Strength – Ace of Wands
She can handle the big ones.
She can handle – Strength
the big ones. – Ace of Wands
She can handle the big ones.
She can handle – Strength
the big ones. – Ace of Wands
Advice No love here today! Today we are nipping potential opposition and risks in the bud deftly, with finesse. Clearly there is an opponent who is not declared and is also being dealt with arm’s length before it gets to the target. Gee, mutual undeclared combat here. Sounds like current events. The point of the messages is that no harm is done, that the accomplishment is done and the day is won without strain.
(At the time of production, there’s no way to correct the lack of spaces after punctuation. I am writing around it now!)
Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice above which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
Seven of Swords
Four of Pentacles – Ace of Wands – Strength
DAILY MESSAGE TAROT ANALYSIS Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Handling Situations Perspective (Strength)
She can handle a criminal so that he is not much threat.
You have to handle him/her as a secret enemy.
Without asserting herself, she can foil an attack.
You have to handle the thieving problem deftly to really keep it down.
You’ve got to handle (his/their/etc.) quietly double-crossing you.
Secret enemies are just threats we have to handle.
Victory over the dicey situation lies in not being very controlling.
Nips the opposition of the crook in the bud, so that he/she is not much of a threat.
Make the delinquent(s) behave and be quiet.
With her concealed weapon, she is master of an attacker.
Risk Averse/Not having the Guts Perspective (Four of Pentacles + Seven of Swords)
Not going to take a chance on making her put down an uprising.
Isn’t gutsy enough to make (him/her/it/them/us) behave.
A risk averse person has to handle opposition diplomatically.
He keeps his illicit sexual adventures secret from the woman who won’t let him.
Have to not express opposition because it’s risking a putdown.
One Think You Must Do/You Have to Perspective (Ace of Wands)
You have to handle the thieving problem deftly to really keep it down.
You’ve got to handle (his/their/etc.) quietly double-crossing you.
You’ve got to do something about your money being sabotaged.
You gotta go into stealth mode like you don’t have it in you to get the upper hand.
One thing you must do to thwart the person in possession of your stolen property.
You have to prevent the theft of your secrets.
You have to handle him/her/it as a secret enemy.
Stealth Mode to Manage the Situation (Strength + Four of Pentacles)
Winning lies in daring to not control the situation much.
Without making a point of it, we prevent them from breaking the rules.
She gets quiet revenge that shows she is in total control.
Outsmart the person, solve the problem without any direct action.
You gotta go into stealth mode like you don’t have it in you to get the upper hand.
He did it to himself, she didn’t lay a finger on him.
Criminal Perspective (Seven of Swords)
Forced to circumvent an undeclared caper.
She is in charge of Possession of Stolen Firearms.
He has to keep quiet about his stealing or she will keep him from doing it.
He is not much of a criminal, this woman forces him to be harmless.
When he is broke, he steals: That’s one way to solve the problem.
Her influence on the perp keeps him from expressing his aggression.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site.
Seven of Swords
Four of Pentacles – Ace of Wands – Strength
Ace of Wands and Strength are assertive. Strength prevents or thwarts some behavior – it shows her shutting the lion’s mouth – and Four of Pentacles is thwarted and not expressing. The left out card here, the Seven of Swords criminal, limits the meanings of the others and is therefore controlling.
Ace of Wands is directly assertive, as in giving an order or hitting. Strength prevents the action of, or thwarts, or makes harmless. It is seen as solving a situation rather than being aggressive.
Strength = Four of Pentacles + Ace of Wands: forced to keep quiet. She (Strength) shuts him up and he has to (Ace of Wands) restrain himself and not express himself (Four of Pentacles). This equation is a good example of how Tarot Verbatim functions.
