Guidance, Tarot Verbatim
Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups – Three of Swords
People unite and organize around what they agree to dislike or hate more easily than around uplifting stuff. Even God’s people get together to hate. Situation Wanted: Peacemaker. Peaceful coexistence is often found where there’s a family or other chronic bond between or among the folks involved. We vote against rather than vote for.
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GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.
GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.
SYNOPSIS Located right after the Group Tarot Cards Reading sentences, is a deeper expression of today’s Guidance. Read this too for your predictions. Here you complete your predictions experience. The rest of the page is more about learning to love and learn Tarot Verbatim™.
LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.
WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.
WHERE EACH PHRASE COMES FROM At a glance, with a color for each card, your subconscious picks up on how the sentences of GROUP TAROT CARDS READING came to be. You feel how individual card meanings reach out and blend, unite, into a sentence. (You can learn this – yes, you!) Your subconscious awareness sees the image and its feeling and your conscious awareness sees the language meaning, the text… so your two minds focus together to see 3D, three dimensionally, the same way your two eyes see depth that one eye does not.
PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.
The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’
Bon voyage!
Group Tarot Card Readings
Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups – Three of Swords
Tarot Readings : Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups
You get that cranky crew to cooperate, and they hate you for it.
Healing energy to hurting troubled people.
Problems with loved ones hurt your feelings.
The people I like don’t get along with one another.
Healing toxic relationships by separating the parties.
Tarot Readings : Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords
A bunch of disagreeable people quarrel even when they agree.
A truce in the family feud.
I’m in love with a hostile person from a hostile background.
An organization that is against something cooperates closely.
God’s people are so hateful.
Divorce, in a bad marriage, is a sacrament.
Splitting with the quarreling family for the sake of peace.
Everybody is against what I’m in favor of.
The enemy of my enemies is my friend.
Tarot Readings : Ace of Cups and Three of Swords
War and peace in their complicated lives.
Love and hate is all in the family.
Love ’em or hate ’em, they’re still relatives.
Being For and being Against divides people.
Holy war is for misguided people.
They make a hostile atmosphere, and I make peace.
Someone you love is getting a divorce from a difficult family life.
Being the peacemaker gets you hated by both sides, who each want you to agree uncritically with Us and to disagree uncritically with Them. People agree more about what they are against than what they are for. Did you ever notice that all those books about loving humanity were written by people in seclusion (Walden Pond, etc.)? Maybe seclusion is the path to peace and blessedness?
Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures

Ten of Pentacles
People who are trouble, people who have trouble, being in a bad marriage, family, or work life. Disagreeable people, disagreeable situations. Pictured is a family feud or quarrel. The clan leader on his throne, attended by the dogs, has decreed something the men want (another Son?) to son’s wife. She has a squalling kid pulling on her clothes and a husband staring into space as she earnestly expresses something … deaf ears.
(Just remember that if the other two positive-family cards are present, especially in two different sentences, then this Ten of Pentacles is promoted to simply being family, especially if it appears in the third sentence of Celtic Cross.)
Ten of Pentacles can – as the other ‘family cards’ can – represent organizations and circles of people – any size. It often is, for example, a bad neighborhood – a ghetto. But it can be about the wealthy class as a problem too: It also often is corrupt community politicians, or hateful people within an organization.
Ten of Pentacles is your mob, mafia, gang, shadow governments card.
Then Ten of Pentacles is the group of people who are feuding, who have a problem, or who are a problem (or all of the above). This is the dysfunctional bunch of folks, whether they be a family, a faction, a mob, a Company or agency, foreigners, troublesome neighbors – anybody you would think of as those people.
Ten of Pentacles is family problems, problems with relatives or with coworkers, friends, or the boys at the bar – any group. It’s a bunch of querulous feuding people of any kind – the dope gang, the loud low class neighbors, board members clashing on the stock split …. Illustration shows a family that doesn’t get along. Grandpa has some edict, and the couple are having to come to terms with something. Even the kid gets in on the act. Remind you of something?

Here’s your peacemaker today. It would be a whole different story without a nice rescue card like you, Ace of Cups. Peace, love, getting along agreeably (cooperation), health, healing … and more, that’s Ace of Cups.
The picture uses Roman Catholic symbols to express the idea of an individual spreading peace, love, and goodness to others via the influence of God within. You see the dove associated with Holy Spirit, putting the wafer of communion (a symbol of course of ‘God within’) into the flow of a person’s five senses, which flow into mass consciousness, represented by the large body of water.

