Our Daily Spread for Jan. 17, 2011
Page of Wands, Chariot, Seven of Wands
He feels he is the one who is in control so he isn’t protesting.
He isn’t going to let this end; he is going to take charge.
No one can resist a good looking guy who is successful.
No one gets in his way, the way he drives.
They do not impede his progress.
They do not block his car.
He protests that this is NOT the way he chooses to get the job done.
Just look at the illustrations on these particular Tarot cards and get down to business. The Page of Wands is the winning personality, the Chariot is success or a vehicle, is ‘getting the job done.’ The Seven of Wands is to raise hell, protest, push through, to get in the way of or block. The Death card negates other cards; it means no, never, not, etc. So these go together various ways. Now you can make up some more!
Three of Wands
Queen of Swords, Two of Swords, Three of Pentacles
She has no complaints about the money coming in from this deal/business.
This will continue to be a good relationship; she is in no way disagreeable.
No way will she let a relationship continue in which she is deprived.
Isn’t going to be dealing with the bitch.
The bitter woman will not be agreeing or settling.
There is no way the old woman will be coming to the meeting.
The widow isn’t going to be in a relationship.
This is another instance of the illustrations speaking pretty much for themselves. The Queen of Swords is an embittered or angry woman, usually older, who is not getting something she is entitled to. She is also the bitch. The Two of Swords is ‘no way,’ no, never, etc.- is a roadblock or a block. The Three of Pentacles is a business deal, a settlement or agreement, a real estate closing. The three of wands is clearly ‘your ship is coming in,’ and means income, coming, continuing; it suggests future action and the words ‘will be.’ So once again you can make up some more meanings !
Page of Wands CHARIOT Seven of Wands
He feels he is the one who is in control so he isn’t protesting.
He isn’t going to let this end; he is going to take charge.
No one can resist a good looking guy who is successful.
No one gets in his way, the way he drives.
They do not impede his progress.
They do not block his car.
He protests that this is NOT the way he chooses to get the job done.
Just look at the illustrations on these particular Tarot cards and get down to business. The Page of Wands is the winning personality, the Chariot is success or a vehicle, is ‘getting the job done.’ The Seven of Wands is to raise hell, protest, push through, to get in the way of or block. The Death card negates other cards; it means no, never, not, etc. So these go together various ways. Now you can make up some more!