged Man another Judgement turning point Six of Swords.

Realize Hanged Man it’s time to leave here Six of Swords again Judgement.

Get a hunch Hanged Man, and move on to Six of Swords the next phase Judgement.

Put aside Six of Swords the bright idea Hanged Man to do that one again Judgement.

You recover: Judgement You know Hanged Man you’re getting over it Six of Swords.

I know just how to Hanged Man get away with Six of Swords that remark Judgement.

My gut tells me Hanged Man I am on my way to Six of Swords recovering Judgement.

As soon as he leaves Six of Swords, he gets an urge to Hanged Man go back Judgement.

Suddenly Judgement see the light Hanged Man and move on Six of Swords.

I blurt it out Judgement, and realize Hanged Man I am on my way Six of Swords.

New Judgement thoughts Hanged Man come in Judgement as old Six of Swords thoughts Hanged Man leave Six of Swords .

You understand what Hanged Man the departed Six of Swords is telling you Judgement.

Suddenly Judgement an inspired notion Hanged Man gets you on your way Six of Swords.

Change Judgement my mind Hanged Man about letting bygones be bygones Six of Swords.

Distancing yourself Six of Swords, you feel Hanged Man a fresh start coming on Judgement.

Change Judgement your mind Hanged Man, get it over with, and get on with it Six of Swords.

Seeing Hanged Man another Judgement transition Six of Swords.

Exit Six of Swords those voices Judgement in my head Hanged Man.

Life improved Six of Swords when I spoke Judgement my mind Hanged Man.

Go to Six of Swords the new place Judgement you have in mind Hanged Man.

Got a strong feeling Hanged Man change Judgement is underway Six of Swords.

The departed Six of Swords speaks Judgement to your subconscious Hanged Man.

You get a feeling Hanged Man when the deceased Six of Swords reappears Judgement.

One more thing Judgement to put behind you Six of Swords, and you know it Hanged Man.



Tarot Readings for You for March 31-April 1, 2018 Weekend© 

GUIDANCE            I have finished, have served my sentence here, and am on my way to the next level, a better position for sure. I have been there and done that, and am moving on up and out to wherever I’ve got to go next. Got to be on my way to the new place. Shedding my old skin and leaving the baggage behind.



Are YOU here for the first time?  Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.



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Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.






Tarot Readings: Judgment and Six of Swords


News flash: Avoid sex.

A shift is underway – a big one.

You realize you got away with it for sure.

Yeah, he left: He’s coming back for sure.

The departed’s live-after-death is assured.

The departed tells you something important.

A reawakening after I got away from sexuality.

You are getting over it again – that’s the main thing.


Judgment and Ace of Wands


Important comings and goings.

Another major transition is coming.

Holler at them to make them go away.

One more thing I have to put behind me.

Getting over it for sure – getting back to normal.

Got a bright idea, and you have to go forward with it.

To have a new life, you have to put the old one aside.

You’re enlightened: Now you have to go on from there.


Six of Swords and Ace of Wands


No more threatening calls.

Heading into a major discovery.

Moving on up, a necessary change.

Have to evacuate when the siren sounds.

Avoid just one important thing to recover.

Had to get out of there but I’m going back.

We have to put this behind us to start over.

Have to put this behind me and change my ways.


.. ….. …        .





Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.







Judgment Its picture spawns a thousand words and phrases. We use a variety today. Today the change ones, and the ones about coming, are featured because Judgment’s companion Six of Swords also means both heading in a direction, and a change for the better.


Judgment means news and publicity: the horn makes an announcement for all to react to. News flash. The announcement puts Judgment into the speak/tell/say Tarot tribe, so we have these: tells you; The Talk; calls.


The loud noise of the angel’s horn becomes any loud noise, especially an alarm of any sort, which includes a shout (‘holler’) as well as a siren, an alarm, or even the noon whistle in a small town.


The people being alive again brings Judgment the word ‘again’ and its synonyms like ‘once more’ or ‘one more time.’ The newly alive people have recovered; have gone back to normal; have changed for the better, so Judgment owns these themes too, and they sometimes translate ‘shift.’ The people in the coffins are coming back to life, so Judgment often translates: coming back, coming, another is coming. They are recovering from being dead, and Judgment is your card for recovery especially from a serious illness or a bad life experience.


Seeing an angel blowing a horn that awakens the dead is a surprise, a revelation a realization, a discovery, an epiphany, an awakening. Judgment is the leading card for words like that, and Hanged Man shares many of them.


Judgment also describes getting a bright idea, realizing something, being reminded of something.

Six of Swords A place you are in becomes so disgusting that losing everything you have is a net benefit when you leave it. Six of Swords says things like: anything is better than this; tomorrow is another day; off I go into the wild blue yonder; steal away; getting over it; situation is improving, a better life is ahead, been down so long it looks like up to me, been there done that, going through changes, escape.


