Guidance, Tarot Verbatim
Eight of Cups – Knight of Swords – Page of Wands
Am out of there, am not going to go back. Quit doing that, and not going to do it again. Got out alive and won’t reenlist. On the other hand, I got away from that and am back to being myself. I got out of shape and am getting back in, and Prince Charming who vanished one day is baaack. He went away and wasn’t himself when he came back. They come back, you know, to talk when you hang up on them. And while you’re doing all this going back, don’t go back on your word.
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GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.
GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.
SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.
LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.
WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.
WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.
PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.
The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’
Bon voyage!
Group Tarot Card Readings
Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Eight of Cups – Knight of Swords – Page of Wands
Tarot Readings : Eight of Cups and Knight of Swords
Fall off the wagon but then we’re clean again.
A young fellow drops out and then returns.
Making up for lost time after all that, I am myself again.
I said it and I’m not saying it again.
You go out of your way once more to be polite.
You get off course, and a speedy U-turn sets you straight
Tarot Readings : Eight of Cups and Page of Wands
His position is that a shortcut would be faster.
Quit talking when you’re interrupted.
I got out of shape, but I’m getting back my good health.
Suddenly he’s not the good-guy anymore.
He went away and wasn’t himself when he came back.
Not the man I used to be – boy, have I changed!
Quits talking again.
Tarot Readings : Knight of Swords and Page of Wands
Prince Charming comes back as quickly as he vanishes.
Going back on your word is to be avoided.
They come back to talk when you hang up on them.
I take back what I said, and I’m outta here.
Got my good reputation back after that little escapade.
Got out of there in good shape and did not reenlist.
Got away from that and am back to being myself.
I’m getting reminded here that I think of a turning point as one clean irrevocable change of direction. And then given for-instances of how that’s not really so, necessarily. I fall off the wagon of my turning point, and make yet another turning point … or returning point. Could be that chocolate cake I ate, or that time I opened the door to the ex one more time (hopefully the last). So I keep going in a circle and that’s not a bad thing!
Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures

Eight of Cups
That’s a pilgrim, and the lay of the land forces him to detour off his course. He is switching directions (and so is Knight of Swords), so the end of one thing is the beginning of another – which is expressed (as elsewhere in the Rider Waite deck) by the sliver moon cuddling up to its full-moon self up there.
This switching and changing direction produces a lot of words and phrases – no end of them. Here are a few we encounter today: fall off the wagon, not the way it used to be, drops out, go out of your way, shortcut, get off course, quit, not anymore, not what (I, it, etc.) used to be, after that little escapade.
Eight of Cups is all about leaving, dropping out, getting out of, vanishing or disappearing, and it becomes a negator in the way it means ‘to avoid’ as in ‘to not go there.’ So watch for it to translate just ‘not’ sometimes. It often says ‘I’m outta here,’ or someone is. It also will call forth phrases like ‘after all that’ and very frequently) ‘not anymore.’
Eight of Cups is very flexible. You will find yourself, as I did here, occasionally having it say ‘when you hang up on them’ because it means ‘abruptly.’ Abruptly anything in this world.
You won’t find it translating ‘return,’ though – especially not today when that’s Knight of Swords’ job.

Knight of Swords
The fully armed knight leans over his hurrying horse’s head with a heavy sword extended and raised. One thing about him is for sure: He is in a hurry. He is more likely to be chasing after or pursuing than he is to be running away from, but he can mean both of these, as well as going back and forth or switching.
Knight of Swords’ vocabulary is limited in his present company, especially since Eight of Cups steal his thunder about the ‘leaving’ and the ‘outta here’ meanings they share. So Knight of Swords is going back or coming back, is returning, and – over and over – is ‘again.’
Some other very common meanings for Knight of Swords are here: speedy, U-turn, faster, interrupted, suddenly, quickly. He gets to say ‘take that back’ today, which is rare, and ‘reenlist’ which is even rarer.

