Tarot Readings for You for September 25, 2015 Friday©

GUIDANCE           The foresight to prevent situations that haven’t yet caused harm: That’s the tool for security – whatever kind of security you’re talking about. We contrast *seeing it coming and controlling it overtly (hands-on)* with *the agenda to get control under cover of darkness*. So foresight and the ability (and the nerve) to defend your position overcome some scheme. It usually does, you know.


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People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.



Six of Wands – Two of Wands – Strength




Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Stabilizing a Subversive Influence (Six of Wands and Two of Wands)

Tarot Readings: On Top of My Game (Six of Wands and Strength)

Tarot Readings: Will Prevent Harm (Two of Wands and Strength)


Tarot Readings: Stabilizing a Subversive Influence (Six of Wands and Two of Wands)

To seduce a woman of character, look like a solid citizen.

We have things under control when it doesn’t look like we do: All is well.

You will have money to handle the underlying cause of a problem.

Success is getting your foes to finance your cause.

Stabilizing influence versus subversive influence.

It looks like a problem, but there will be funding to solve it.

.. …….…… …..

Tarot Readings: On Top of My Game (Six of Wands and Strength)

It’s b.s., and you are in direct hands-on control of it.

He plans to trick her into making him behave.

Staying on top of a dirty game.

A stabilizing influence on people who have vices.

You are going to take care of some things that are festering beneath the surface.

Prevent some financial problem that doesn’t show yet.

I will get the best of my own sneaky side.

No one sabotages THIS plan.

.. …….…… …..

Tarot Readings: Will Prevent Harm (Two of Wands and Strength)

Yes, I will defend myself against false friends.

A really slick person keeps a bank from harming him or her.

You are about to get rough on someone who misrepresents (him)self.

An assertive lady can handle the loan officer’s shtick.

Spiritual strength indirectly gives you a solid future.

Plan ahead in order to prevent your own dark side from influencing you.

You’ve got a grip on your rather deceptive money situation.

Foresight allows you to nip a brewing problem in the bud.


Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.


Six of Wands – Two of Wands – Strength





                LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

.. …….…… …..…………, Both Two of Wands and Strength, things are under control; they both involve foresight, too. Two of Wands has control of money (and real estate), has an overview of his situation, and has a plan for its future – a sure thing. Strength has the insight and foresight to see impending problems and prevent them before they raise their roaring heads. Her influence puts a damper on whatever threats are out there. Both these cards describe (and belong to) a very stable situation.

So what is the other card? The saboteur, the destabilizing factor or influence, the false friend or the false flag. It’s not what it seems with Six of Wands. Win the battle and lose the war.

Six of Wands and Two of Wands also are both about self-interest. Two of Wands is a legitimate self-interest, a respectable and legal profit (whether fair or not). Six of Wands is the shyster, the shady deal, the pretense of the con who is taking advantage or the bullshitter.

Six of Wands and Strength are the destabilizing factor or influence (Six of Wands) and the stabilizing influence (Strength). Strength is preventing Six of Wands’ mischief. Six of Wands is what only seems to be a victory; Strength is victory without struggle.





Six of Wands      Betrayal and sabotage are common themes of Six of Wands. King Richard has won a battle against some Arabs but the fellow next in line for the throne of England has arranged for the Arabs to kidnap or capture him, and never let him go. A hollow or Pyrrhic victory, winning the battle and losing the war, someone who is a frenemy or an impostor. In application, Six of Wands is the mooches, game players, cheaters, con artists, energy vampires, pretenders and deceivers of your existence. The sneaky self-interested ones who are entitled to operate on someone else’s resources, who trick someone into serving their interests or sucker you into supporting their cause. Pretense and misrepresentation are very much part of Six of Wands. Propaganda, blarney, and b.s.

Six of Wands also belongs to a habit, a vice, or a substance that has control of you, not just another person. It can be self-delusion, not just being misled by someone else. It can represent your own dark side, vice or susceptibility (including susceptibility to ailments). Your demons.