Six of Swords is about travel of course, and specifically over water (or even across water). A large body of water esoterically indicates consciousness (and mass consciousness) so Six of Swords is about going through a stage of personal or spiritual development, leaving the ‘old self’ behind. Note the refugee figures have no baggage. Six of Swords is also ‘the departed’ and mourning being left behind when someone ‘passes.’ This illustration reminds one of both Greek and Egyptian myth about being ferried from the physical world to the nonphysical.


In Six of Swords, we are on the way; we are not in either or any place. The die is cast but has not landed to show its number: transition! So Six of Swords is what is underway, what is going to be. It is ‘getting over it’ regarding some event that is no longer the focus: recovery. So the mood of Six of Swords is both dejected and hopeful: things getting better because they can’t get worse. This is the card, of course, for rehabilitation, for getting on with life after being disabled.


Six of Swords’ application is past or present or future. The present in the journey, the transition. The past focus is on the escape, the leaving or avoiding, the ‘leave’ and the ‘put behind’ parts. The future is about the arrival or destination. Today the future is ‘heading into’ and ‘moving on up.’ Note the mood of most of the ‘past’ focus is sad; of most of the future focus is upbeat and hopeful; of the present is factual as in ‘on the way.’


Watch for Six of Swords to translate ‘avoid’ often. This can be advise to ‘duck out’ of a situation.

Ace of Wands The hand with a club in it makes for simple meanings, doesn’t it? – just as the hand with the double-edged sword does. Ace of Wands and Ace of Swords are brothers. The idea of force is upfront, and the most common translate for Ace of Wands is ‘have to’ as well as ‘make’ when that word means force. (“Make me!) Ace of Wands also is about threat, whether making the threat or being threatened.


Ace of Wands resembles a penis, and it has that ‘number one’ aspect to it: big, important, main, major, necessary. Naturally it has some sexual interpretations like sex and sexuality today.


Certainly, certainty, and ‘for sure’ are Ace of Wands meanings too.






                LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

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Judgment pictures the resurrection scene of Christian vision, with the angel and the trumpet, and people standing up in their coffins. Main meanings are to change, again, the second time, suddenly, to go back to a former state, to recover or rejuvenate (almost any ‘ re’ concept). A whole new life. A big announcement or publicity. To speak up or speak out. To shout. A loud noise.


Let’s get out of here and go to a better space” Six of Swords suggests. Things will be better, they can’t get any worse. With time, the situation will be better. A woman and child are leaving with the clothes on their backs, with the help of a friend. They are going to have a better life.


Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘ the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing and leaving home behind. Six of Swords also is about grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course shows coffins and obviously is about life after death.


Six of Swords and Judgment are about a change for the better, and are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another.


Six of Swords and Judgment are both about recovering, especially from sickness or emotional trauma. Six of Swords is getting over it as you leave it behind, feeling drained and down about whatever it was back there. Judgment is a quick recovery and focuses on the new phase, the new life that is happening. Both Six of Swords and Judgment are about a better life.


The main meaning of Ace of Wands, a raised club that looks like a penis, is must – the imperative. ‘ You gotta,’ it says. ‘ Achievement’ and ‘ absolutely’ are other main words for Ace of Wands, and ‘ for sure’ or ‘ assured.’ It is also sex (especially re males) and force or being aggressive or assertive (hand with a board in it, yes). That’s an order. It is also primacy so it reads ‘ number one,’ ‘ the main one,’ and ‘ the most important,’ etc.


Judgment and Six of Swords are a change and a new life. Both are a better new life. Both are leaving the old life behind. Judgment has the new life ( resurrection and regeneration) as its main meaning. It speaks of a quick change. Its tone is one of joy. The change it speaks of is sudden, even surprising. Look for it to indicate bodily healing and quick recovery – ‘ bouncing back.’ Six of Swords, on the other hand, is about a more gradual and far less dramatic change. It emphasizes getting out of the bad place or situation, and life will be better when you get there because it cannot get worse. Its emphasis is on escape and putting the past (the cargo) behind. The escape that is pictured is with help, and often that is the case when Six of Swords appears. It can advise you to head off in a different direction (even referring to the map). Its tone is often one of depression (when the past is emphasized) and of hope when the future is emphasized. It too indicates recovery from illness, but usually a gradual recovery.


Note that, once more, we have two cards whose meanings are similar, and one that is a stranger to those meanings.

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Judgment pictures the resurrection scene of Christian vision, with the angel and the trumpet, and people standing up in their coffins. Main meanings are to change, again, the second time, suddenly, to go back to a former state, to recover or rejuvenate (almost any ‘re’ concept). A whole new life. A big announcement or publicity. To speak up or speak out. To shout. A loud noise.


Let’s get out of here and go to a better space” Six of Swords suggests. Things will be better, they can’t get any worse. With time, the situation will be better. A woman and child are leaving with the clothes on their backs, with the help of a friend. They are going to have a better life.


Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing and leaving home behind. Six of Swords also is about grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course shows coffins and obviously is about life after death.


Six of Swords and Judgment are about a change for the better, and are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another.


Six of Swords and Judgment are both about recovering, especially from sickness or emotional trauma. Six of Swords is getting over it as you leave it behind, feeling drained and down about whatever it was back there. Judgment is a quick recovery and focuses on the new phase, the new life that is happening. Both Six of Swords and Judgment are about a better life.


The main meaning of Ace of Wands, a raised club that looks like a penis, is must – the imperative. ‘You gotta,’ it says. ‘Achievement’ and ‘absolutely’ are other main words for Ace of Wands, and ‘for sure’ or ‘assured.’ It is also sex (especially re males) and force or being aggressive or assertive (hand with a board in it, yes). That’s an order. It is also primacy so it reads ‘number one,’ ‘the main one,’ and ‘the most important,’ etc.


Judgment and Six of Swords are a change and a new life. Both are a better new life. Both are leaving the old life behind. Judgment has the new life (resurrection and regeneration) as its main meaning. It speaks of a quick change. Its tone is one of joy. The change it speaks of is sudden, even surprising. Look for it to indicate bodily healing and quick recovery – ‘bouncing back.’ Six of Swords, on the other hand, is about a more gradual and far less dramatic change. It emphasizes getting out of the bad place or situation, and life will be better when you get there because it cannot get worse. Its emphasis is on escape and putting the past (the cargo) behind. The escape that is pictured is with help, and often that is the case when Six of Swords appears. It can advise you to head off in a different direction (even referring to the map). Its tone is often one of depression (when the past is emphasized) and of hope when the future is emphasized. It too indicates recovery from illness, but usually a gradual recovery.


Note that, once more, we have two cards whose meanings are similar, and one that is a stranger to those meanings.

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Can you hear it coming? – a shift is underway and it’s carrying us with it to new territory. This is transition time and we have to go along with its wave because it’s the new consciousness. I hear it like an alarm for evacuation saying I’ve got to be on my way and leave the familiar scene behind because it’s old and outworn. ‘Bye.











Tarot Readings: Judgment and Six of Swords


News flash: Avoid sex.

A shift is underway a big one.

You realize you got away with it for sure.

Yeah, he left: He’s coming back for sure.

The departed’s life-after-death is assured.

The departed tells you something important.

A reawakening after I got away from sexuality.

You are getting over it again – that’s the main thing.


Judgment and Ace of Wands


Important comings and goings.

Another major transition is coming.

Holler at them to make them go away.

One more thing I have to put behind me.

Getting over it for sure – getting back to normal.

Got a bright idea, and you have to go forward with it.

To have a new life, you have to put the old one aside.

You’re enlightened: Now you have to go on from there.


Six of Swords and Ace of Wands


Have to avoid The Talk.

No more threatening calls.

Heading into a major discovery.

Moving on up, a necessary change.

Have to evacuate when the siren sounds.

Avoid just one important thing to recover.

Had to get out of there but I’m going back.

We have to put this behind us to start over.

Have to put this behind me and change my ways.


.. ….. …        .

s girl has a way with money and men.






resonates with your subconscious awareness!







Tarot Readings: Judgment and Six of Swords


News flash: Avoid _.

A shift is underway.

You realize you got away with it.

Yeah, he left: He’s coming back.

The departed’s life-after-death.

The departed tells you.

A reawakening after I got away.

You are getting over it again


comings and goings.

Another transition is coming.

Holler at them to go away.

One more thing to put behind me.

Getting over itgetting back to normal.

Got a bright idea to go forward with it.

To have a new life, put the old one aside.

You’re enlightened: go on from there.


avoid The Talk.

No more calls.

Heading into discovery.

Moving on up, a change.

evacuate when the siren sounds.

Avoid to recover.

get out of there but I’m going back.

put this behind us to start over.

put this behind me and change my ways.


Judgment and Ace of Wands


News flash: sex.

A shift a big one.

You realize for sure.

He’s coming back for sure.

life-after-death is assured.

tells you something important.

A reawakening sexuality.

again – that’s the main thing.


Important comings.

Another major _ is coming.

Holler at them to make them _.

One more thing I have to _.

for sure getting back to normal.

Got a bright idea, and you have to _.

To have a new life, you have to _.

You’re enlightened: Now you have to.


Have to _ The Talk.

threatening calls.

a major discovery.

a necessary change.

Have to _ when the siren sounds.

just one important thing to recover.

Had to _ but I’m going back.

We have to, to start over.

Have to change my ways.


Six of Swords and Ace of Wands


Avoid sex.

is underway a big one.

you got away with it for sure.

Yeah, he left for sure.

The departed’s _ is assured.

The departed _ something important.

after I got away from sexuality.

You are getting over it – that’s the main thing.


Important goings.

major transition.

make them go away.