Page of Wands
Here’s the dandy – the well-dressed well-spoken son every mother longs to have – and the Prince Charming to ‘most every gal. His main meanings, besides being the handsome boy or man and the Good Guy, are about talking; about physical appearance; about identity (being the person who; being the type of person) – and his pronoun pack (mostly: he, I, myself, himself). Page of Wands sometimes is about being yourself or being himself.
Naturally Page of Wands is a card-carrying member of the speak/tell/say clan.
Naturally he is also ‘in good shape’ and ‘in good health’ along with looking so good.
Page of Wands has a good reputation; he is clean (including ‘clean up his act’ phrases); he is in good shape; he is polite; he is straight.
Another trait Page of Wands owns is being youthful or young.
Although pages are mostly male people or animals, this card can be the action of a female, and can especially refer to a female when it says ‘I’ or ‘myself.’
Now Without The Pictures
You usually have hairs to split when you see Eight of Cups and Knight of Swords together because here’s a transition, as you can see. They both are about a change of direction, an abrupt or sudden (whatever), and they both mean to get out of something in a hurry. But Knight of Swords also means to get into in a hurry (and a few other things, of course).
Because they both mean ‘get out,’ and because Eight of Cups does not mean ‘get into,’ then when they appear together, you find Knight of Swords meaning ‘get out’ or ‘leaving.’ That is the case today.
So let’s look to the remaining card to see what all this transition is happening to. And it’s a person. Page of Wands actually means, strongly and often, some particular type of person. In the absence of a card that designates what type, well, Page of Wands is the clean-cut, straight, well-dressed, well-spoken good-looking fellow.
So now you conclude that a person is transitioning into … or out of … being his (or her) best self. So we have the ‘not a good guy anymore’ with page of Wands and Eight of Cups, and then Knight of Swords is going the other way: ‘I got out of that and am clean again.’
By now (if you’re a regular), you know that in a three-card spread with no questioner and no question, a negative card can often apply to either of the other cards in the spread. So we also read sentiments like ‘I left there in a hurry and cleaned up my act.’
In the real world of Tarot practice, since we have two cards that are about a switch, and one that is about being your best self (or his or her best self), we are about a change toward being a better person, or being in better shape than before. Since Page of Wands means the physical body, this ‘better shape’ can be better health.
Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From
Eight of Cups – Knight of Swords – Page of Wands
Fall off the wagon Eight of Cups but then we’re clean Page of Wands again Knight of Swords.
A young fellow Page of Wands drops out Eight of Cups and then returns Knight of Swords.
Making up for lost time Knight of Swords after all that Eight of Cups, I am myself again Page of Wands.
I said it Page of Wands and I’m not Eight of Cups saying it Page of Wands again Knight of Swords.
You go out of your way Eight of Cups once more Knight of Swords to be polite Page of Wands.
You get off course Eight of Cups, and a speedy U-turn Knight of Swords sets you straight Page of Wands.
His position is that Page of Wands a shortcut Eight of Cups would be faster Knight of Swords.
Quit Eight of Cups talking Page of Wands when you’re interrupted Knight of Swords.
I got out of Eight of Cups shape Page of Wands, but I’m getting back Knight of Swords my good health Page of Wands.
Suddenly Knight of Swords he’s not the good-guy Page of Wands anymore Eight of Cups.
He went away and wasn’t Eight of Cups himself Page of Wands when he came back Knight of Swords.
Not Eight of Cups the man I Page of Wands used to be Eight of Cups – boy, have I changed Knight of Swords!
Quits Eight of Cups talking Page of Wands again Knight of Swords.
Prince Charming Page of Wands comes back as quickly as Knight of Swords he vanishes Eight of Cups.
Going back on Knight of Swords your word Page of Wands is to be avoided Eight of Cups.
They come back Knight of Swords to talk Page of Wands when you hang up on them Eight of Cups.
I take back Knight of Swords what I said Page of Wands, and I’m outta here Eight of Cups.
Got my good reputation Page of Wands back Knight of Swords after that little escapade Eight of Cups.
Got out of there Knight of Swords in good shape Page of Wands and did not Eight of Cups reenlist Knight of Swords.
Got away from that Eight of Cups and am back to Knight of Swords being myself Page of Wands.
Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations
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Eight of Cups and Knight of Swords
Fall off the wagon but then we’re clean. Drops out and then returns. Making up for lost time after all that. I said it, and _ saying it …. you go out of your way once more. You get off course and a speedy U-turn …. A shortcut would be faster. Quit _ when you’re interrupted. I got out of – but I’m getting back. Suddenly not anymore.*** _ went away and wasn’t _ when he came back. Not _ I used to be – boy, have I changed! Quits again.*** Comes back as quickly as he vanishes. Going back on _ is to be avoided. They come back when you hang up on them. I take back _, and I’m outta here. Got back after that little escapade. Got out of there and did not reenlist. Got away from that, and am back to

Eight of Cups and Page of Wands
Fall off the wagon but we are clean. A young fellow drops out. After all that, I am myself again. I am not saying it. You go out of your way to be polite. You get off course and _ sets you straight. His position is that a shortcut …. Quit talking. I got out of shape … my good health. He’s not the good guy anymore. Wasn’t himself. He went away and wasn’t himself when …. Not the man I used to be. Quits talking. Prince Charming vanishes. … your word is to be avoided. … to talk when you hang up on them. What I said – and I’m outta here. … my good reputation after that little escapade. Got out of there in good shape and did not _. Got away from that and am being myself.

Knight of Swords and Page of Wands
We’re clean again. A young fellow _ and then returns. Making up for lost time, I am myself again. I said it and … saying it again. Once more, be polite. A speedy U-turn sets you straight. His position is that _ would be faster. Talking when you’re interrupted. I’m getting back in good health. I’m getting back my good health. Suddenly he’s the good guy. … himself when he came back. The man I … boy, have I changed. Talking again.*** Prince Charming comes back as quickly as …. Going back on your word. They come back to talk. I take back what I said. Got my good reputation back. Got out of there in good shape and … reenlist. Am back to being myself.***

Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE Some things you don’t talk about because they are secret. Some things you don’t talk about because they are deeply personal. Some things you don’t talk about because you feel inferior and not free to speak. And some people you don’t tell something to because they are not worth it. Everyone has areas they shine in, and areas ‘they are not so good at.’ Advice is to accept that, move on out of the playgrounds that are not a good fit, and be proud of yourself.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance, Group Tarot Cards Readings, Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
So what do you want to do? –
Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? – daily trends? –
*Then you read the summary above, titled
*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
Eight of Cups – Page of Wands – Four of Pentacles
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Not Saying (Eight of Cups and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: When You Don’t Have the Money (Eight of Cups and Four of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Not as Attractive (Page of Wands and Four of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: A Changed Self (Eight of Cups and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Cut and Run (Eight of Cups and Four of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Not Saying (Eight of Cups and Page of Wands)
Not saying it – biting my tongue!
Abandoning course without saying so.
Stifle yourself, don’t express yourself openly.
Don’t even say anything; just walk away.
You are leaving, and keeping that secret from yourself.
I almost said how I really feel, but I managed to hold it in.
Heard something on the fly, and am keeping it secret.
Feels deeply but doesn’t say the words.
Keeps himself from doing anything about it, even from saying anything about it.
Tells you a secret and walks away.
Tarot Readings: When You Don’t Have the Money (Eight of Cups and Four of Pentacles)
Not spending money on myself for a change.
He suddenly turns into a nice guy now that he is broke.
Quit because you’re not paid what you’re worth here.
When you’re poor, you’re not good-looking.
Keep the money in your own name elsewhere.
Tarot Readings: Not as Attractive (Page of Wands and Four of Pentacles)
Not as handsome as I used to be anymore.
Don’t let it get to you that you lost your looks.
Handsome boy was out in the wee hours, and is numb now.
I’m not the man I used to be … feeling inferior.
I’m such a good person, and I don’t get a hug.
Tarot Readings: A Changed Self (Eight of Cups and Page of Wands)
A soul change shows on your face.
Deep down inside, I am a changed self.
You are ‘not yourself’ lately.
Not letting myself be upfront anymore.
Holding onto who I am on the surface as I depart from the beaten path.
In private, I’m not this person you see.
He isn’t a nice person when he doesn’t get his way.
Tarot Readings: Cut and Run (Eight of Cups and Four of Pentacles)
The word is: Cut your losses and run.
You leave just as soon as you arrive, feeling very guarded.
Deep down you feel this good-looking nice fellow is just going to disappear.
Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings.
Eight of Cups – Page of Wands – Four of Pentacles
.……..…….. Hear ye! Hear ye! Eight of Cups + Page of Wands = Four of Pentacles. Page of Wands is the opposite of Four of Pentacles: Page of Wands is proud, upfront, and talking openly; Four of Pentacles is feeling inferior, stifling himself, and not talking about it. So naturally, you know (if you have been coming here for a while) that Eight of Cups is being a negator here – and its main trunk of meanings is about not being or not doing.
So Eight of Cups is avoiding a course of action; Page of Wands is talking or to speak, say or tell. That makes ‘not talking.’ And a main meaning of Four of Pentacles is ‘not talking.’
This gives us quite a theme, there. But Page of Wands is also being your best self – is identity. And Four of Pentacles is also deep feeling, soul, and secrets.
So we have ourselves a good story here.

Eight of Cups……….Eight of Cups spreads its meaning out over diverse applications, but its core meaning is one kind of change: to not finish an action, to quit before it’s over, to drop out or not show up, to avoid or veer off from anything at all. It can be a narrowly avoided bad thing, or a course intercepted by a bad thing, or just a change of course. This could refer even to the orbit of a comet, or a ball on a pool table.
This will give you a feel for how Eight of Cups operates in your real-life spreads. Here are all its translates in today’s sentences: Not (saying) it, abandoning course; don’t (openly); Don’t even _, just walk away; you are leaving; almost (said) but …; on the fly; but doesn’t …; keeps (himself) from …; walks away; not __ for a change; suddenly turns into; quit; elsewhere; not as _ as I used to be anymore; lost your _; out in the wee hours; I don’t get a _; a change; a changed _; not _ lately; not be _ anymore; as I depart from the beaten path; not this _ you see; doesn’t get his way.

Page of Wands…………Page of Wands is ‘an anchor card,’ one that has few and well-defined meanings. Page of Wands is the person who is upfront, well-spoken, well-dressed, who looks good (Handsome is one of its terms.), and who is the good guy, the favorite, the ‘fair-haired boy.’ Page of Wands is one of the many cards that translate as speak, tell, say, announce and any such synonym. Page of Wands is saying how you really feel, standing up for your position and opinions. Stereotype is a young fellow who is starting out in life, who wants to find his place in society and fit in. Especially if another card that means ‘honest’ accompanies Page of Wands, then Page of Wands translates ‘honest’ or ‘honest person.’
Page of Wands is an identity card. It means who I am; it means ‘best self,’ and it even means ‘name.’ Page of Wand translates as pronouns: I, he, you, all the ‘self/selves’ ones, him, and even ‘type of person’ or – once in a while – ‘type of people.’