Four of Pentacles There’s not enough, and restraining oneself, and not talking or expressing are core meanings for this Rider Waite Tarot citizen in the Tarot Verbatim system. It brings forth phrases and words like: not enough, shut up, prevented from, cowed, budget, broke, short of, keeping quiet, secret, subliminal, ‘in the bud,’ stifle/stifled, not ___ing (it) much, withholding, not express, concealed, quieted or quietly, potential, refrain from, not much, laying low, don’t let yourself, hidden, undeclared, undiscovered.
Its illustration shows someone holding onto coins for dear life, his back to the town, staring ahead with his lips sealed. Yes, he has something to hide and is all alone.
Ace of Wands shows a hand with a club in it that looks like a penis and is sprouting (obvious symbols of virility and fertility). Among the words and phrases it brings are: force, make, intimidate, strict ___, important, sexual or sex, top ____, have to, aggression, win, power, weapon, main point, make a point.
Strength The lion has come against her to attack, the idea is, and her character and spiritual ability is so strong (represented by the white robe with garlands of flowers, and the eternity mathematical symbol above her head) that the lion is influenced against his will to shut up and purr. This is the victory of diplomacy, this is overcoming or winning without a struggle, this is nipping opposition in the bud.
Seven of Swords is the mugger, the spy, the black op, the thief, the guy who gets past your defenses to double-cross you. He is pictured hot-footing it off from camp with everyone’s weapons held by the blades in his bare hand. So it also represents taking risks, self-destructive antics, hazard and adventure. This is an assassin’s covert mission, for example.
All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©
Ace of Wands, Strength, Six of Wands
You have to understand crooks to handle and overcome them.
An honest person is one who has overcome his/her own sneakiness.
You have to know what their agenda is in order to oppose it.
You have to know what they are up to if you are going to prevent them from doing harm.
She makes an honest man of a guy who is out to get laid.
The one thing he is out to get involves being devoted to a very dominant female.
He is honest with himself about his one-purpose agenda to get her to make him behave.
To seduce a woman of character, a man must be patient and sincere.
Watch her handle forceful opposition by seeming to be on its side.
The main point is to investigate so as not to let subversives in.
He is patient with other people’s blatant attempts to use him: He makes their attempts harmless.
Being wise to a mooch is the only way to prevent its depredations.
He helps her overcome the main thing she has going against her.
She handles supposed friends who come against her, with the help of a friend.
He advises her to be forceful in her defense against betrayals.
Drama here. In the middle we have preventing an enemy from attacking by taming it, the Strength card. It is often a woman doing that. The point is her character creates the ability to nip opposition in the bud. To the left is the Ace of Wands (He seems to show up for dinner often at our table, doesn’t he?) which suggests a forceful attack. To the right is the Six of Wands which suggests a sneaky subversive attack. Both Strength and Ace of Wands are about winning a conflict. If you take Ace of Wands and Six of Wands, you are talking a sexual seduction with an ulterior purpose, and they appear on either side of the lady of character who disciplines snarky defiance and who puts down force. And then above them all we have the Hermit who is sincerity, honesty, devotion, and observing – or a person (most likely male) who is sincere, helpful, honest, devoted, or who observes.
Advice. We talk about character here with the Strength and the Hermit- both a male and a female who are characterized as having character. And we talk about dealing firmly with someone (or the someones) who don’t, who are subversive, who betray friendship. So advice is to observe, to look for snarky behavior around you, and deal with it firmly, not let it do harm. You may have the help of a friend in this project. It is not going to be any big project, no ordeal involved.
Ace of Wands: This Rider Waite Tarot card is crashing the party lately. It means to be firm or forceful, to win or accomplish. So it is living up to its meaning, barging in here. Illustration is a hand with a board in it, which reminds me of a saying my old daddy used to repeat: “Some people, in order to get their attention, you have to hit them in the face with a board.”
Strength: We have already talked at length about her above. Bullies turn into pussycats when they intend to come against her because of who she is. This happens in real life if you just observe. The illustration shows a lady petting the predator lion, holding his mouth closed against the roar, and he is purring instead.
