Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE “I’m off my feed,” people say when they feel mistrustful of the environment. And not eating right can produce that tense feeling that things are not going well. Not knowing – uncertainty – waiting for the other shoe to drop, as they say – puts ‘most anyone on edge after a while. Things that might happen get to us more than things that are happening. We can get busy handling a real difficulty that has delivered itself, but our hands are mostly idle when problems only might happen. Today we explore that apprehensive feeling, asking ourselves whether it’s real, whether it’s really that bad, and suggesting maybe we should just slow our pace while we are at or near overwhelm. So our suggestion for the stress of fearful waiting is to take our time … which is actually waiting some more.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Seven of Pentacles – Nine of Wands – Ten of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Maybe Take It Slow for Awhile (Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Uncertainty Gets to Me (Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Maybe Take It Slow for Awhile (Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands)
Do ya think ya might be putting up with too much?
You are under a lot of stress: Maybe you should take it slow for a while?
Are you feeling under the weather? – just slow down.
Is it really all THAT scary?
It’s not knowing that gets to me, eventually.
When I’m embarrassed, I’m very indecisive … you know?
Proceed with caution when you have questions.
I may have to live with a long hard road ahead.
Think you can hang in there a little longer?
Why does waiting get on my nerves, anyway?
Tarot Readings: Uncertainty Gets to Me (Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Wands)
Uncertainty is what I can’t stand the most.
Why am I so tense?
Is there cause for high alert?
I am always wondering and on guard.
I have a lot of questions – things I am uncomfortable about.
Are you sick and tired of the pressure too?
Am I too high-strung – I dunno?
I don’t think you are anxious and depressed.
Puzzling this out all this time makes me uneasy.
Am I too distrustful here or not?
Sometimes I think it’s difficult to hang in there.
Why did I dread that for so long, anyway?
Asking myself why I get so intimidated.
I think a trauma of the past is tiring me out.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.
Seven of Pentacles – Nine of Wands – Ten of Wands
………………….…………………… Nothing good about this, you think when you see these three Tarot hombres together. What’s up? Well, waiting. All three of these are about waiting. Seven of Pentacles is uncertain and has to wait to see whether his labor pays off. Nine of Wands is anxious, waiting for the next onslaught. Ten of Wands could be depressed or overwhelmed, and could mean a long, slow process. The good news is that Seven of Pentacles questions. In this case, that throws doubt on the anxieties and depressions.
………………………….. Seven of Pentacles wonders if his effort is going to pay off, whether fruit on the vine will make his labor worth it. It’s his uncertainty that is featured in this spread, in his present company. Doubt about the future, and doubt about what is going on.
………………………….. Nine of Wands has reason to be anxious, on edge, and even jumpy. What has already happened may happen again. He is going to have to handle that. Nine of Wands is sweating it out, and is guarded. He is a border guard in the illustration.
………………………….. Ten of Wands has too much to do. This person is trying to do it all … and do it all in one load. He is overloaded, overwhelmed and overburdened … but he will make it. Taking on too much slows you down, Ten of Wands says. This Tarot card in Tarot Verbatim™ translates: very, too much, the most, excessive, and other such words. It also can denote something is long term – not today, though.
……….………….. Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Wands Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Wands Anxious and uncertain, or anxiety and uncertainty is what these say. Seven of Pentacles is uncertainty, and Nine of Wands is anxiety. But these two Tarot fellows also ask if it’s really that bad: ‘Why am I so on edge; why am I anxious?’ ‘Am I too high-strung?’ These two say in Tarot Verbatim™ ‘Is it really that scary?’
………..………….. Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands Do you think you might be putting up with too much, or taking on too much?’ ‘Maybe you should take it slow for a while’ these Rider Waite cards say, and also ‘Think you can keep it up a little longer?” ‘I don’t think you are depressed’ and ‘I doubt it’s that difficult.’ ‘Why did I let that go on that long?’ is the song of Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands.
………..…………… Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands Here, you are putting up with too much. These two are the extreme of anxiety because Ten of Wands means ‘the most’ and Nine of Wands is sweating it out already with anxiety. Nine of Wands is hanging in there, and Ten of Wands means ‘longer,’ so ‘Hang in there a little longer.’ They also say ‘sick and tired’ since Nine of Wands is sick of his predicament and Ten of Wands is tired.