Four of Pentacles……….Here’s a guy sitting outside of town holding onto his money, staring straight ahead, hugging himself. The core meaning of Four of Pentacles is lack. This illustration applies several ways. It is about withholding and holding onto, and about internal processes – gut level – often translating ‘deep down.’ It is about being shy too. It means privacy and guarding privacy, and it means ‘secret’ and keeping anything secret. It means not telling, not divulging, not talking, and ‘shut up.’ Sometimes it even says ‘Lay low.’ It means stifling, suppressing or blocking feelings or any other things. It means ‘insufficient,’ not enough, not very, and not much. It is being low key, quiet, keeping to yourself. It is about not having enough, or not spending enough, money: budget, thrifty, cheap, saving money, broke, stingy, holding onto the money, “Don’t spend” or ‘not worth it’ or ‘not paid what you’re worth,’ as in ‘underpaid.’ Sometimes it’s a hug.
We all have an address book in the fingertips of our gut that indexes who to tell what to, and who not to tell what to. When we violate it, our our wrenches. A similar but less dominant internal address book indexes what to say and not say, who to be and not be, what – and who – to trust and not trust under various conditions in various places. These explicit and detailed entries are hard-wired into our nervous system by a master electrician we don’t know, but there they are.
Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from:
Not EIGHT OF CUPS saying it PAGE OF WANDS – biting my tongue FOUR OF PENTACLES!
Abandoning course EIGHT OF CUPS without FOUR OF PENTACLES saying so PAGE OF WANDS.
Stifle yourself FOUR OF PENTACLES, don’t EIGHT OF CUPS express yourself openly PAGE OF WANDS.
Don’t even say anything PAGE OF WANDS and FOUR OF PENTACLES; just walk away EIGHT OF CUPS.
You are leaving EIGHT OF CUPS, and keeping that secret FOUR OF PENTACLES from yourself PAGE OF WANDS.
I almost EIGHT OF CUPS said how I really feel PAGE OF WANDS, but I managed to hold it in FOUR OF PENTACLES.
Heard something PAGE OF WANDS on the fly EIGHT OF CUPS, and am keeping it secret FOUR OF PENTACLES.
Feels deeply FOUR OF PENTACLES but doesn’t EIGHT OF CUPS say the words PAGE OF WANDS.
Keeps himself PAGE OF WANDS from doing EIGHT OF CUPS anything about it, even from saying anything about it FOUR OF PENTACLES.
Tells you PAGE OF WANDS a secret FOUR OF PENTACLES and walks away EIGHT OF CUPS.
Not spending money FOUR OF PENTACLES on myself PAGE OF WANDS for a change EIGHT OF CUPS.
He suddenly turns into EIGHT OF CUPS a nice guy PAGE OF WANDS now that he is broke FOUR OF PENTACLES.
Quit EIGHT OF CUPS because you’re not paid FOUR OF PENTACLES what you’re worth PAGE OF WANDS here.
When you’re poor FOUR OF PENTACLES, you’re not EIGHT OF CUPS good-looking PAGE OF WANDS.
Keep the money FOUR OF PENTACLES in your own name PAGE OF WANDS elsewhere EIGHT OF CUPS.
Not as FOUR OF PENTACLES handsome PAGE OF WANDS as I used to be anymore EIGHT OF CUPS.
Don’t let it get to you FOUR OF PENTACLES that you lost your EIGHT OF CUPS looks PAGE OF WANDS.
Handsome boy PAGE OF WANDS was out in the wee hours EIGHT OF CUPS, and is numb now FOUR OF PENTACLES.
I’m not the man PAGE OF WANDS I used to be EIGHT OF CUPS … feeling inferior FOUR OF PENTACLES.
I’m such a good person PAGE OF WANDS, and I don’t get a EIGHT OF CUPS hug FOUR OF PENTACLES.
A soul FOUR OF PENTACLES change EIGHT OF CUPS shows on your face PAGE OF WANDS.
Deep down inside FOUR OF PENTACLES, I am a changed EIGHT OF CUPS self PAGE OF WANDS.
You are ‘not yourself’ lately EIGHT OF CUPS. PAGE OF WANDS is ‘yourself’; EIGHT OF CUPS makes that ‘not yourself lately.’ Meanwhile FOUR OF PENTACLES is ‘less than’ or ‘inferior’ or ‘not enough’ paired with the ‘yourself’ of PAGE OF WANDS to again say ‘not yourself.’ EIGHT OF CUPS is ‘lately,’ in its sense of a departure from what was.
Not letting FOUR OF PENTACLES myself PAGE OF WANDS be upfront anymore EIGHT OF CUPS.
Holding onto FOUR OF PENTACLES who I am on the surface PAGE OF WANDS as I depart from the beaten path EIGHT OF CUPS.
In private FOUR OF PENTACLES, I’m not this EIGHT OF CUPS person you see PAGE OF WANDS .
He isn’t a FOUR OF PENTACLES nice person PAGE OF WANDS when he doesn’t get his way EIGHT OF CUPS.
You PAGE OF WANDS leave just as soon as you arrive EIGHT OF CUPS, feeling very guarded EIGHT OF CUPS .
Deep down you feel EIGHT OF CUPS this good-looking nice fellow PAGE OF WANDS is just going to disappear EIGHT OF CUPS.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Eight of Cups and Page of Wands NOT SAYING Not saying it. Abandoning Course, saying so. Don’t express yourself openly. … say anything; just walk away. You are leaving and … yourself. I almost said how I really feel. Heard something on the fly. But doesn’t say the words. … himself from doing anything about it. Tells you and walks away. Not … on myself for a change. He suddenly turns into a nice guy. Quit because … you are worth. You’re not good-looking. … in your own name, elsewhere.*** Not handsome anymore. Don’t let it … that you lost your looks. Handsome boy was out in the wee hours. I’m not the man I used to be. I’m such a good person, and I don’t get a _. A CHANGED SELF A change shows on your face. I am a changed self. You are _ lately. You are not yourself. … myself be upfront anymore. Who I am on the surface as I depart from the beaten path. I’m not this person you see. He isn’t a nice person. The word is: Cut … and run. You leave just as soon as you arrive. You feel this good-looking nice fellow is just going to disappear. x