But Six of Wands can also be a good strategy to get the best of, or outsmart, the opposition. It can be an agenda that isn’t bad, given the right Tarot neighbors. It can mean compromise (in either sense of the word). Six of Wands can even be simply playing the role, fitting in, going along with the program, none of which is sneaky. (Hierophant often shows up when Six of Wands is in this groove.)

Two of Wands      He owns the town, you know, solid citizen that he is. He has the world in his hands. Here he stands upon his elegant roof patio, pondering what to do next to get even more profit, even more money, out of the real estate below. Foresight: Up there on the roof, he has a view of the whole picture. That is the place to be … up, looking out … to be in control of your fate.

Two of Wands is you in control of your fate, feeling secure because you are secure, the world in your hands, looking out, planning, the future, planning the future, finances and financial security and long-term financial matters. Two of Wands is stability and financial stability, security and financial security. It is about owning real estate, and about bankers, too – and investments and loans, of course.

Most often, you see it making ‘will’ or another verb that is future tense. It will put another card’s meaning into the future too: ‘He loves you’ may become ‘He will love you.’ And Two of Wands translates ‘the future’ too. And it can mean long term or a long time, or permanent.

Strength      The illustration of Strength is the white robed woman wearing garlands. An infinity sign is over her head like a halo, indicating she is spiritually powerful. The lion wanted to attack her, but she has charmed him so much she has her hands holding his mouth shut and makes him purr while she strokes him.  Her influence is that powerful. So Strength is about winning without the battle, getting the opposition to go along with your program – about handling or finessing a situation. In fact ‘She can handle’ is a frequent translate for Strength.

The battle Strength wins is about handling and overcoming both internal and external challenges, be they enemies, opposition, personal issues, personal demons, habits and addictions … anything at all. Strength can even be about overcoming sickness. The battle can be spiritual combat, spiritual warfare too.

Strength is having such a strong presence that trouble avoids you, you nip opposition in the bud.  An ounce of prevention.  The concept applies to everything:  Muggers avoid people who can handle a fight; bad spirits avoid spiritual adepts; you don’t challenge the stronger candidate – and so on.  Strength can handle it.  Strength overcomes both internal and external threats.






An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, we say, and today we have a story about someone who sees an opposition forming and acts preemptively to prevent it – someone who can charm the potential frenemy before the clash happens. We also have the story from the would-be opponent’s perspective of losing the battle before it begins and not even knowing it. Sometimes being friendly at just the right time in just the right way saves the fray.


Peafowl have a house to the left, of their own,

and a large pen to roam with friends.


Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Tarot Readings for You for February 3, 2013 Sunday(c)


Guidance    You can do it.  Plan ahead in order to prevent your own dark side from influencing you.  Look ahead to keep yourself away from bad situations out there.  Expect the unexpected threats, both internal and external ones, to your sanity and your safety, because you can handle them; you are strong enough to overcome whatever ….   


Six of Wands – Two of Wands – Devil



Tarot Readings:  Overcoming Vices, Problems and People (Strength)

I am evil wicked mean and nasty, I will outfox them and have them eating from my hand.”

When you have a very serious situation you are on your own to deal with, it will bring out your devious side.

Overcoming this kind of sickness is going to be very inconvenient.

When you’ve got a grip on your own darkside, you get their darkside to behave.

When you have a grip on your own vices, you are a stabilizing influence to others who have vices.

I will overcome my secret vice.

An addiction has got the best of me, and I am going to get the best of it.

This respectable guy has a secret porn addiction she keeps him from indulging.

Act as if it isn’t a problem at all:  This is a permanent fix. 


Tarot Readings:  It’s Festering, But We’re Fixing It (Six of Wands + Strength)

Some things are festering beneath the surface, but I am going to have that taken care of.

There is a good solid future here in spite of all the problems:  We have things under control when it doesn’t look like we do.

Politics is always a dirty game you have to stay on top of.

I am going to look bad as I handle my bad side.


Tarot Readings:  Asserting Yourself (Strength)

She handles the nastiest customers profitably, she has a sneaky side of her own.

You are going to get your enemies to support your cause.

We have enough funding and influence to stifle opposition.