Some people seem to be stress-proof, seem to be laid back and easygoing most of the time. They provide for and plan for the future at least as well as we do. What is their secret, anyway, we who stew would love to know? Most of these folks live in the now naturally – something the rest of us have to study up to achieve. These folks handle today’s issues today, and wait until tomorrow to address tomorrow’s. It is a gift, maybe of body chemistry. Body chemistry might help us, then … so eat your veggies, drink water, get sleep and breathe deeply.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
……….………….. Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Wands Do ya think ya might be putting up with …? You are under stress: Maybe you should …. Are you feeling under the weather? Is it scary? It’s not knowing that gets to me. When I’m embarrassed … you know? … with caution when you have questions. I may have to live with …. Think you can hang in there? Why does __ get on my nerves? Uncertainty Gets to Me Uncertainty is what I can’t stand. Why am I tense? Is there cause for alert? I am wondering and on guard. I have questions – things I am uncomfortable about. Are you sick of the pressure too? Am I high-strung? – I dunno. I don’t think you are anxious. Puzzling this out makes me uneasy. Am I distrustful here, or not? Sometimes I think … to hang in there. Why did I dread that, anyway? Asking myself why I get intimidated. I think a trauma is …. x..
………..………….. Seven of Pentacles and Ten of Wands Maybe Take It Slow For a While Do you think you might be … too much? Maybe you should take it slow for a while. Are you feeling … just slow down. Is it really all THAT …? It’s not knowing that … eventually. When I’m embarrassed, I’m very __ … you know? Proceed _ when you have questions. I may have a long hard road ahead. Think you can _ a little longer? Why does waiting … anyway? Uncertainty is what I _ the most. Why am I so _? Is there cause for high __? I am always wondering. I have a lot of questions. Are you tired of __ too? I don’t think you are depressed. Puzzling this out all this time …. Sometimes I think it’s difficult. Why did I _ for so long, anyway? I think __ is tiring me out. Asking myself why I get so _. x..
………..…………… Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands Putting up with too much. You are under a lot of stress. You are under a lot of stress … take it slow for a while. Feeling under the weather? – just slow down. It is THAT scary. It’s __ that gets to me eventually. When I’m embarrassed, I’m very _. Proceed with caution.** I have to live with a long hard road ahead. Hang in there a little longer. Waiting gets on my nerves. __ is what I can’t stand the most. I am so tense. High alert. Sick and tired.* Always on guard.* … a lot of things I am uncomfortable about. Sick and tired of the pressure, too. Too high-strung. You are anxious and depressed. … all this time makes me uneasy. … too distrustful. It’s difficult to hang in there. … dread that for so long. I get so intimidated. A trauma of the past is tiring me out. x..
Seven of Pentacles ……… You bought the tools and supplies, you planted and tilled and watered, and there’s this fine tall plant with healthy big leaves. But will it grow those cucumbers? You don’t know whether both genders of the plant are nearby enough to make your labor worthwhile. You lean on your shovel and ponder, wonder and maybe even worry? That is the application and the mood for Seven of Pentacles: uncertainty about the future as you wait, having done all you can do.
Nine of Wands …………. Don’t you hate sweating-out times? – the ones where it’s going to be more of the same, and that last go-round was bad enough? Nine of Wands is stuck there, still on the job as the border guard, his wounds from the past unhealed still. Nine of Wands is about his tight belly, the tension, the anxiety … and also about the fact he is still there doing his difficult job. Nine of Wands extends the concept of defending the position to feeling defensive about the position, or just feeling defensive – not today, though.