Eight of Cups and Four of Pentacles Not … biting my tongue. Abandoning course without saying so. Stifle yourself, don’t …. Don’t say anything, just walk away. You are leaving, and keeping that secret. I almost … but I managed to hold it in. … on the fly, and am keeping it secret. Feels deeply, but doesn’t …. Keeps himself from … even from saying anything about it. … a secret, and walks away. WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE THE MONEY Not spending money, for a change. He suddenly turns into … now that he is broke. Quit … not paid what you’re worth here. When you’re poor, you’re not _. Keep the money elsewhere.*** Not as _ as I used to be anymore. Don’t let it get to you that you lost your …. _ was out in the wee hours, and is numb now. Not the _ I used to be … feeling inferior. I don’t get a hug. A soul change.*** Deep down inside, I am a changed _. Not _ lately. Not letting myself be _ anymore. Holding onto … as I depart from the beaten path. In private, I am not this …. (He) isn’t _ when he doesn’t get his way. CUT AND RUN Cut your losses and run. You leave just as soon as you arrive, feeling guarded. Deep down, you feel __ is just going to disappear. x

Page of Wands and Four of Pentacles Saying it … biting my tongue! Without saying so. Stifle yourself … express yourself openly. Don’t even say anything. Keeping that secret from yourself.*** Said how I really feel … managed to hold it in. Heard something I am keeping secret. Feels deeply … says the words. Keeps himself from even saying anything about it. Tells you a secret. Not spending money on myself. A nice guy when he is broke. You’re not paid what you are worth here. When you’re poor, you’re _ good-looking. Keep your money in your own name. NOT AS ATTRACTIVE Not as handsome. Don’t let it get to you that _ your looks. Handsome boy is numb. I’m _ the man … feeling inferior. I’m such a good person … a hug. A soul shows on your face.*** Deep down inside, I am a _ self. Not yourself. Not letting myself be upfront. Holding onto who I am on the surface. In private I’m this person that you see. He isn’t a nice person when he doesn’t get _. The word is: _ your losses. You are feeling very guarded. Deep down you feel this good-looking nice fellow …. x.