I have to put behind me.

Getting over it for sure.

you have to go forward with it.

you have to put the old one aside.

Now you have to go on from there.


Have to avoid _.

No more threatening calls.

Heading into a major_.

Moving on up is necessary.

Have to evacuate.

Avoid just one important thing.

Had to get out of there.

We have to put this behind us.

Have to put this behind me.


.. ….. …        .




newborn elk child

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Tarot Readings for You for March 8, 2017 Wednesday©

This is an email reading which demonstrates how clearly an idea can be presented over and over with different Rider Waite Tarot cards. Four times, out of five spreads, the first card means change. Tarot is a consistent violator of the Laws of Random Distribution, I learned in lectures on that subject. To repeat the professor’s experiment, I went looking for a Tarot deck.


The Querant (Questioner) gave me permission to show you this. – Emily



Question: Financial.  What is going to happen with my job?

(The final spread describes what the change is.)


Eight of Cups – High Priestess – Nine of Cups

An abrupt change, and you are stationed where you want to be.

An abrupt change – Eight of Cups

and you are stationed where – High Priestess

you want to be. Nine of Cups


Judgment – Moon – Fool

A sudden change for the better from whatever the big problem is, and you are free of it and lighthearted.

A sudden change for the better, from – Judgment

whatever the big problem is – Moon

and you are free of it, and lighthearted. You forget it. – Fool


Knight of Swords – Six of Swords – Five of Pentacles

Suddenly the direction switches, and you are heading away from being short of money to a better situation.

Sudden change of direction here – Knight of Swords

and you are leaving a bad situation – Six of Swords

where you are short of money (broke) – Five of Pentacles

and heading toward a good situation. – Six of Swords



Eight of Cups – Death – Nine of Wands

An abrupt change in the way things are going, and you’re no longer anxious.

An abrupt change in the course of events – Eight of Cups

and you are no longer – Death

under pressure and anxious. – Nine of Wands


Wheel of Fortune – Nine of Cups – Three of Pentacles

Destiny is afoot here: You dealing with people you want to be with, who do their part as a team.

It just happens” (destiny): You are dealing with the people you want to work with, who do their part as a team.

Destiny is afoot here (“It just happens”) and – Wheel of Fortune

you are dealing (commercially) with people who do their part – Three of Pentacles

just like you want. – Nine of Cups



Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Tarot Readings for You for October 17-18, 2016 Monday-Tuesday©

GUIDANCE                      Transitions. In-between times. Times when you look back and look ahead and are thinking and not doing, when you are assessing what just happened and wondering what to make of it. Times when you are going to capitalize on some loss and are in the process of figuring out how. You step into a vacuum of possibilities, and consider how you’re going to furnish the future.



Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

….……. ………………. ….…..

Judgment – Page of Cups – Six of Swords


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Page of Cups

.. …..

I may be coming back to the place I left behind.

A funny feeling this is phasing out and a new phase is coming in.

Is there life after death, and where am I going?

Should I tell, or just let bygones be bygones?

Curious about a séance with the departed.

See the light, feel foolish, move on.

I left, and am on my way back, wondering why.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Six of Swords

.. … ..

What is the departed telling you?

Wondering whether the one who left is coming back.

Curious about this new place I’m going to.

Will moving give me a new life?

Am I really going to move again?

Putting your old life behind for a whole new life feels weird.

Let’s put this behind us and start over, shall we?

Why talk about the past? – you got over it anyway.


Tarot Readings: Page of Cups and Six of Wands

. …..n

Got a bright idea, am not as dumb as I used to be.

Where are you going with this strange new idea?

Asking again whether it’s over.

You recover – you get over it somehow.

Gets the idea to quit acting goofy.

Realize I will get away with it if it’s a joke.

Things have improved since I honked off and made a fool of myself.

.. ….. …     .


Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.







Judgment This scene of Judgment Day shows dead people alive again, awakened by the angel’s horn. That short cross on the angel’s flag is the one that means where the spiritual and the physical intersect, or the union of those two.


We use the common meanings for Judgment which are: to come back; new life or new phase; back to life or recover or get over; the speak/tell/say theme of Tarot’s; life after death, including séance; and revelation or realize or idea (or get the idea). Judgment also translates ‘again’ because the people are alive again.


We are not using a number of Judgment’s minor meanings. You can Google ‘Judgment Tarot Verbatim’ to find them from the archives of our site.


Page of CupsPage of Cups depicts ‘strange’ and other such words. A fellow with an odd expression, body posture also odd, is dressed in women’s clothes and has a fish in a cup. This Page of Cups card and Seven of Pentacles are the ‘duh’ cards: They often put your sentence into question form, and they mean foolish, weird, misfit, out of place, wonder, curious, goofy dumb, fool.


Page of Cups also is about a joke, humor, or a comedy act.


Page of Cups stands for ‘not getting it,’ for, say, blond moments or getting stuck in stupid.


