Emperor – Page of Wands
The boss says
The boss – Emperor
says – Page of Wands
The boss says
The boss – Emperor
says – Page of Wands
Here is a Tarot Verbatim™ Celtic Cross spread. I accidentally used this form for this person’s Email Question. Serendipity. This spread is a good example of how there are 3 sentences in a Tarot Verbatim Celtic Cross layout, and how in Tarot Verbatim the similarity of the 3 sentences indicates the degree of accuracy of the reading.
Naturally, the client has agreed to share this story with you.
You can investigate these cards’ meanings by Googling them; you will get this site’s archives. And you can get an answer to your question at the Email Reading navigation tab at the top of our site.
Email Reading
The category of life is:: Love
My question is:: is he married or still in love with wife? and am i the only woman he is interested in?
He is committed to his marriage: His initiative, she is independent and single.
He is – Magician
committed – Hierophant
actively; it’s his initiative – Magician
to his marriage – Four of Wands
And she is single and independent, content by herself. – Nine of Pentacles
I drew a fourth card on impulse, and it neatly tells you this isn’t a legal wife, that she is a single woman. She is content, so this isn’t a demanding ex.
First Sentence(s)
[Emperor looks like a truck driver here! A truck driver controls his world while he’s in the cab of his truck. The Self card represents him, the subject of your question.]
He is the boss in his sedentary controlling way, and he is proud to be flirting to (talking to) a strong woman who can handle him.
He is the Boss in his sedentary controlling way – Emperor (Card 1. Self)
and he is proud to be flirting with, talking to – Page of Wands (Card 2. Situation)
an equally strong boss woman who can keep him in line. – Strength (Card 3. Crux/Situation)
He has always been and always will be the Italian Stallion/Studmuffin/Player.
He has always been – Ten of Wands (Card 4. Foundation)
and always will be the sexy man/player, the manipulative fellow. – King of Pentacles (Card 5. Future)
He is doing right, and he is entitled to, and he should have a sweet li’l gal at her home to be romantic with.
It’s right to, and he is entitled to, and he should – Justice (Card 6. Behind)
be romantic with a sweet li’l gal at her home. – Six of Cups (Card 7. Ahead)
Second Sentence
“I just can’t do without (would be miserable) a good solid home life with a partner.”
I just can’t – Eight of Swords (Card 8. Second Self)
be without (I would be miserable) – Five of Pentacles (Card 9. Situation / Environment)
a good solid home life with a ‘marriage’ partner. – Four of Wands (Card 10. Crux / Problem )
Third Sentence – Outcome
It’s just as if he is back with his estranged wife who is also doing fine without him.
It’s just as if – Six of Wands
he is back with – Judgment
his estranged wife – Queen of Swords
who is also doing fine without him. – Nine of Pentacles
Emily adds:
I did not plan to put the fourth card on your first question; it just slipped out. And it created the whole reading which expresses perfectly the ‘wife in every port’ concept. Your fellow is very comfortable being a polygamist! Tarot says. I note he is ‘committed to his marriage,’ and his marriage is ‘her home.’ That’s the way I read this anyway.
And I did not plan to use Celtic Cross for your reading. That just slipped out too. But it really flows. And the Emperor as a truck driver is perfect, and new.
You can check the meanings of each card, or any pair, by Googling them.
And, by the way: In Tarot Verbatim, when the three sentences of the spread are parallel, it’s an indication of accuracy. The more accurate, the more they say the same thing.
Guidance Today’s main focus is on the stages of a man’s maturity, from reckless brat, to handsome young man to mature grandfather. We also cover regressions therefrom: the old man who has a second childhood, and ‘He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy’ as well.
Sun – Eight of Cups – Page of Wands
4 Tarot Readings: A Mature Man; Growing Up Respectable (Page of Wands and Emperor)
I’m not a good-looking funloving guy anymore; I’m mature now.
The old man quits being a playboy and is respectable now.
I’m not young anymore, I have the look of a senior dude.
I was mature when I was a kid – didn’t get a childhood.
Daddy isn’t talking about his youthful exploits.
Not a kid anymore; he is a grown-up now.
The kid goes on to become a fine young man, and a leader.