Ten of Wands………. You are putting up with too much, you have too much to do, and you’re trying to do it all at once. You will make it eventually, but taking on too much slows you down. It’s an awful feeling being so burdened, overloaded and overwhelmed. Key concepts to Ten of Wands are: slowness, depression, difficulty, taking on responsibility, and eventually making it. ‘Eventually’ is a common translation for Ten of Wands, and so are any synonyms of ‘too much’: very, most, high-, extreme, etc.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Tarot Verbatim
Guidance Too much of a good thing is still too much: It gums up the works from both ends, the giver’s and the receiver’s. Here’s a woman who takes care of whatever she loves until it doesn’t love her. We also point out that an excess of resourcefulness and competence is intimidating (rather than being appreciated). Then we declare that just doing it, instead of worrying about whether you are competent to, or whether you’re the one to do it – just grabbing the wheel – often pays off royally.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the four cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Ace of Cups
Nine of Wands – Queen of Pentacles – Ten of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Love and Too Much Love (Ten of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Tarot Readings: Woman Who is Very Competent (Queen of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Good Things That Get on Your Nerves (Nine of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Tarot Readings: Love and Too Much Love (Ten of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Hang in there a little longer and you will have someone to love you and belong to you.
She gives him enough love to last forever, more than he can stand.
She is everything he wants in a woman, it’s scary how much he loves her.
He’s afraid she has been doing things for him so long this may be love.
I love her too much; I’m afraid she is going to be mothering me.
He is bent out of shape, seriously, because he loves a woman who has more money than he.
He is uneasy about all the love she is investing in him.
It worries him that he may be a burden on the woman who loves and cares for him.
Woman puts up with too much from loved one.
Tarot Readings: Woman Who is Very Competent (Queen of Pentacles)
She is so skilled that this difficult stuff that intimidates me is easy for her.
You can handle it the easy way or the hard and scary way.
This is a very hazardous place, and she is keeping it safe.
She handles a lot of stress comfortably.
I am under a lot of pressure all the time and can still be in good health.
You are competent to do it easily but spend all this time worrying about how difficult it’s going to be.
Tarot Readings: Good Things That Get on Your Nerves (Nine of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Uh-oh, she is doing so much for me that I have to be good to her.
She has been keeping him healthy for so long it makes him nervous.
Tired of being a woman and being expected to go along with … whatever.
Tired of feeling that being a woman means you have to baby whoever you love.
When you give too easily, you are always anxious.
I take on a burden donating to the causes of the oppressed.
He is under pressure to make a lasting peace with her because she is a matriarch type.
I love you a bunch but am tired of all the maintenance.
He feels guilty about loving a woman who forever attends to his needs.
It’s difficult for her to support him, but she feels obligated because she loves him.
You are uneasy feeling God is with you always, taking care of you.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
With this person’s backing, we can hang in there longer until things ease up.
Worry about how much money a slow leak, drip or drain will cost you.
It took her a long time to get this much money together, and now there are threats to her health.
She took charge of all the financial affairs a long time ago to ease the uneasiness.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL SIX 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.
Ace of Cups
Nine of Wands – Queen of Pentacles – Ten of Wands
Here’s our self-sacrificing good woman who cares for her man and family, is the generous backer of a cause or company, is a resourceful financial manager and somewhat at least a matriarch. Right in the middle, she sits. Queen of Pentacles. The caretaker. Associated with finances, and she is generous-hearted to her tribe. She sits with the gold in her hands, outdoors on fertile ground.
To her left is that feeling of patient dread you get when something has been going on for a while and is going to continue, and you don’t really want to deal with it: the guilt, anxiety, tension, feeling of obligation, apprehension or defensiveness. Nine of Wands is guarding the endangered turf (the wounded border guard). That ‘Nine of Wands feeling’ can emanate from the self-sacrificing lady, or from the recipient(s) of her caretaking … or it can be mutual.
To her right is a long difficult ordeal, a burden, taking it all on yourself, doing it all in one load, slow but steady progress, and the extreme of anything – including the extreme of Queen of Pentacles’ competence. Ten of Wands. It also is ‘Hang in there, you will make it eventually.’ ‘Eventually’ is one of its key words and sometimes it means step-by-step gradually. See the picture. Nine and Ten of Wands are in a similar place in their lives.
And above it all, what do we have? Love. Good. Cooperation, going along with. Health. Ease and easily. Ace of Cups, which also refers to God, God’s presence, being godly (sincerely godly). All good and no harm, blessings, and ‘Go with the flow.’ The illustration expresses (clumsily, I think) the idea that a person who is sincerely ‘going with God’ is channeling divine energy out into the environment: Water is the spirit (Holy Spirit, often) and the dove also represents the presence of divinity (the wafer of communion).