Three of Swords
Three of Swords you know is not good at first glance. But like all cards that make us squirm, it has its not-so-terrible meanings. First of all you can see it means heartache, heart trouble, hurt, pain, storm, bad times. One more little step, you can see it means damage.
Three of Swords has a huge hostility dictionary. It simply means ‘against’ very often, and it means litigation, to sue, and ‘divorce.’ It also means to quit or be fired. It means ‘fight.’ It covers the waterfront when it comes to ‘combative,’ even meaning revenge.
Today we see several of its, shall we say, off-label uses, words and phrases like these: as difficult as it is, infraction, mad, storm, nasty, hazards, aggravation. ‘Difficulty’ is a nice general word to remember for Three of Swords.
Tarot Verbatim™ operates around ‘theme cards,’ cards that in a larger (Celtic Cross, etc.) spread establish the subject of the message. Three of Swords and Tower are the two divorce cards, and also the two cards that signify quitting or getting fired – which, yes, is a kind of divorce.
Now Without The Pictures
WHAT have we here? In the middle is good ol’ Ace of Cups as peace and love and getting along or cooperating. On either side are Tarot cards of hostile atmosphere: Ten of Pentacles is people who don’t get along – who have trouble or who are trouble, or both; Three of Swords is hostility, quarreling, splitting, and hate. So we got war and peace, love and hate, making peace and splitting up, etc. Our loved one or loved ones is or are disagreeable.
We have the lone peacemaker there in the middle, arms spread to keep the combatants apart.
Note: When it comes to breaking these phrases up and applying them to a single card, Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords mean so many of the same things that they have to share a phrase! No way around it.
These two scenarios are our main Tarot readings for today.
Now We Show You Where Each Phrase In Each Sentence Comes From
Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups – Three of Swords
You get that cranky crew Ten of Pentacles to cooperate Ace of Cups, and they hate you for it Three of Swords.
Healing energy Ace of Cups to hurting Three of Swords troubled people Ten of Pentacles.
Problems with loved ones Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups hurt your feelings Three of Swords.
The people I like Ace of Cups don’t get along with one another Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords.
Healing Ace of Cups toxic relationships Ten of Pentacles by separating the parties Three of Swords.
A bunch of disagreeable people Ten of Pentacles quarrel Three of Swords even when they agree Ace of Cups.
A truce Ace of Cups in the family Three of Swords feud Ten of Pentacles.
I’m in love Ace of Cups with a hostile person Three of Swords from a hostile background Ten of Pentacles.
An organization that is against something Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords cooperates closely Ace of Cups.
God’s Ace of Cups people are so hateful Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords.
Divorce Three of Swords, in a bad marriage Ten of Pentacles, is a sacrament Ace of Cups.
Splitting with Three of Swords the quarreling family Ten of Pentacles for the sake of peace Ace of Cups.
Everybody is against Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords what I’m in favor of Ace of Cups.
The enemy Three of Swords of my enemies Ten of Pentacles is my friend Ace of Cups.
War Three of Swords and peace Ace of Cups in their complicated lives Ten of Pentacles.
Love Ace of Cups and hate Three of Swords is all in the family Ten of Pentacles.
Love ’em Ace of Cups or hate ’em Three of Swords, they’re still relatives Ten of Pentacles.
Being For Ace of Cups and being Against Three of Swords divides people Ten of Pentacles.
Holy Ace of Cups war Three of Swords is for misguided people Ten of Pentacles.
They make a hostile atmosphere Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords, and I make peace Ace of Cups.
Someone you love Ace of Cups is getting a divorce Three of Swords from a difficult family life Ten of Pentacles.
Here Are Phrases For All Three 2-Card Combinations
Resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Get Meanings of any two card combinations by typing them into search box on our Search page.

Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups
You get that cranky crew to cooperate.*** Healing energy to troubled people. Problems with loved ones. The people I like don’t get along with one another. Healing toxic relationships. A bunch of disagreeable people even when they agree. A truce in the family feud. I’m in love with a person from a hostile background. An organization that is against something cooperates closely. God’s people are hateful. _ in a bad marriage, is a blessing. … with the quarreling family for the sake of peace. Everybody is against what I’m in favor of. … of my enemies is my friend. Peace in their complicated lives. Love is all in the family. Love ’em … they’re still relatives. Being For … divides people. Holy _ is for misguided people. They make a hostile atmosphere, and I make peace. Someone you love is … a difficult family.