You’re no longer a young fella when a kid makes you a grandfather.
He isn’t young anymore, but he is happy in his old age.
What a relief to be a senior dude and not that eager-to-please young fella I was.
He gets out of the house and goes for a walk to be the man in control of himself.
Tarot Readings: Being Old, About Old People (Page of Wands and Emperor)
He feels he is so old he will be gone by the time the little kid is a young man.
I go out of my way to talk to the old man; I enjoy it.
The old man is gone, but his son is his ‘spitting image.’
He is old and never had the son he could be proud of.
Young people have fun ignoring what old people have to say.
When I was a kid I had nothing to do with the Establishment, but now that I am older, I damn well personify it.
All of a sudden the fun fellow turns rigid on us.
Tarot Readings: Fellow Who Didn’t Mature (Eight of Cups + Emperor)
He’s a handsome fella who leaves children behind until he’s old.
A good-looking older man turns into a young fool.
You’re too old to run away from home, so shut up about it already.
The old man quits being who he is and acts like a kid.
People are talking that he isn’t the patriarch anymore; he’s childish.
Daddy left home when this young man was a baby.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Grandpa is never told what a brat Son is being.
When his son abandons the kid, Grandpa is there.
He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy.
He is NOT old, he is a vibrant funloving young man.
When the boss retires, the young man is set free.
Sun Here we have a lot of meanings, some unrelated to one another, growing out of the illustration of a very young child naked bareback upon a very annoyed pony he is not even holding onto, having the time of his little short life. Some meanings, therefore, are baby, child, boy, fun and funloving, happy, enjoy, relief (because the boy snuck out of the house and its rules), reckless, brat, playboy, getting free, leaving, getting out of the house, running away from home, getting out from under a restricting situation. Summer is one of its meanings, rarely. As a type of person, Sun is the fella who refers to himself as ‘the kid’ and is the ‘charming baby boy’ type women recognize.
Eight of Cups A pilgrim is forced by terrain to change direction, to depart from the course he is on. A change of direction or an abrupt departure or transition is its core meaning, therefore. It’s not just a change of direction, though, it’s also going another way instead. It can mean walking or a pedestrian, sometimes. If you ask about a pilgrimage or vision quest, Eight of Cups may very well show up.
Page of Wands Here’s the handsome, well-dressed, well-spoken respectable young man who is ‘every mother’s son and every woman’s sweetheart.’ He is the eager-to-please apprentice anxious to fit into a grownup life. ‘The fair-haired boy’ type. Page of Wands also refers to talking, to standing up for what you are or what you believe, to ‘physical’ or the physical body..
Emperor has few meanings. He is the old or older man, the authority or the one with seniority, the grownup, self-control or the man who is in control of himself. Emperor is about maturity, the Establishment, conservative values, and power or clout. He can also represent a tyrant or dictator or being rigid.
In the middle we have a transition, change, a dropping off of one way and going onto another, Eight of Cups, which also can be about a pilgrimage.
Then we have three stages of maturity: The little brat (Sun), the fine young man (Page of Wands), and the patriarch or old man (Emperor) – all male cards. There’s a contrast between the ‘reckless brat/playboy’ of Sun and the respectable (Page of Wands) maturity of Emperor. With Eight of Cups meaning change or transition, our main message here is about growing up.
Of course, Page of Wands also means talking and physical body, good-looking guy, and physical, and of course Sun also means fun, happy, funloving, playboy and recklessness.
Both Sun and Eight of Cups also mean leaving, even ‘getting outa here.’ Eight of Cups can mean ‘abandons.’
Today’s main focus is on the stages of a man’s maturity, from reckless brat, to handsome young man to mature grandfather. We also cover regressions therefrom: the old man who has a second childhood, and ‘He never was a kid, was mature even when he was a cute young guy’ as well.