Queen of Pentacles and Ten of Wands Queen of Pentacles and Ten of Wands have both taken on a lot. They are both patient types of people, both very responsible people. Hope they meet each other.
Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands are both putting up with a lot, and are both hanging in there despite the strain.
Too much of a good thing is still too much: It gums up the works from both ends, the giver’s and the receiver’s. Here’s a woman who (today, anyway) takes care of whatever she loves until iis uneasy. We also point out that an excess of resourcefulness and competence (and that’s our Queen of Pentacles all over) is intimidating (rather than being appreciated).
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Nine of Wands and Queen of Pentacles Hang in there and have someone to belong to you. She gives him more than he can stand. She is everything he wants in a woman; it’s scary …. I’m afraid she is going to be mothering me. He is bent out of shape … a woman who has money. He is uneasy about … she is investing in him. It worries him that the woman who cares for him …. Woman puts up with. She is so silled that this stuff that intimidates me …. You can handle it the scary way. This is a hazardous place and she is keeping (maintaining) it …. She handles stress. I am under a lot of pressure and can still be …. You are competent, but worrying about __ it’s going to be. Uh-oh. She is doing so much for me …. She has been keeping him … it makes him nervous. Tired of being a woman and being expected to …. feeling that being a woman means you have to baby whoever__. When you give, you are anxious. Donating to the causes of the oppressed. He is under pressure because she is a matriarch type. Tired of all the maintenance. He feels guilty about a woman who attends to his needs. She feels obligated to support him. You are uneasy feeling … taking care of you. With this person’s backing, we can hang in there. Worry about how much money __ will cost you. … her to get this money together, and now there are threats to her __. She took charge of financial affairs … uneasiness. x
Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands *Hang in there a little longer. Enough to last forever, more than he can stand. **It’s scary how much …. … too much; I’m afraid …. He is bent out of shape, seriously … has more than …. … uneasy about all the …. **It worries him that he may be a burden on …. **Puts up with too much. This difficult stuff that intimidates me. **The hard and scary way. A very hazardous place. **A lot of stress. **Under a lot of pressure all the time. **Worrying about how difficult it’s going to be. Uh-oh … so much __ that I have to …. ** __ for so long it makes him nervous. Tired of being expected to … whatever. **Tired of feeling that being __ means you have to __. **You are always anxious. When you __ too __, you are anxious. I take on the burden of the __ oppressed. Under pressure to make a lasting …. … a bunch, but am tired of …. He feels guilty about a __ who forever …. **It is difficult but (she) feels obligated. You are uneasy feeling __ is always. **Hang in there longer. Worry about how much a slow …. … a long time, and now there are threats to …. … of all the … a long time ago … uneasiness. x
Nine of Wands and Ace of Cups Hang in there, have someone to love you. More love than he can stand. It’s scary _ he loves her. It’s scary __ he loves her. He is afraid this may be love. I love her __; I’m afraid …. He is bent out of shape because he loves a woman …. Uneasy about the love …. It worries him that … the woman who loves him. Puts up with loved one. … that intimidates me is easy for …. The scary way or the easy way. A hazardous place safe. This is a hazardous place and ___ it safe. Stress … comfortably. Under a lot of pressure and still in good health. … easily, but … worrying about … it’s going to be. GOOD THINGS THAT GET ON YOUR NERVES Uh-oh, I have to be good to her. … healthy … makes him nervous. *Being expected to go along with … whatever. … feeling that you have to … whoever you love. Anxious when you __ easily. Causes of the oppressed. **Under pressure to make peace. Love you but am tired of …. Feels guilty about loving …. Feels guilty about loving a woman. Feels guilty about loving a woman who attends to his needs. Feels obligated because (she) loves (him). Uneasy feeling God is …. We can hang in there until things ease up. Worry about a leak, drip or drain. Threats to health. **Ease the uneasiness. x