She isn’t letting (him) be (his) nasty self; (he) will have to be a hypocrit.

She is not going to let (him) even pretend to be bad.

My plan to overcome my bad temper is to use it against itself.

A bad life has got the best of me, and I have a plan to straighten this out.

Being in charge of preventing people from making money illegally, you can get away with it yourself.


Tarot Readings:  Preventing It Before It’s a Problem (Strength + Devil)

A serious ailment lies undetected for a long time before it gets treated.

Going to nip this condition in the bud before symptoms appear.

There are some financial problems we must prevent before they can manifest.

I can handle any terrible thing by having a strategy, a plan.

A really slick person can keep a bank from destroying him/her.


Six of Wands and Devil … not good.  You could say it’s the dark side getting the best of us.

 Six of Wands is the undetected enemy within, the traitor or Fifth Columnist, being under the influence of a harmful agent of any sort, but it also can be outfoxing, having a strategy, and the mere appearance of (anything) … as in pretending to be something it’s not.  Sneaky side.  The pretend friend.  Self-delusional following of a cause.

 Devil can be just about any awful thing, any dark side, any bad habit or harmful practice or agent.  ‘Toxic.’  It’s the bad spectrum of hate, it’s the illness that is serious.  With support, it could also even speak of demons or black arts.  It quite often is simply ‘problem’ or ‘bad situation’ or being nasty, ill-tempered or inclined to lowlife or violent activity.

 So you quickly look around to see what kind of company these two are set in.  Whew, good news!  Strength is here, along with the stability meanings of Two of Wands.

 Strength is having such a strong presence that trouble avoids you, you nip opposition in the bud.  An ounce of prevention.  The concept applies to everything:  Muggers avoid people who can handle a fight; bad spirits avoid spiritual adepts; you don’t challenge the stronger candidate – and so on.  Strength can handle it.  Strength overcomes both internal and external threats.  Strength is overcoming, especially overcoming some bad situation, some dark side, some personal difficulty or addiction.

Where the Devil appears, it’s a relief to see Strength … always.

 Two of Wands   is about the future; a long time or permanent or long term (anything); permanent or stable or stability; financial or banking; a plan; the outlook.  It is about having influence and power so that you can plan ahead for your own profit.

Devil can be just about any awful thing, any dark side, any bad habit or harmful practice or agent of destruction.  ‘Toxic.’  It’s the bad spectrum of hate, it’s the illness that is serious.  With other malefic cards, it could also speak of demons or black arts.  It quite often is simply ‘problem’ or ‘bad situation’ or being nasty, ill-tempered or inclined to lowlife or violent activity.

 You can do it.  Plan ahead in order to prevent your own dark side from influencing you.  Look ahead to keep yourself away from bad situations out there.  Expect the unexpected threats, both internal and external ones, to your sanity and your safety, because you can handle them; you are strong enough to overcome whatever ….


Six of Wands    is the undetected enemy within, the traitor or Fifth Columnist, being under the influence of a harmful agent of any sort, but it also can be outfoxing, having a strategy, and the mere appearance of (anything) … as in pretending to be something it’s not.  Sneaky side.  The pretend friend.  A disease without symptoms (yet).  Self-delusional following of a cause.  It illustrates the betrayal of King Richard III, in a battle, to a lifetime of Arab captivity, orchestrated by the next-in-succession to the thone of England.


Two of Wands   A bankster surveys his real estate kingdom, planning to make more profit from it.  He stands on the finished roof of his castle, elaborately dressed, holding the world in his hands.   Two of Wands is about the future; a long time or permanent or long term (anything); permanent or stable or stability; financial or banking; a plan; the outlook.  It is about having influence and power so that you can plan ahead for your own profit.  Often, it simply contributes the future tense to another card’s verb.


Strength is about handling and overcoming both internal and external challenges, be they enemies, opposition, personal issues, habits and addictions … anything at all.  A spiritually strong person repels spiritual opposition; a physically adept person repels muggers, and so forth.    The phrase Strength commonly contributes is ‘can handle,’ aptly illustrated by a woman who has shut the mouth of the lion, and made him pur.  She is dressed in a white robe with garlands, and has the ‘eternity symbol’ for a halo.