Ten of Pentacles and Three of Swords
That cranky crew hates you. Hurting, troubled people. Problems with them hurt your feelings. People don’t get along with one another. _ toxic relationships by separating the parties. A bunch of disagreeable people quarrel. Family feud. A hostile person from a hostile background. An organization that is against something. People are so hateful. Divorce, in a bad marriage …. Splitting with the quarreling family. Everybody is against …. The enemy of my enemies. War in their complicated lives. Hate is all in the family. … or hate ’em, they’re still relatives. Being against divides people. War is for misguided people. They make a hostile atmosphere. … is getting a divorce from a difficult family.

Ace of Cups and Three of Swords
… to cooperate, and they hate you for it. Healing energy to hurting _. Loved ones hurt your feelings. The people I like don’t get along. Healing by separating the parties. Quarrel even when they agree. A true in the feud. I’m in love with a hostile person. … that is against something cooperates closely. God’s _ are so hateful. Divorce is a sacrament. Splitting for the sake of peace. … against what I’m in favor of. The enemy … is my friend. War and peace. Love and hate. Love ’em or hate ’em. Being For and being Against. Holy war. … a hostile atmosphere, and I make peace. Someone you love is getting a divorce.

Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE Yesterday we were in the Christmas spirit in the way we interact with people in our circle. Today we are dealing with the same folks in a more realistic way, making the best of getting together by relating to the members of the circle that we actually are simpatico with and get along with. Good for us.
Here is another classic post while Emily finishes a new project. We would love to hear from all of you, please feel free to comment! (If you are using an android or IOS device please scroll down to bottom and click READ MORE, this will take you to a text box. Please don’t be shy! (Diana)
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People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
So what do you want to do? –
Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? – daily trends? –
*Then you read the summary above, titled
*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
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Temperance – Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Tarot Readings: Temperance and Ten of Pentacles
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In this time of peace, we who don’t get along with one another get along with one another.
We are dealing with our differences to have peace and quiet.
Love these people so much I deal with their problems.
The one you love is dealing with a bad marriage.
Dealing with the public makes me the agreeable person I am.
You deal easily with all the trouble they are.
I’m in love with a partner whose family is from hell.
Tarot Readings: Temperance and Ace of Cups
… .. … ..
We messed-up people have a close relationship with God.
Peaceful coexistence with problem children.
Dealing with God’s people is complicated.
Team player and facilitator at group meetings.
The people I like and get along with don’t get along with one another.
We are both working on healing the dysfunctions in our relationship.
Each one interacts with you peacefully but they don’t get along with one another.
Here’s you interacting one-on-one with your love partner’s cranky family.
Tarot Readings: Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups
When our relatives all get together, there’s peace as they relate to whom they are close to.
One-on-one, I love everyone in the family.
Even a close loving family has politics.
Agree to be on good terms with the in-laws.
Channeling healing to hurting people.
These people squabble even when they agree with each other.
Here interacting with a bunch of people who are disagreeable even when they agree.
People I am in touch with are against whatever I am in favor of.
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Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.

Temperance – In my Tarot practice, Temperance is interacting, getting along, relating, being in touch, being on good terms, dealing with, both of us, one-on-one dealing, partners, and close relationships of all kinds – and even standing next to someone, or being on the same side. Temperance is different degrees and kinds of intimacy and relationship. It is a major relationship card.
Temperance’s next most common application is healing, and that’s because the symbol on the angel’s chest is about healing.
If you asked something about an angel or angels, or if there are other Tarot cards with angels in their picture, Temperance can literally apply as an angel.

Ten of Pentacles – Today Ten of Pentacles, which is about dysfunctional relationships and people not getting along, is surrounded by love, closeness, and cooperation: It’s at its detriment, astrologers would say. Nevertheless, Ten of Pentacles stands its ground. Even today we have the cranky family, family politics, squabbling people, people who are against and who disagree.
Ten of Pentacles is about their problems, their troubles, and hurting people.
But Ten of Pentacles – especially in its present company – also is just a group meeting, a circle of people, a gathering of relatives or friends, and ‘everyone in the family.’ The gathering, the group, the getting together: It can stop there, and today is does – a few times.
So Ten of Pentacles is your bad relationship, bad marriage, and even the public you deal with (presumably in a bad way).