Queen of Pentacles and Ten of Wands … a little longer, and have someone to belong to you. She gives him enough to last forever. She is everything he wants in a woman … how much …. She has been doing things for him so long …. … too much; she is going to be mothering me. A woman who has more money than he. All the __ she is investing in him. A burden on the woman who cares for him. Woman __ too much from __. She is so skilled that this difficult stuff …. **She is so skilled. You can handle it the hard way. A very … and she is keeping/maintaining it __. She handles a lot of …. I am under a lot of __. You are competent to do it, but spend all this time … how difficult … *She is doing so much for me. She has been keeping him __ for so long …. *Tired of being a woman. Tired of feeling that being a woman … you baby whoever …. Too much of a woman. Too much of a caretaker. When you give too …. I take on the burden of donating to …. A lasting __ with her because she is a matriarch type. **All the maintenance. Tired of all the maintenance. A woman who forever attends to his needs. It’s difficult for her to support him. … is with you always, taking care of you. With this person’s backing, we can __ longer. How much money a slow … will cost you. It took her a long time to get this much money together. She took charge of all the financial affairs a long time ago. x
Queen of Pentacles and Ace of Cups LOVE AND TOO MUCH LOVE Someone to love you and belong to you. She gives him enough love to last. She is everything he wants in a woman … he loves her. She has been doing things for him … this may be love. I love her; she is going to be mothering me. Loves a woman who has __ money …. **All the love she is investing in him. The woman who loves and cares for him. Woman __ from loved one. She is so skilled __ is easy for her. You can handle it the easy way. She is keeping it safe. She handles __ comfortably. I can be in good health. **You are competent to do it easily. She is doing so much for me … be good to her. *She keeps him healthy. A woman to go along with … whatever. Being a woman means babying whoever you love. When you give too easily. Donating to the causes. Peace with her because she is a matriarch type. Love you … the maintenance. Loving a woman who attends to his needs. … her to support him … because she loves him. **God is taking care of you. With this person’s backing … things ease up. How much money a leak, drip or drain will cost you. It took her a long time to … her health. She took charge of financial affairs to ease …. x
Ten of Wands and Ace of Cups … a little longer and you will have someone to love you. Enough love to last forever. More love than he can stand. Love __ forever. How much he loves her. … for so long this may be love. … for so long this may be love. Seriously, because he loves … who has more …. **All the love. A burden on the woman who loves him. __ too much from loved one. This difficult stuff is easy for __. ***The easy way or the hard way. A very __ … safe. *Very safe. A lot of __ comfortably. … and still be in good health. …easily, but spend all this time __ how difficult it __. … so much … be good to …. **Healthy for so long …. Tired of going along with … whatever. Tired of … whoever you love. **Too easily. **Lasting peace. I love you a bunch. I love you a bunch but am tired of. Loving a __ who forever …. It’s difficult, but she loves him. **God is always …. …longer until things ease up. How much a leak, drip or drain …. It took __ a long time to … health. … of all the … a long time ago to ease …. x
Nine of Wands waits for the other shoe to drop. He has survived so far and dreads the next onslaught. Something has been going on for a while and is going to continue, something you don’t really want to deal with anymore. The border guard here is wounded in a past confrontation, and there’s more to come … just don’t know when. Nine of Wands is guilt, anxiety, tension, feeling obligated, fear and apprehension, and defensiveness. But Nine of Wands is hanging in there.
Queen of Pentacles The devoted caretaker. The homemaker of the Forties. The self-sacrificing good woman who cares for her man and family, who is the backer of a cause or an enterprise. She is the resourceful financial manager of home or business or both. She is a bit of a matriarch. Quite often, the money she is so resourceful with is her own. She sits here with it in her hands, surrounded by fertile ground, and a bunny to emphasize the fertility theme.
Ten of Wands He is making slow but steady progress, having taken all the boards on in one backbreaking load. This is anything difficult, anything slow, and anything extreme – often translating ‘very.’ Ten of Wands suggests you will get to where you are going eventually, though. ‘Eventually’ is another of its words. Other cards can bring out a ‘depressing’ meaning to Ten of Wands.