Six of Wands: The false flag, the alleged friend who is out to use you or get you or do you in some way, small or large. Sneaky, snarky, mooch who is gonna embezzle or get his cut behind your back. Yes, the kind of person you watch, which is what the next card after it means, the Hermit. Illustration is of a fella whose horse doesn’t trust him.
Hermit: Here is the monk dedicated to helping travelers who are lost or in distress. He goes out looking for them even at night. He is the kind helpful supportive friend. The phrases he means today are: understand, honest, know, being devoted to, patient and sincere, watch, investigate, patient, being wise to, helps and the help of a friend, advises.
Two of Swords, Three of Wands, Judgment
Assumes it’s not going to be happening again.
Is not going to be coming back, has gone on.
Is not going to be there for the repeat performance that’s upcoming.
Ignoring the big announcement that that’s not going to be happening.
Assume I will never be going back there again.
Am not going to be surprised because I won’t be there.
He/she is not coming – has broken free.
No future with him/her, he/she is starting some new life.
Now that that’s over, there’s going to be a new life of freedom.
Doesn’t know he/she/it isn’t going to recover.
Said he/she is not going to be there/here.
Tells you there’s no way you are going to be free.
Is not ever going to listen to what you say/is said.
Do not disregard continual alarms.
Always going to be no warnings, so you may as well not even listen.
Am not going to repeat it, will be acting as if I never said it.
Will keep repeating until the very end, as long as long as (Person) isn’t paying any attention.
When it is over you don’t go back, just forget about it and enjoy the new phase of life that is coming.
No way to keep ignoring the news.
When it’s over, you are going to be really happy again.
Can’t forget, so you are going back.
When it’s over, you will be free for a whole new life.
It’s going to be over again before you know it.
Not going to let that go on – will be free as a bird again.
You can’t just forget it, reminders keep coming to you.
The only definitive card – as far as a story or action here – is Judgment, and it isn’t much of one. Its main meanings are something happening again, a return, a new life, a recovery, an announcement, news, an alarm.
We begin with a negating card, the Two of Swords, that in Rider Waite means ‘no way’ primarily. (Negating cards create variety in the kind of spread that we have here, the kind that cards can be read in any order and are not assigned a position that means something.) Then the Three of Wands means it is coming – usually a good thing is coming – so that makes it a future card and it also means continuing action or the word ‘continue.’ The last card means to be free, to ignore or disregard or not pay attention, to be oblivious or not know, to assume, to not be present. And somehow I put them together … amazing, isn’t it?
Advice suggests when it is over you don’t go back, just forget about it and enjoy the new phase of life that is coming.
Two of Swords: We begin with a negating card, the Two of Swords, that in Rider Waite means ‘no way’ primarily. You can’t. The end: in the end, when it ends, etc. The illustration shows a blindfolded woman who has two heavy swords in crossed arms, seated on a stone bench at the very edge of what looks to be a seawall, and there are rocks in the sea.
Three of Wands: This is a simple and limited card. It means it’s coming – profit or something good, usually. Continuing future tense – it is one of the future cards. Often means the word ‘continue.’ Its illustration in Rider Waite is a merchant standing watching the ships come in that bear his merchandise and/or his profit.
Judgment: Today its meanings are: ‘again,’ to do or to occur again, to come back, a repeat performance, an announcement, surprise, to break into a new phase, new life, recover, to say or announce, alarm or warning, repeat, reminder, news, again, a whole new life. The illustration shows a resurrection, folks newly released from their coffins for a new life.
Fool: This is one of the flexible cards. Not paying attention is a main function of Fool: assumes, ignoring, doesn’t know, not listen, disregard, just forget about it, not let on. Being happy and free are also key to Fool. Not present, not going to be there. And then there are what I call the ‘water off a duck’s back’ or the ‘shrug’ meanings such as ‘may as well,’ and ‘as if I had never’ and ‘not let on that.’
The illustration shows a fellow prancing off a cliff, happy as a clam, oblivious. The person epitomizes the slogan ‘Ignorance is bliss.’