As the first Self card in Celtic Cross spreads, Page of Cups may be telling the reader: Look this makes no sense, but it’s an accurate answer.


Six of Swords People are in an humble boat going from one place to another, leaving at dusk or dawn. They huddle down, depressed, and have no luggage: refugees from something.


Elements of this scene make many Six of Swords’ meanings. In Six of Swords, the future is going to be better. That is one category of meanings. The bad past is another. Leaving the past behind is another. The person who left, leaves, or is leaving is another. Phasing out or distancing oneself is another. So is getting over something – phasing out of a bad scene, including illness.


Another category of meanings emphasizes the destination. Another emphasizes the travel itself – the moving, the journey.


Six of Swords also may appear for getting away, escaping … and even for getting away with something.


The fact the mother and son are departing, and the sad scene, give Six of Swords a category that relates to ‘the departed,’ grief, feeling very sad or depressed.


Since Six of Swords refers to the past, you find it in the ‘past’ part of your Tarot story more than you would expect. Watch for it to lead you to use past tense.






                  LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

.. ….. …     .


Life changes here. Six of Swords is leaving; Judgment is coming back; and in the middle is the question mark, Page of Cups. Judgment is a new life; Six of Swords is putting the past behind, and Page of Cups poses a question about that, or indicates something foolish is involved here. Leaving, Six of Swords, and Judgment, coming back, with Page of Cups’ skeptical stance suggest ‘If I leave, will I just come back?’ And, since Judgment means ‘again’ because those bones live again, Six of Swords and Judgment say ‘leaving again.’ Lots of situations to be found in these two Tarot cards.


Six of Swords and Judgment are both about recovering, especially from sickness or emotional trauma. Six of Swords is getting over it gradually as you leave it behind, feeling down about whatever it was back there. Judgment is a quick recovery and focuses on the new phase, the new life, ahead. Six of Swords and Judgment are both a better life.


Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing. And Six of Swords also is grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course, shows coffins and obviously is about life after death.


Six of Swords and Judgment are changes and are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another.


Page of Cups stands by in our story, as he usually does in most stories, asking questions and making questions, feeling awkward or foolish or weird, being curious as he wonders why and wonders whether. He represents a strange idea, modifying Judgment’s new idea. He also represents a dumb idea, and acts goofy.


Page of Cups also represents humor, a comedian, a joke, and ‘funny.’ He is a performer (a dancing juggler), and sometimes will stand for a performing act of any sort.


We have no action to speak of to make a story of today’s three Rider Waite Tarot cards. We describe that trough we sometimes find ourselves in as we digest what went on around us with an eye toward where to go and what to do next.

. ….. ..     





Life changes here. Six of Swords is leaving; Judgment is coming back; and in the middle is the question mark, Page of Cups. Judgment is a new life; Six of Swords is putting the past behind, and Page of Cups poses a question about that, or indicates something foolish is involved here. Leaving, Six of Swords, and Judgment, coming back, with Page of Cups’ skeptical stance suggest ‘If I leave, will I just come back?’ And, since Judgment means ‘again’ because those bones live again, Six of Swords and Judgment say ‘leaving again.’ Lots of situations to be found in these two Tarot cards.


Six of Swords and Judgment are both about recovering, especially from sickness or emotional trauma. Six of Swords is getting over it as you leave it behind, feeling down about whatever it was back there. Judgment is a quick recovery and focuses on the new phase, the new life, ahead. Six of Swords and Judgment are a better life.


Note that Six of Swords and Judgment both are about a death. Six of Swords translates ‘the departed,’ because that journey over water of broken-spirited people suggests that, and because, well, they are departing. And Six of Swords also is grieving – being left behind and feeling sad. And Judgment, of course shows coffins and obviously is about life after death.


Six of Swords and Judgment are changes and are about going from one place, or one state of being, to another.


Page of Cups stands by in our story, as he usually does in most stories, asking questions and making questions, feeling awkward or foolish or weird, being curious as he wonders why and wonders whether. He represents a strange idea, modifying Judgment’s new idea. He also represents a dumb idea, and acts goofy.


Page of Cups also represents humor, a comedian, a joke, and ‘funny.’ He is a performer (a dancing juggler), and sometimes will stand for an performing act of any sort.


We have no action to speak of to make a story of today’s three Rider Waite Tarot cards. We describe that trough we sometimes find ourselves in as we digest what went on around us with an eye toward where to go and what to do next.

. ….. ..     



Recently wised up about what got me here and what best to do, like a new graduate who can move anywhere and start anything with a very clean slate. A new life ahead, and feeling a little foolish about the old life that’s behind me. Assessing, that’s where I’m at right now.







Tarot Readings: Judgment and Page of Cups

.. …..

I may be PAGE OF CUPS coming back to JUDGMENT the place I left behind SIX OF SWORDS.