Ace of Cups depicts the Christian concept of being filled with Holy Spirit, depicts it with the dove putting the wafer of communion into the vessel of the ‘five bodily humors’ of Middle Ages belief, or the five senses. So it stands for God, cooperation, ease, good things, no harm, and most of all love – unconditional love. Often, it means ‘go along with’ something. ‘Go with the flow’ is a good way to remember Ace of Cups in Rider Waite.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread, Tarot Readings for You, Tarot Verbatim
Guidance Too much of a good thing is still too much: It gums up the works from both ends, the giver’s and the receiver’s. Here’s a woman who takes care of whatever she loves until it doesn’t love her. We also point out that an excess of resourcefulness and competence is intimidating (rather than being appreciated).
Instructions: Are YOU here for the first time? Come in! People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ is a summary of what the cards are generally advising visitors to be aware of that day. ‘Tarot Readings’ is the actual word for word messages the cards are conveying. Tarot can come up with a wide variety of sentences (sometimes even completely contradictory sentences!) in a group reading as there is no specific question being asked. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Want even more insight and information about a specific situation in your life? Call me, Emily, at 1-800-993-6912 and talk to me personally and have yourself a live, in detail, Tarot Reading like no other you may ever have had before. Your call will support 500 acres of wild life in an animal sanctuary where I live and call home.
Also, don’t be shy about talking to the Community of Users in the comment section below. You’ll find this as the very last thing on this site. Trust me when I say we would *love* to hear from you!
Ace of Cups
Nine of Wands – Queen of Pentacles – Ten of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Love and Too Much Love (Ten of Wands + Ace of Cup
Tarot Readings: Woman Who is Very Competent (Queen of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Good Things That Get on Your Nerves (Nine of Wands + Ace of Cups)
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Tarot Readings: Love and Too Much Love (Ten of Wands + Ace of Cups)
Hang in there a little longer and you will have someone to love you and belong to you.
She gives him enough love to last forever, more than he can stand.
She is everything he wants in a woman, it’s scary how much he loves her.
He’s afraid she has been doing things for him so long this may be love.
I love her too much; I’m afraid she is going to be mothering me.
He is bent out of shape, seriously, because he loves a woman who has more money than he.
He is uneasy about all the love she is investing in him.
It worries him that he may be a burden on the woman who loves and cares for him.
Woman puts up with too much from loved one.
Tarot Readings: Woman Who is Very Competent (Queen of Pentacles)
She is so skilled that the difficult stuff that intimidates me is easy for her.
After all this time, difficulty, and worry, she is so resourceful that it’s easy for her.
They feel defensive that she will eventually get her hands on the money because she is innocent and they stand accused.
She can handle it the easy cooperative way or the hard scary way.
They have this uneasy feeling she has the ability to take on the whole burden of proving her competence.
She handles a lot of stress easily.
She can easily handle constant danger for a long time.
She is competent to do it easily but spends all this time worrying about how difficult it’s going to be.
Tarot Readings: Good Things That Get on Your Nerves (Nine of Wands + Ace of Cups)
Uh-oh, she is doing so much for me that I have to cooperate with her.
She has been keeping him healthy for so long it makes him nervous.
Tired of being a woman and being expected to go along with … whatever.
Tired of feeling that being a woman means you have to baby whoever you love.
When you give too easily, you are always anxious about the next time.
It’s taking on a burden to donate to the causes of the oppressed.
He is under pressure to make a lasting peace with her because she has the money.
A whole lot of love, but is tired of all the caretaking.
He feels guilty about loving a woman who forever attends to his needs.
It’s difficult for her to support him, but she feels obligated because she loves him.
You are feeling, uneasily, the presence of God is with you always, taking care of you.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
With this backer behind us, we can hang in there longer until things ease up.
Worry about how much money a slow leak, drip or drain will cost you.
It took her a long time to get this much money together, and now there are threats to her health.
She took charge of all the financial affairs a long time ago to ease the financial trouble.
.Ace of Cups
Nine of Wands – Queen of Pentacles – Ten of Wands
Well, well, well, here’s our self-sacrificing good woman who cares for her man and family, is the backer of a cause or company, is a resourceful financial manager and somewhat at least a matriarch. Right in the middle, she sits. Queen of Pentacles. The caretaker.
To her left is that feeling you get when something has been going on for a while and is going to continue, and you don’t really want to deal with it: the guilt, anxiety, tension, feeling of obligation, apprehension and defensiveness. Nine of Wands. It can emanate from the self-sacrificing lady, or from the recipient(s) of her caretaking. Or be mutual.