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
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Tarot Verbatim
Here’s an actual email reading from a Client who wants to know about a financial situation: getting an apartment. I have permission from the Client to share this reading with you.
(You can purchase one of your own at the Email Reading navigation tab at the top of this site.)
Research any of these card combinations by simply typing the names of a pair of cards into a Google search bar. Research any one card’s meaning by typing its name followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim’ to reach the archives of our site here.
The category of life is:: Financial
My question is:: What guidance should I follow to improve my financial situation so that I can get my own apartment in June 2017?
Nine of Pentacles – Sun – Knight of Pentacles
To be free of the restrictions of where you live now, and to have a place all your own: Make that top priority worth all your effort.
To be free of the restrictions of where you live now – Sun
and to have a private place of your own: – Nine of Pentacles
Concentrate all your effort on it as top priority. – Knight of Pentacles
Seven of Wands – King of Swords – Knight of Cups
What you really don’t want is to be junior to a fellow whose turf it really is [roommate].
What you really don’t want is – Seven of Wands
to be junior to – Knight of Cups
a fellow whose turf it really is [roommate]. – King of Swords
2. You don’t want help from an older superior man.
You don’t want, and you are resisting – Seven of Wands
an offer of help from a friend, – Knight of Cups
an older superior man. – King of Swords
Seven of Cups – Five of Swords – Nine of Cups
You get what you want here by asserting yourself and taking advantage of all sorts of factors that make this a mixed story.
The way you get what you want here is by – Nine of Cups
asserting yourself and taking advantage of – Five of Swords
all sorts of factors that make this messy. – Seven of Cups
Six of Cups – Six of Swords – Seven of Pentacles
This feels as iffy as leaving a childhood home.
This feels as iffy – Seven of Pentacles
as leaving (for a better future) – Six of Swords
your childhood home. – Six of Cups
Eight of Cups – Ace of Swords – Page of Wands
To get out of one place and into another, you have to assert yourself in a nice polite way.
To get out of one place and into another (to make the switch) – Eight of Cups
you have to assert yourself – Ace of Swords
in a nice polite way. – Page of Wands
Judgment – Nine of Swords – Four of Pentacles
You are making a big scary change on a shoestring.
You are making a big change – Judgment
(a scary one) – Nine of Swords
on a tight budget. – Four of Pentacles
The first spread is your answer. The gist of your whole answer is: Since there are factors that make this difficult, focus your whole energy on the endeavor, and assert yourself. Suggestion is to not accept someone’s help who feels superior or more powerful. The tight budget is a factor, counterbalanced by your desire for freedom and privacy.
Four Card Spreads, Guidance, Tarot Verbatim
Guidance Today’s main focus is on the stages of a man’s maturity, from reckless brat, to handsome young man to mature grandfather. We also cover regressions therefrom: the old man who has a second childhood, and ‘He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy’ as well.
Sun – Eight of Cups – Page of Wands
4 Tarot Readings: A Mature Man; Growing Up Respectable (Page of Wands and Emperor)
I’m not a good-looking funloving guy anymore; I’m mature now.
The old man quits being a playboy and is respectable now.
I’m not young anymore, I have the look of a senior dude.
I was mature when I was a kid – didn’t get a childhood.
Daddy isn’t talking about his youthful exploits.
Not a kid anymore; he is a grown-up now.
The kid goes on to become a fine young man, and a leader.
You’re no longer a young fella when a kid makes you a grandfather.
He isn’t young anymore, but he is happy in his old age.
What a relief to be a senior dude and not that eager-to-please young fella I was.
He gets out of the house and goes for a walk to be the man in control of himself.
Tarot Readings: Being Old, About Old People (Page of Wands and Emperor)
He feels he is so old he will be gone by the time the little kid is a young man.
I go out of my way to talk to the old man; I enjoy it.
The old man is gone, but his son is his ‘spitting image.’
He is old and never had the son he could be proud of.
Young people have fun ignoring what old people have to say.
When I was a kid I had nothing to do with the Establishment, but now that I am older, I damn well personify it.
All of a sudden the fun fellow turns rigid on us.
Tarot Readings: Fellow Who Didn’t Mature (Eight of Cups + Emperor)
He’s a handsome fella who leaves children behind until he’s old.
A good-looking older man turns into a young fool.
You’re too old to run away from home, so shut up about it already.
The old man quits being who he is and acts like a kid.
People are talking that he isn’t the patriarch anymore; he’s childish.
Daddy left home when this young man was a baby.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Grandpa is never told what a brat Son is being.
When his son abandons the kid, Grandpa is there.
He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy.
He is NOT old, he is a vibrant funloving young man.
When the boss retires, the young man is set free.
Sun Here we have a lot of meanings, some unrelated to one another, growing out of the illustration of a very young child naked bareback upon a very annoyed pony he is not even holding onto, having the time of his little short life. Some meanings, therefore, are baby, child, boy, fun and funloving, happy, enjoy, relief (because the boy snuck out of the house and its rules), reckless, brat, playboy, getting free, leaving, getting out of the house, running away from home, getting out from under a restricting situation. Summer is one of its meanings, rarely. As a type of person, Sun is the fella who refers to himself as ‘the kid’ and is the ‘charming baby boy’ type women recognize.
Eight of Cups A pilgrim is forced by terrain to change direction, to depart from the course he is on. A change of direction or an abrupt departure or transition is its core meaning, therefore. It’s not just a change of direction, though, it’s also going another way instead. It can mean walking or a pedestrian, sometimes. If you ask about a pilgrimage or vision quest, Eight of Cups may very well show up.
Page of Wands Here’s the handsome, well-dressed, well-spoken respectable young man who is ‘every mother’s son and every woman’s sweetheart.’ He is the eager-to-please apprentice anxious to fit into a grownup life. ‘The fair-haired boy’ type. Page of Wands also refers to talking, to standing up for what you are or what you believe, to ‘physical’ or the physical body..