Ace of Cups – Ace of Cups is right at home with Temperance. Both show a flow of water, which suggests a going-with-the-flow energy. In Ace of Cups, the flow involves God or divine spirit (Holy Spirit), and in Temperance, you have an angel.
Both Ace of Cups and Temperance mean healing, loving, agreeing, getting along. Ace of Cups is all about peace and quiet, love and like, things being easy and going easily, agreeing and being agreeable – being in favor, approving.
Both Ace of Cups and Temperance are about healing. Ace of Cups is being healthy too.
Ace of Cups is directly God – the main card for that, as well as for ‘spiritual.’
Ace of Cups can be helping, can be making things easy or easier – the facilitator.
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Here’s a picture that’s à propos (relevant) to the season we are in. Yesterday, we were
getting along famously under the influence of the Christmas (or some other holiday) spirit. Today that influence has waned, and we are making an effort
to get along, or at least not be
disagreeable when
other people are. That
disagreeable vibe is evident in
Ten of Pentacles. Flanking
Ten of Pentacles, and softening its effect, are two cards that are very strongly about
getting along,
going easy:
Temperance and
Ace of Cups.
You can tell that both
Temperance and
Ace of Cups are about
getting along and
going easy on it if you know that a flow of water means exactly that. Among other things, of course, but definitely the
easy flow of
relationship. See the flows.
Put the two influences together, and being a
peacemaker is what we are all about today. Advice to
take it easy,
get along, and
facilitate everyone
getting along with even
the most problematic members of the circle.
. …..
Here’s a picture that’s à propos (relevant) to the season we are in. Yesterday, we were getting along famously under the influence of the Christmas (or some other holiday) spirit. Today that influence has waned, and we are making an effort to get along, or at least not be disagreeable when other people are. That disagreeable vibe is evident in Ten of Pentacles. Flanking Ten of Pentacles, and softening its effect, are two cards that are very strongly about getting along, liking, loving, going easy: Temperance and Ace of Cups.
You can tell that both Temperance and Ace of Cups are about getting along and going easy on it if you know that a flow of water means exactly that. Among other things, of course, but definitely the easy flow of relationship. See the flows.
Put the two influences together, and being a peacemaker is what we are all about today. Advice to take it easy, get along, and facilitate everyone getting along with even the most problematic members of the circle.
. ……
Some blessed people have a gift for getting everyone to get along. We call them diplomatic, and their phone numbers are good to have at hand. These people are comfortable in meetings and in groups. Gotta have one at the family gathering at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today we sit back and watch just such an operation in action. Serendipity galore!
Tarot Readings: Temperance and Ten of Pentacles
… .. …..
In this time of peace ACE OF CUPS, we who don’t get along with one another TEN OF PENTACLES get along with one another TEMPERANCE.
We are dealing with TEMPERANCE our differences TEN OF PENTACLES to have peace and quiet ACE OF CUPS.
Love ACE OF CUPS these people so much I deal with TEMPERANCE their problems TEN OF PENTACLES.
The one you love ACE OF CUPS is dealing with TEMPERANCE a bad marriage TEN OF PENTACLES.
Dealing with TEMPERANCE the public TEN OF PENTACLES makes me the agreeable ACE OF CUPS person I am TEMPERANCE.
You deal easily TEMPERANCE with TEMPERANCE all the trouble they are TEN OF PENTACLES.
I’m in love TEMPERANCE with a partner TEMPERANCE whose family is from hell TEN OF PENTACLES.
Tarot Readings: Temperance and Ace of Cups
… .. … ..
We messed-up people TEN OF PENTACLES have a close relationship TEMPERANCE with God TEMPERANCE.
Peaceful TEMPERANCE coexistence TEMPERANCE with problem children TEN OF PENTACLES.
Dealing with TEMPERANCE God’s TEMPERANCE people is complicated TEN OF PENTACLES.
Team player TEMPERANCE and facilitator TEMPERANCE at group meetings TEN OF PENTACLES.
The people I like and get along with TEMPERANCE and ACE OF CUPS don’t get along with one another TEN OF PENTACLES.
We are both working on TEMPERANCE healing ACE OF CUPS the dysfunctions in our relationship TEN OF PENTACLES.
Each one interacts with you TEMPERANCE peacefully ACE OF CUPS but they don’t get along with one another TEN OF PENTACLES.
Here’s you interacting one-on-one with TEMPERANCE your love ACE OF CUPS partner’s TEMPERANCE cranky family TEN OF PENTACLES.
Tarot Readings: Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups
When our relatives all get together TEN OF PENTACLES, there’s peace ACE OF CUPS as they relate to whom they are close to TEMPERANCE.
One-on-one TEMPERANCE, I love ACE OF CUPS everyone in the family TEN OF PENTACLES.
Even a close TEMPERANCE loving ACE OF CUPS family has politics TEN OF PENTACLES.
Agree ACE OF CUPS to be on good terms with TEMPERANCE the in-laws TEN OF PENTACLES.
Channeling TEMPERANCE healing ACE OF CUPS to hurting people TEN OF PENTACLES.
These people squabble TEN OF PENTACLES even when they agree ACE OF CUPS with each other TEMPERANCE.
Here interacting TEMPERANCE with a bunch of people who are disagreeable TEN OF PENTACLES even when they agree TEMPERANCE.
People I am in touch with TEMPERANCE are against TEN OF PENTACLES whatever I am in favor of TEMPERANCE.
… .. …..