To her right is a long difficult ordeal, a burden, taking it all on yourself, doing it all in one load, slow but steady progress, and the extreme of anything – including the extreme of her competence. Ten of Wands. It also is ‘Hang in there, you will make it eventually.’ ‘Eventually is one of its key words.
And above it all, what do we have? Love. Good. Cooperation, going along with. Health. Ease and easily. Ace of Cups, which also refers to God. All good and no harm, blessings, and ‘Go with the flow.’
Queen of Pentacles and Ten of Wands have both taken on a lot.
Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands are both putting up with a lot, and are both hanging in there despite the strain.
Too much of a good thing is still too much: It gums up the works from both ends, the giver’s and the receiver’s. Here’s a woman who (today, anyway) takes care of whatever she loves until it doesn’t love her. We also point out that an excess of resourcefulness and competence is intimidating (rather than being appreciated).
Nine of Wands waits for the other show to drop. He has survived so far and dreads the next onslaught. Something has been going on for a while and is going to continue, something you don’t really want to deal with anymore. The border guard here is wounded in a past confrontation, and there’s more to come … just don’t know when. Nine of Wands is guilt, anxiety, tension, feeling obligated, fear and apprehension, and defensiveness.
Queen of Pentacles The devoted caretaker. The homemaker of the Forties. The self-sacrificing good woman who cares for her man and family, who is the backer of a cause or an enterprise. She is the resourceful financial manager of home or business or both. She is a bit of a matriarch. Quite often, the money she is so resourceful with is her own. She sits here with it in her hands, surrounded by fertile ground, and a bunny to emphasize the fertility theme.
Ten of Wands He is making slow but steady progress, having taken all the boards on in one backbreaking load. This is anything difficult, anything slow, and anything extreme – often translating ‘very.’ Ten of Wands suggests you will get to where you are going eventually, though. ‘Eventually’ is another of its words. Other cards can bring out a ‘depressing’ meaning to Ten of Wands.
Ace of Cups depicts the Christian concept of being filled with Holy Spirit, depicts it with the dove putting the wafer of communion into the vessel of the ‘five bodily humors’ of Middle Ages belief, or the five senses. So it stands for God, cooperation, ease, good things, no harm, and most of all love – unconditional love. Often, it means ‘go along with’ something.
Each and every ‘Tarot Reading’ sentence you see is a literal interpretation of the four Rider Waite Tarot cards drawn and pictured for today. (The literal interpretation is from the illustration on each card.) These sentences are put together by only combining the phrases of what each cards says. In other words, there are NO “filler” phrases added just to make full sentences, and no psychic ability or spirit guide is ever involved.
*Without a question* in a group reading to focus the answer, the four Tarot cards can mean quite contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that means ‘no,’ ‘never’ or ‘not.’ These negative modifiers can apply to any one of the other cards.
*Without a question* in a group reading, the pronouns (you, him, her, me, us, them, they, etc.) are more flexible. Whenever you see a pronoun in parentheses, please *feel very free* to substitute another pronoun than the one used. I try to drop pronouns when possible, which, if you’ve noticed, can make for awkward phrasing.
Now in an ‘real’ individual reading, the questioner asks a specific question and thereby supplies at least half the information! In an individual situation, the parties are identified and sometimes a time frame is too. Here, in a group reading we cannot do that and so we get a variety of sentences.
Horoscopes are group readings, too. Astrology is based on someone else’s birth data, though, so a ‘solar’ group horoscope never really solidly applies to you! (Astrologers know this!)
Tarot, on the other hand, is perfectly capable of flexibly addressing any group, including all of the visitors that come to this site. It can also address people you might not even know personally, such as all the people at your job who have a say in whether or not you get a raise.
We have been wondering here lately whether the Tarot Verbatim(TM) sentences are more accurate for regular visitors than they are for people who visit this site only once in awhile or for a short time. Would you help us with a comment please, if you have not been a regular visitor? Just let us know if the sentences are relevant to you. So far, people say they do apply.
Return to this site often and you can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim(TM) works. Regular visitors actually learn to read Rider Waite Tarot cards with very little effort.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
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