Devil    can be just about any awful thing, any dark side, any bad habit or harmful practice or agent of destruction.  ‘Toxic.’  It’s the bad spectrum of hate, it’s the illness that is serious.  With support, it could also speak of demons or black arts.  It quite often is simply ‘problem’ or ‘bad situation’ or being nasty, ill-tempered or inclined to lowlife or violent activity.  The picture speaks for itself:  the hideous-looking horned goatlike creature with the bad signs.



Our Daily Spread for May 7, 2011



HOW TO USE THE MATERIAL WE HAVE FOR YOU HERE. Read the sentences, and pick out the ones that seem to apply to you, to the people around you. They are a Tarot analysis of your day’s circumstances. As the day (or several days) unfolds, you may find the information is relevant. The question is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.” Often, your adopting the attitude you feel in the blog works for your day!

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean even contradictory things. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are less specific, more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. Especially when a pronoun is in parentheses, feel free to substitute.

The Advice section sums up a general meaning of all the sentences.

Remember to share your experience with a comment here if you have words for it … I write two or three hours every day on these spreads, and I love it.

Photos of the animals that the people who call me support are in with the articles I wrote for you. Enjoy them too!

And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. I analyze business situations accurately too. (Testimonials are on the web site.)






Six of Wands

World, Two of Wands, Lovers

Meanings and Illustrations:

Well, look-a-here. Count ’em. One-two-three cards in a row that each mean protection and security. Then the fourth is the secret enemy, phony friend, backstabbing acquaintance. Well, we get the picture, don’t we? This is not going to be one of those spreads that has many applications and means far-flung things. This is a situation we humans meet with early, when we are still wearing baby clothes. So today’s message is good news.

World card is about being shielded from all the bad stuff by being above it, by being disinterested in and ignoring all that glitters – by being spiritually superior to the hazards on all planes. If you don’t want something for nothing you don’t have that ‘handle,’ that receptor the predator docks onto. You are below its radar. But the shield is not just World’s wall of disinterest; it is also her positive interest in other things: World is in her own world dancing with her wands, is doing her own thing.

Two of Wands: We continue the theme of being secure from interference by being above it (literally now: the mogul is on the rooftop contemplating the world of real estate below whilst having the world in his hands). World is secure spiritually. Two of Wands is secure financially as a base of power and influence: He can not only see the Big Picture, he can draw it. He is deciding on the future of his real estate holdings down there. He has a plan, he is in control.

Lovers: Protection comes from above, from the guardian angel, in this third card. Once again, there’s a connection to Higher Consciousness, to divine protection. But this card means to connect, to partner up or being a partner, rather than to insulate, ignore, shut out or be unavailable as the others do. This card shows the Adam and Eve story which is about succumbing to temptation, not about being above it.

The snake is in the tree on Eve’s side there, and the volcano brings potential eruptions of passion.

Six of Wands: Speaking of the snake in the tree, there he is, the friendly guy bearing concealed consequences. The charlatan who says he won the election is going to sell you and your country behind your back. The illustration is about King Richard III’s betrayal to the Arabs so some other guy could control England.


Advice is (1) You live in a space that is inconvenient to low life form, that is above its level, so you are not seen as appetizing prey under its nose and it doesn’t reach you to connect with you; and then (2) you make sure you don’t make that connection yourself, don’t let motives such as curiosity, sympathy or self-interest (a bargain!) on your part open the door to trouble. Sounds like the Pandora’s Box story, doesn’t it?



You are connecting with people who have a good influence on you and are not connecting with those who have a self-serving use for you.

At this level of spiritual maturity, you see the Big Picture, you connect with Divinity, and you influence the people around you who are not as open to that kind of influence.

Not playing games is always going to protect you.

Some of the people you ignore are mooches who would benefit from you partnering up with them.

Higher Consciousness will always keep the lower life forms at bay.

You take the long-term view, which protects you from ‘smooth operators’ as you do your own thing.