Advice Today it’s about how authority – whether in the form of old people, tradition, governments, orthodoxy or just inertia – is against change and says ‘You can’t do that.’ And the changed Self says ‘I did it already.’ New realities are spawned by this process, and often it’s not a pretty one! Controlling entities talk and don’t listen. Change happens under the covers anyway, and next thing you know there’s a baby reality you have to deal with … hopefully not slaughter? ========================================================================= Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice (above ) which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Group Analytical Tarot Reading below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out and decide whether to encourage or suppress them. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
=========================================================== Two of Swords Page of Wands – Judgment – Emperor GROUP ANALYTICAL TAROT READING Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them. Spiritual: Being a New Person (Page of Wands + Judgment) This is not your father’s new life (new year), it is yours as who you are. He makes a resolution that he is not going to be like the old man. He declares he is a changed cleaned-up person, not controlled or controlling. I’m not old, I am young again. Say it loud and clear: I AM NOT OLD! You can’t be your old self again. I am not going to change when I am old. When you change you aren’t conforming. A new lease on life means I am a new self, with no template. I am a changed person, things are not the way they have always been. Spiritual: Out with the Old (Emperor + Two of Swords) I do not acknowledge the established order; I declare a new way. Say no to the controllers in a big way. You tell a federal agency ‘No way.’ The word is a government can’t do that again. Just say no to the changes in established tradition. The young are saying no to the old again. The Establishment can’t tell you who to be. Tell the old man you’re not going to change. We say government can’t change that. The Old Man Says You Can’t (Judgment + Emperor + Two of Swords) Governments announce you can’t talk that way. Old people tell you you can’t. You change things, and some old guy says you can’t. The power people say no to youth. Old people hinder change for the better. Government tells you we can’t change. Government won’t let you be in good shape; it says so. Government puts an end to people changing things. Talking won’t change entrenched bedrock things. Speaking of change is considered anti-establishment. The Establishment tells you who not to be. Miscellaneous News federal governments don’t tell you. Doesn’t speak with ultimate authority, but reminds you. A mature person does not repeat himself. News is, the young are not going to get old. Young man, when you’re old, you don’t change. ============================================================= Now, Part Two, Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. https://EmilysInsight.com.)
================================================================ Two of Swords Page of Wands – Judgment – Emperor MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING I could go on forever: These four say almost everything both ways! Judgment is change, a new phase, a new order, and it’s the New Year’s card: You know, the old year is dead, blow the horn, Happy New Year. There it is in the middle. Page of Wands to the left is a cleaned-up person (the new man), being your best self, the young (even naïve or vain) person, the person who is in good shape (in any way), to stand up for who you are, and to speak, tell, talk. Emperor to the right is the old man, the rigid hidebound soul, the powermonger or federal government or God or dictator or Establishment, tradition, the old order, orthodoxy and tyranny. Things that don’t change, that are entrenched, that are bedrock. See what I mean? You can make anything of these! And that’s before Two of Swords, a negator, joins the discussion. Two of Swords is ‘no.’ No way. Block. Can’t do that. This would be a fun spread for you to play with if you are intrigued by reading Rider Waite Tarot verbatim (or TarotVerbatim™). MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: LEARN TAROT BY THE PICTURES Page of Wands As I said up there: A cleaned-up person (the new man), being your best self, the young (even naïve or vain) person, the person who is in good shape (in any way), to stand up for who you are, and to speak, tell, talk. You can see the earnest well dressed young man proudly speaking up. Judgment As I said up there: Change, a new phase, a new order, and it’s the New Year’s card: You know, the old year is dead, blow the horn like the angel on Judgment Day, Happy New Year. Judgment usually means a change for the better, since we assume it is better to be alive than dead. Emperor Still repeating myself as above: Here we have the old man, the rigid hidebound soul, the powermonger or federal government or God or dictator or Establishment, tradition, the old order, orthodoxy and tyranny. Things that don’t change, that are entrenched, that are bedrock. It can mean both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things, but since we tend to resent power structures and bossy old people/men, it’s often somewhat pejorative. Its illustration is a rigid bearded stern-looking old man who should be paired more with Queen of Swords than Empress … kind of like Prince Charles? Two of Swords One of the negator cards, the most emphatic, it shows a blindfolded seated woman holding heavy crossed swords in such a way it isn’t safe to put them down. Her back is to a lake or ocean and she is sitting on a stone bench, all alone. “No way.” Forbidden, you can’t, won’t happen … roadblock. Cannot proceed. All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©