resonates with your subconscious awareness!
… .. …..
Temperance and Ten of Pentacles – We who don’t get along with one another are getting along with one another. We are dealing with our differences. These people, I deal with their problems. Dealing with a bad marriage. Dealing with the public. You deal with all the trouble they are. A partner whose family is from hell. We messed-up people have a close relationship. Coexistence with problem children. Dealing with them is complicated. Team player at group meetings. I get along with people who don’t get along with one another. We are both working on the dysfunctions in our relationship. Each one interacts with you but they don’t get along with one another. Here’s you interacting one-on-one with the cranky family. Here’s you interacting with partner’s cranky family. When our relatives all get together, they relate to whomever they are close to. One-on-one … everyone in the family. A close family has politics. On good terms with the in-laws. Channeling __ to hurting people. Those people squabble with each other. Here interacting with a bunch of people who are disagreeable. People I am in touch with are against …. x

… Temperance and Ace of Cups – In this time of peace, we get along with one another. We are dealing with _ to have peace and quiet. Loves these people I deal with so much. The one you love is dealing with __. Dealing with _ makes me the agreeable person I am. You deal easily with …. I’m in love with a partner …. We have a close relationship with God.*** Peaceful coexistence.*** Dealing with God’s …. Dealing with God. Partners with God. Team player and facilitator. _ I like and get along with …. We are both working on healing. Each one interacts with you peacefully. Here’s you interacting one-on-one with your love partner’s …. Your love partner. There’s peace as they relate to whom they are close to. One-on-one, I love …. Even a close loving …. Agree to be on good terms with …. Channeling healing. They agree with each other.*** Here interacting when they agree …. _ I am in touch with … whatever I am in favor of. x

Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups – In this time of peace, we who don’t get along together …. … our differences, to have peace and quiet. Love these people so much I deal with their problems. The one you love has a bad marriage. The public makes me the agreeable person I am. … easily with all the trouble they are. I’m in love with a family from hell. I’m in love with a _ whose family is from hell. We messed-up people … with God. Peaceful _ with problem children. God’s people. … with God’s people is complicated. Facilitator at group meetings. People I like don’t get along with one another. Healing the dysfunctions in our relationship. … peacefully, but they don’t get along with one another. Your love partner’s cranky family.*** When our relatives all get together, there’s peace. I love everyone in the family. A loving family has politics. Agree with the in-laws. Healing to hurting people. These people squabble even when they agree. A bunch of people who are disagreeable. People are against whatever I am in favor of. x

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Sample Tarot Lessons
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Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups – Three of Swords