A funny feeling PAGE OF CUPS this is phasing out SIX OF SWORDS and a new phase is coming in JUDGMENT.

Is there PAGE OF CUPS life after death JUDGMENT, and where am I going PAGE OF CUPS and SIX OF SWORDS?

Should I PAGE OF CUPS tell JUDGMENT, or just let bygones be bygones SIX OF SWORDS?

Curious about PAGE OF CUPS a séance JUDGMENT with the departed SIX OF SWORDS.

See the light JUDGMENT, feel foolish PAGE OF CUPS, move on SIX OF SWORDS.

I left, and am on my way back JUDGMENT and SIX OF SWORDS, wondering why PAGE OF CUPS.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Six of Swords

.. … ..

What is PAGE OF CUPS the departed SIX OF SWORDS telling you JUDGMENT?

Wondering whether PAGE OF CUPS the one who left SIX OF SWORDS is coming back JUDGMENT.

Curious about PAGE OF CUPS this new place JUDGMENT I’m going to SIX OF SWORDS.

Will PAGE OF CUPS moving SIX OF SWORDS give me a new life JUDGMENT?

Am I really PAGE OF CUPS going to move SIX OF SWORDS again JUDGMENT?

Putting your old life behind for SIX OF SWORDS a whole new life JUDGMENT feels weird PAGE OF CUPS.

Let’s put this behind us SIX OF SWORDS and start over JUDGMENT, shall we PAGE OF CUPS?

Why PAGE OF CUPS talk about JUDGMENT the past? – you got over it anyway SIX OF SWORDS.


Tarot Readings: Page of Cups and Six of Wands

. …..n

Got a bright idea JUDGMENT, am not as dumb PAGE OF CUPS as I used to be SIX OF SWORDS.

Where are you going SIX OF SWORDS with this strange PAGE OF CUPS new idea JUDGMENT?

Asking again JUDGMENT whether PAGE OF CUPS it’s over SIX OF SWORDS.

You recover JUDGMENT – you get over it SIX OF SWORDS somehow PAGE OF CUPS.

Gets the idea JUDGMENT to quit SIX OF SWORDS acting goofy PAGE OF CUPS.

Realize JUDGMENT I will get away with it SIX OF SWORDS if it’s a joke PAGE OF CUPS.

Things have improved since SIX OF SWORDS I honked off JUDGMENT and made a fool of myself PAGE OF CUPS.

.. ….. …    .





resonates with your subconscious awareness!


.. ….. …     .

….     Judgment and Page of Cups I may be coming back to …. A funny feeling a new phase is coming in. Is there life after death?*** Should I tell?*** Curious about a séance. See the light, feel foolish. Back, wondering why. What is _ telling you? Curious about this new _. Will _ give me a new life? Am I really _ again? A whole new life feels weird. … and start over, shall we? Shall we start over? Why talk about …? Got a bright idea … as dumb as …. This strange new idea.*** Asking again whether …. You recover somehow. Gets the idea to _ acting goofy. Realize … if it’s a joke. I honked off and made a fool of myself. x

…. Judgment and Six of Swords Coming back to the place I left behind. This is phasing out and a new phase is coming in. … life after death, and where am I going? Tell, or just let bygones be bygones? A séance with the departed. See the light, move on. I left, and am on my way back. The departed is telling you. The one who left is coming back. This new place I’m going to. Moving gives me a new life. Move again. Putting your old life behind for a whole new life. Put this behind us and start over. Talk about the past – you got over it, anyway. Got a bright idea … as I used to be. … going with this new idea. … again, it’s over. You recover – you get over it. Gets the idea to quit. Realize I will get away with it. Things have improved since I honked off. x

..     Page of Cups and Six of Swords I may be … the place I left behind. A funny feeling this is phasing out. Is there … where I am going? Should I just let bygones be bygones? Curious about a _ with the departed. Feel foolish, move on. I left and am wondering why. What is the departed …? Wondering whether the one who left …. Curious about this place I am going to. Will moving …? Am I really going to move? Putting your old life behind feels weird. Let’s put this behind us, shall we? Why _ about the past? – you got over it anyway. Not as dumb as I used to be.*** Where are you going with this strange …? Asking whether it’s over. You get over it somehow. Quit acting goofy. I will get away with it if it’s a joke. Things have improved since I made a fool of myself. x

.. ….. …     .



Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Tarot Readings for You for December 16, 2013 Monday©

Guidance     Today’s message to me is simple and limited:  Get out of this place I’m at …. I’ve got to do that … and things will be better.  Things will get back to normal if I get out of this space.  I’ve got to make a change here, escape the harm and have things the way they should be.  There is a whole new life in the real physical world for sure when I put all this behind.  The same thing is being said in different breaths like a mantra or rosary.


Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the four cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).