Emperor has few meanings. He is the old or older man, the authority or the one with seniority, the grownup, self-control or the man who is in control of himself. Emperor is about maturity, the Establishment, conservative values, and power or clout. He can also represent a tyrant or dictator or being rigid.
In the middle we have a transition, change, a dropping off of one way and going onto another, Eight of Cups, which also can be about a pilgrimage.
Then we have three stages of maturity: The little brat (Sun), the fine young man (Page of Wands), and the patriarch or old man (Emperor) – all male cards. There’s a contrast between the ‘reckless brat/playboy’ of Sun and the respectable (Page of Wands) maturity of Emperor. With Eight of Cups meaning change or transition, our main message here is about growing up.
Of course, Page of Wands also means talking and physical body, good-looking guy, and physical, and of course Sun also means fun, happy, funloving, playboy and recklessness.
Both Sun and Eight of Cups also mean leaving, even ‘getting outa here.’ Eight of Cups can mean ‘abandons.’
Today’s main focus is on the stages of a man’s maturity, from reckless brat, to handsome young man to mature grandfather. We also cover regressions therefrom: the old man who has a second childhood, and ‘He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy’ as well.
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice Suddenly you are on the right track, have the right look, have the right words to connect with the accomplishment and its corresponding reward. That chapter begins without a title, without warning … and often ends that way too. ‘When you’re hot, you’re hot’ they say. Suddenly, after years of kissing frogs, one of them turns into a Prince or Princess: same unexpected turn of events. Look for this. Spot it. Be on it.
Eight of Cups
Ace of Pentacles – Page of Wands – Lovers
Love (Lovers)
Proud of his sudden success at love.
Proud of (my) success in leaving (my) lover.
All of a sudden we are the perfect couple, he says.
All of a sudden he is the perfect lover.
Walked away from that money to be with his/her love partner.
Before he leaves, he declares his love by giving her a ring.
He falls just short of being the perfect lover.
He said he is the perfect lover, so I walked off.
You can’t buy love, but you can reward a cute guy/girl.
All of a sudden, Lover-Boy/Girl is the perfect partner.
Money and Good Looks (Ace of Pentacles + Page of Wands)
Your handsome loving guy has enough money to leave there.
Suddenly have enough money to look good for your lover.
A good-lookin’ young man with money will ditch his lover(s).
It’s not his looks that got him that partner, but his bucks (his success).
Business: Success/Money/Perfect (Ace of Pentacles)
Success is me now: to heck with luv!
Suddenly you succeed and are everyone’s contact.
Spoke out of turn but said the right thing to connect.
By default, they share credit/glory for the accomplishment.
He is proud of his success without a partner.
Given assurances (you) would be protected in the transition.
Is the perfect spokesperson for unscheduled contacts.
(You) spoke directly to the right contact to shortcut (this).
The right spokesperson to bypass straight to the Partners.
It’s not his looks that got him that partner, but his bucks (his success).
The money is in his name, not joint.
He paid it as a single man, not as a couple.
We either have a perfect connection when we talk, or we get disconnected.
Are told the couple unexpectedly did come up with the money.
On the Road (Ace of Pentacles)
The two of them discuss a detour off the main road.
Telling them this road is a shortcut.
He left on the road early with his partner.
He and his partner on the road arrive early.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site.
Eight of Cups
Ace of Pentacles – Page of Wands – Lovers
Ace of Pentacles is success and money, and Page of Wands is the fellow with the good image, well-dressed and well-spoken. Page of Wands is the spokesperson and Lovers means contact or connection.
Ace of Pentacles is a road, and Eight of Cups is to detour off of a road.
Page of Wands is the good-looking well-dressed handsome (young) man and Lovers of course is a lover or love partner.
Lovers + Eight of Cups is leave the lover. Ace of Pentacles + Lovers is perfect lover, success at love.
Eight of Cups is a sudden change of direction, or simply means abrupt or abruptly, which can apply to anything.
Ace of Pentacles One of the self-explanatory illustrations, Ace of Pentacles shows the stereotypical diction of ‘the straight and narrow’ path. White lilies for purity, the rose arbor for victory, the hand with the gold in it for money and success. This is a good stained-glass door design. |
Page of Wands A salesman. The son every mother wants. Glib, well-dressed, nice-looking ‘fair-haired boy.’ The fellow a lot of girls dream of marrying. He carries the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, you know. Often this Rider Waite Tarot card in Tarot Verbatim ™ simply means to speak, talk, speak up, stand up, to say the right words or have the right word. |
Lovers Layers of meanings for this one. Besides the obvious, it means protection, connection, contact, overseeing, divine or angelic protection, standing next to another person or standing with them, partner as well as love partner. Also, a couple, joint or jointly, and ‘the two of them’ or ‘the two of us.’ |
Eight of Cups Parallel illustrations here. The full and sliver moon suggests a beginning and ending; the pedestrian changing direction because terrain forced it suggests ending one direction and beginning another, with intent to resume later. So this is about an aborted attempt, a premature action, something ‘over with before it began.’ |
Copyright © 2012 – Emily Erickson-Sandstrom. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this written material in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.©
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice is about doing something about where you find yourself and with whom, because it affects who you are: Get out of that bad home life to be who you can be. Just getting away from the people who cause me to feel bad makes me a better person. Proud not to be one of the people who are the problem. My good looking guy turns out to be one of those criminal types. He goes away to better himself and falls in with the wrong fraternity. Bad combinations of people bring out the worst in one another: Each could be somebody else somewhere else. Who could I be where?

Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice (above ) which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Group Analytical Tarot Reading below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out and decide whether to encourage or suppress them. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!

Eight of Cups
Ten of Pentacles – Devil – Page of Wands
GROUP ANALYTICAL TAROT READING Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Am Better Off for Having Left There (Page of Wands + Eight of Cups)
Get out of that bad home life to be who you can be.
Turned honest as he left his affiliation with that toxic culture and its people behind.
He turned honest when he abruptly left his criminal family.
Isn’t nasty anymore since he got out of that bad company.
These people make me sick, I feel better when I am not around them.
The creep turned into someone we would like to know when (he) left (his) lowlife family.
Just getting away from the people who cause me to feel bad makes me a better person.
Hates his/her family and does not identify him/herself with them.
Had horrible experience being one of them, and he/she did not reenlist.
Separate myself from the vices of the ghetto.
Separate myself from the vices of my culture.
Separate myself from the vices of other people like me.
Not one of them anymore; I hate being one of those people.
Gets out of Rehab (place where sick people are housed) clean.
Leaves the hospital (place sick people are) a well person.
My walk on the wild side was very short-lived, I am being good now.
Quits being a drunk, cleans up, and isn’t one of those lowlifes anymore.
The Good Apple in the Rotten Barrel (Ten of Pentacles + Page of Wands)
He isn’t objectionable like all the other people in his class
All the members of That Group are Bad People but he is a sterling exception.
I look like I’m a ghettoite, but I departed from that bad life.
Some of my best friends are jailbirds, but it’s not something I want to talk about.
Isn’t the Good Person Anymore (Page of Wands + Eight of Cups)
He isn’t our son anymore, he has gone bad.
My good looking guy turns out to be one of those criminal types.
He goes away to better himself and falls in with the wrong fraternity.
He turns from being clean and well-dressed to a dirty slob like his buddies.
Isn’t (his) best self anymore since (he) is stuck in that dysfunctional relationship.
Physical Ailments and Handicaps (Devil +Page of Wands)
The family disease skipped over him, he is healthy.
I look so good since I got over the illness that caused so much trouble.
He doesn’t look good anymore since he is one of those people with that disease.
Doesn’t talk about his handicap to people who make it a problem.
His/Her speech is a handicap; people just walk away.
Speaks with a horrible regional accent that puts people off.
Speech Impediment (Devil + Page of Wands)
His/Her speech is a handicap; people just walk away.
Speaks with a horrible regional accent that puts people off.
I got out of prison talking like those people.
Proud Not to be One of Them (Page of Wands + Eight of Cups + Ten of Pentacles)
Is proud not to be a member of the corrupt ruling class.
Speaks up against the abuses of the people in power and isn’t one of them.
I hate those people and am nothing like them.
Proud not to be one of the people who are the problem.
They plague you here if you are not one of them.
Hates changing her name when she marries into his family.
Quit calling my relatives those bad words.
Telling sinners to abandon their evil ways.
My whole family is ugly, and I am not good-looking myself.

Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives. You enjoy it. (Testimonials are on the web site.

Eight of Cups
Ten of Pentacles – Devil – Page of Wands
One glance and you know this will be a moralistic session. We begin with the dysfunctional people (those people) Ten of Pentacles followed by the Devil (bad, wrong, vice, evil, ugly, nasty, hate, brutish or brutal … anything awful. These cards are like bad company (and they mean that): The good in them is canceled out by each other’s presence, kind of like a juvenile gang or police backup or the ghetto. This walk on the wild side can vary, can be heavy or factual or somewhat lighthearted. It can also refer to physical rather than social dysfunctionalities.
Then we have the clean-cut honest and earnest young man, dressed and speaking well, Page of Wands. Our boy, we are proud of our son. The ‘fair-haired boy’ of legend.
So it’s a relief that the final card means an abrupt detour, going in another direction unexpectedly, not finishing the course and dropping out.
Our story is of changing one’s ways … either way. The nice boy can go to college and become a drunk in a fraternity; or the patient can get out of the treatment center a well person, or the criminal can clean up his/her act.
Speaking of that: Just because Page of Wands is usually a fellow doesn’t mean this can’t be about a female person. Pages are flexible.
Ten of Pentacles Bad company, dysfunctional relationships making dysfunctional families, people bringing out the worst in one another because they are bad combinations. Shared human vices suppurating into neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, nations that reflect those particular vices. Just try being a hippie in one of those Puritan colonies. (Today we look at the darker spectrum of Ten of Pentacles because it sits next to Devil.)
The illustration here shows the Elder on his throne, gloating as the couple who produce his grandchild have a ‘discussion’ in which Husband stares off while Wife earnestly beseeches him, the aforesaid progeny squalling and pulling on her clothes. (The kid senses the toxic tradition of the family culture?)
This illustration brings up the wealthy and the ghetto, politicians and criminal groups. If the question is about the middle class cultures, this Ten of Pentacles in Rider Waite does refer to same.
Devil Bad anything, in Rider Waite. The Marseilles deck has a different take, but here we look, obviously, at the Christian concept of hell’s CEO: The unwashed brute reptile with horns. And today Devil applies to the dysfunctional ‘bad people,’ so we bring out the darker parts of the two darker cards here. Devil often means ‘horrible.’
Its focus is on being bound (or obligated, even, as in a contract), being limited; but you can see the loose chains that humans can remove. That is the main point of Devil, philosophically.
Here is a list of the words it contributes today: bad, toxic, criminal, nasty, sick, the creep, feel bad, hates, horrible, vices, drunk, objectionable, bad life, jailbirds, gone bad, criminal types, wrong, dirty slob, stuck, disease, illness, handicap, problem, prison, corrupt, abuses, plague you, sinners.
Page of Wands There’s our clean cut boy, the son we are so proud of, the fine young man or ‘fair-haired boy’ of lore. Appearing after Ten of Pentacles and Devil, of a cleaned-up act (or a corrupted youth). He is well-dressed and well spoken.
Eight of Cups Short-lived, we are outa there, going off in another direction entirely, abandoning ship, dropping out, onto something else, and it’s over with before it begins. Here it refers to the change – the bad way of life and the good way of life – because that is obviously what these four Rider Waite Tarot citizens are about.
All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©