Six of Swords

Judgment – Hierophant – Ace of Wands




Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Recovery Back to Normal (Judgment and Hierophant)

Tarot Verbatim: Got to head in a new direction (Ace of Wands and Six of Swords)

Miscellaneous Tarot Readings


Tarot Readings: Recovery Back to Normal (Judgment and Hierophant)

Recover to normal by avoiding just one main thing.

Exit where you are for a new life that is absolutely what it should be.

Recovery of normal vitality is underway.

Physical regeneration is assured with time.

Things aren’t back to normal yet but will be for sure the way you are heading.

Tarot Verbatim: Got to head in a new direction (Ace of Wands and Six of Swords)

I have to get things back to normal and put this behind me.

Announce that (he/she/it) has to behave or leave.

A news flash that I ought to avoid sex.

A whole new sex life, not the same old thing anymore.

I have to head in the direction of where I ought to have gone.

Gotta get out of this place and get back to the real world.

This is depressing: We have to get back to what was normal before.

Getting out of this scene and going back to normal sex.

It’s okay when you have to relocate for a new life.

Announce that you are out of here unless things are absolutely the way they should be.

Have to go back to being straight and avoiding this scene.

We’ve got to head in a new direction for things to be right again.

Miscellaneous Tarot Readings

Verbal orders are to depart as usual.

Told I have to leave physically.

An evacuation-to-safety order is announced.

When you straighten just one thing out, there will be a change for the better.

In first place officially, we have avoided a repeat of the past.

Not mediocre anymore, a surprise achievement.

Things aren’t back to the way they have always been, anymore, but they will be for sure.

Forced to conform to get back in since (you) left.

Repeat the main point that we have gotten away from decency.


Now,  Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here.  It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the messages.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.



Six of Swords

Judgment – Hierophant – Ace of Wands





Judgment and Six of Swords are a change and a new life. Both are a better new life. Both are leaving the old life behind. Judgment has the new life (resurrection and regeneration) as its main meaning. It speaks of a quick change. Its tone is one of joy. The change it speaks of is sudden, even surprising. Look for it to indicate bodily healing and quick recovery – ‘bouncing back.’ Six of Swords, on the other hand, is about a more gradual and far less dramatic change. It is getting out of the bad place or situation, and life will be better because it cannot get worse. Its emphasis is on escape and putting the past (the cargo) behind. The escape that is pictured is with help, and often that is the case when Six of Swords appears. It means to head off in a different direction (even referring to the map). Its tone is one of depression. It too indicates recovery from illness, but usually a gradual recovery.


Judgment and Hierophant ‘Hierophant’ means ‘pope.’ With Hierophant sitting next to Judgment, we have a return (Judgment) to normal (Hierophant), a going back to the way things should be, or going back to the usual way. Note that Hierophant often says ‘should’ or ‘ought to.’ Judgment also means an announcement, so the news (Judgment) is ‘It’s okay. It’s the way it should be,’ say as a diagnosis of an illness. In the same vein “They tell you you passed,” regarding a test, and ‘Told to behave,’ since Hierophant of course means to behave. Note that Judgment also means ‘again’ or ‘the second time,’ which, with Hierophant, may be ‘does no harm the second time around’ of a person in your life.


Judgment and Hierophant Hierophant is the usual, average, normal, mediocre, accepted routine thing, as well as the harmless and decent thing. Surface appearances, like the routines of a religion, is how Hierophant comes to mean ‘physical.’ It is about the physical, real-world aspect of anything. Anyway, it does mean physical. So Judgment and Hierophant say: physical regeneration, physical change, physically restored, physically reappear.


Judgment and Hierophant And while we are on the subject of these two, note that they both have a religious theme. Judgment shows an angel, and Hierophant is the pope. Together, they could say the pope is speaking in his official capacity (ex cathedra), say.


Hierophant and Ace of Wands You have to (Ace of Wands) behave yourself (Hierophant). Absolutely (Ace of Wands) normal or the same old thing (Hierophant). Physical (Hierophant) sex act (Ace of Wands). Having the right to (Hierophant) give an order (Ace of Wands). ‘You will pass’ (Hierophant) for sure (Ace of Wands).


These four cards are fairly free of pronouns. Anything goes there. The message is very limited: I have to put this behind me and straighten out, go in a new direction, go back, recover. That sentiment is in a vacuum here.






Judgment and Hierophant Recover to normal. A new life that is what it should be. Recovery of normal. Physical regeneration. Things are back to normal. Announce ‘Behave.’ Tell __ to behave. A news flash that I ought to. A whole new __ the same. Ought to have gone back. Get back to the real world. Get back to what is normal. Going back to normal _. It’s okay when a new life. Announce the way things should be. Go back to being straight. Things to be right again. Verbal __ are as usual. Told __ physically. To safety is announced. Straighten __ a change for the better. A repeat of the past, officially. A surprise __ mediocre. A change from mediocre. Things are back to the way they have always been. Conform to get back in. Repeat __ decency.


Judgment and Ace of Wands Recover the one main thing. A new life that is absolutely. Recovery of vitality. Regeneration is assured. For sure, things are back to __. Have to get back to. Announce (he/she/it) has to. A news flash about sex. A whole new sex life. Have to go back. Got to get back to. Going back to sex. Have to __ for a new life. Announce __ absolutely. Have to say. Have to go back. We have to __ again. Verbal orders. Told I have to. An order is announced. A change for the better when just one thing. In first place again. In first place, a repeat of the past. Surprise achievement. Back to the way they have been, for sure. Forced to __ to get back in. Repeat the main point.


Judgment and Six of Swords Recover by avoiding. Exit where you are for a new life. Recovery is underway. Regeneration, with time. Things aren’t back to __ yet, but you are heading that way. Put this behind me and get back to. Announce ‘Leave.’ Tell (him/her/it) to leave. A news flash to avoid. A whole new life, not __ anymore. Head in the direction of going back. Get out of this place and get back to. This is depressing: Get back to. Getting out of this scene and going back to. Relocate for a new life. Announce that you are out of here. Go back, and avoiding. Head in a new direction. Verbal __ to depart. Told to leave. Evacuation is announced. Will be a change for the better. Avoided a repeat of the past. __ anymore, a surprise. Aren’t back to the way they have been. To get back in, since you left. Repeat that we have gotten away from.


Hierophant and Ace of Wands Normal in the one main thing. Absolutely what it should be. Normal vitality. Physical __ is assured. Normal, for sure. I have to get things normal. Ought to __ sex. The same old sex life. Ought to – have to. Got to __ the real world. Got to get real. Have to __ what (was) normal. Normal sex. It’s okay when you have to. Absolutely the way they should be. Have to be straight. Sexually straight. Got to __ for things to be right. Orders __ as usual. Have to physically. An order about safety. Straighten just one thing out. In first place officially. Mediocre achievement. Things the way they always have been, for sure. Forced to conform. The main point __ decency.


Hierophant and Six of Swords Normal by avoiding. Exit where you are to the way things should be. Normal __ is underway. Physical __ with time. Things are not normal yet, but you are heading that way. Put this behind me and __ normal. Behave or leave. Ought to avoid. Not the same old thing anymore. Ought to head in the direction. Get out of this place __ the real world. Headed out of the real world. What was normal before. Getting out of this scene and ___ normal. Leaving normal behind. Departing from the usual. It’s okay when you relocate. You are out of here __ things are the way they should be. Avoiding this scene and being straight. Got to head out for things to be right again. Depart as usual. Physically leave. Evacuation-to-safety. A change for the better when (you) straighten out. Officially, we have avoided. Not mediocre anymore. Aren’t the way they always have been anymore. Conform __ since you left. Gotten away from decency.


Ace of Wands and Six of Swords Avoiding just one main thing. Absolutely exit where you are. Vitality is underway. Assured, with time. For sure, the way you are heading. Have to put this behind me. Have to leave. Avoid sex. Sex life isn’t __ anymore. Got to get out of. This is depressing: (We) have to. Getting away from this sexual scene. Have to relocate. Absolutely out of here. Out of here __ things are absolutely. Have to avoid this scene. Got to head in another direction. Orders are to depart. Have to leave. Order to evacuate. A change for the better when you __ just one thing. In first place, we have avoided. Anymore, an achievement. Aren’t the way they have been, anymore, for sure. Forced to, since you left. The main point that we have gotten away from.




Judgment shows the resurrection scene of Christian vision, with the angel and the trumpet, and people standing up in their coffins. Another of the Middle Ages cards designed to sanctify Tarot. Main meanings are to change, again, the second time, suddenly, to go back to a former state, to recover or rejuvenate (almost any ‘re’ concept). A whole new life. A big announcement or publicity. To speak up or speak out. To shout. A loud noise.


Hierophant refers to the official story, the sanctioned traditional belief or way of being or doing, the usual routines, the average or normal, median or mediocre level of anything. It also means harmless, decent, innocent, etc. Illustration is the pope doing a ritual, monks kneeling before him.


Ace of Wands The main meaning of Ace of Wands, is must – the imperative. ‘You gotta,’ it says. ‘Achievement’ and ‘absolutely’ are other main words for Ace of Wands, and ‘for sure’ or ‘assured’ – even ‘guaranteed.’ It is also sex (especially re males) and force or being aggressive or assertive (hand with a board in it, yes). That’s an order. It is also primacy so it reads ‘number one,’ ‘the main one,’ and ‘the most important,’ etc. Ace of Wands is also vitality or virility because of the sprouts on the board, and the board looking for all the world like a penis.


Six of Swords Let’s get out of here and go to a better space. Things will be better, they can’t get any worse. With time, the situation will be better. A woman and child are leaving with the clothes on their backs, with the help of a friend. They are going to have a better life. Often, Six of Swords means ‘anymore.’


Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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