Here are Ten of Pentacles‘ phrases and words: cranky crew, troubled people, don’t get along with one another; toxic relationships; a bunch of disagreeable people; family feud; hostile background; organization that is against something; people are so hateful; a bad marriage; the quarreling family; everybody is against; complicated lives; hate is all in the family; they’re still relatives; divides people; misguided people; hostile atmosphere; a difficult family life; my enemies
Here are today’s main translates, by category, for Ten of Pentacles:
ORGANIZATION: organization that is against something; everybody is against;
PEOPLE WITH PROBLEMS AND TROUBLE: troubled people; complicated lives;
ILLUSTRATION: The illustration is a family quarrel of the type in which Grandpa, the family boss (evidence by his chair-throne and the dogs bowing down) seems to have gotten together with his son, and the son is passing the orders on to the wife, who is distressed as the kid pulls on her. Hubby stares into space and away from her pleading face. I suspect the orders are to have another kid before this one is tamed. (My view, of course.)
So Ten of Pentacles is about dysfunctional family, about people who are stressed in their social group (home, extended family, work, friends – any circle). ‘People who have a problem or people who are a problem’ is my slogan for this Rider Waite Tarot card.

Here are Ace of Cups’ phrases and words: get them to cooperate; healing energy; loved ones; I like; healing; they agree; a truce; I’m in love with; cooperates closely; God’s (people); is a sacrament; for the sake of peace; I’m in favor of; peace; love; love ’em; being for; holy _; I make peace; someone you love; is my friend
COOPERATION, AGREEMENT: get them to cooperate; they agree; cooperates closely;
HEALING: healing energy; healing;
LOVE: loved ones; I’m in love with; love; love ’em; someone you love; is my friend
LIKE, IN FAVOR OF, AM ‘FOR’: I like; I’m in favor of; being for;
PEACE: a truce; for the sake of peace; peace; I make peace;
RELIGIOUS MEANINGS, GOD: God’s (people); is a sacrament; holy _;
ILLUSTRATION: How Ace of Cups, with its odd illustration, comes to mean peace, love, agreement, cooperation, etc. – the story. It depicts the Spirit of God flowing through a person and out into human mindset. The dove is the Spirit, and it puts the wafer of the communion ritual into the five senses (the five flows of water) of a person, and the water then flows into the consciousness of all humans – the large body of water.
Ace of Cups in its present company today is busy counterbalancing its table-mates, so it is using the meanings that are positive – love, peace, agree, healing, cooperate – to do that. (It has other meanings we are not into today, like ‘flow.’

Here are Three of Swords’ phrases and words: they hate you for it; hurting; hurt your feelings; don’t get along; separating the parties; quarrel; feud; hostile person; against something; so hateful; divorce; splitting with; against; enemy; war; hate; hate ’em; being against; war; hostile atmosphere; getting a divorce from;
Here are today’s main translates, by category, for Three of Swords:
HATE, HOSTILE, ENEMY: they hate you for it; hostile person; so hateful; enemy; hate; hate ’em; hostile atmosphere;
HURTING: hurting; hurt your feelings;
NOT GETTING ALONG: don’t get along;
SEPARATION: separating the parties;
OVERT HATEFUL ACTIONS: quarrel; feud; war; war;
AGAINST: against something; against; being against;
DIVORCE AND SEPARATION: divorce; splitting with; getting a divorce from;
ILLUSTRATION: Oh what could be simpler to mean all these things than a heart pierced with knives, and storm clouds? The divorce meaning comes from the action of this card in real Tarot life. It and Tower show up on time for divorce. Alert: It can also be about heart trouble and heart surgery, but not today.
.……. …………
……. ….………..
Ten of Pentacles – Ace of Cups – Three of Swords
. …..
… ..
You get that cranky crew TEN OF PENTACLES to cooperate ACE OF CUPS, and they hate you for it THREE OF SWORDS.
You get that cranky crew – Ten of Pentacles
to cooperate – Ace of Cups
and they hate you for it. Three of Swords
You get that cranky crew TEN OF PENTACLES to cooperate ACE OF CUPS, and they hate you for it THREE OF SWORDS.
… .. ….
You get that cranky crew to cooperate.
… .. ….
That cranky crew, they hate you.
… ..
Get them to cooperate, and they hate you for it.
. …..
… ..
Healing energy ACE OF CUPS to hurting THREE OF SWORDS troubled people TEN OF PENTACLES.
Healing energy – Ace of Cups
to hurting – Three of Swords
troubled people. – Ten of Pentacles
Healing energy ACE OF CUPS to hurting THREE OF SWORDS troubled people TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Healing energy to troubled people.
… .. ….
Hurting, troubled, people.
… .
Healing energy to hurting people.
. …..
… ..
Problems with loved ones TEN OF PENTACLES and ACE OF CUPS hurt your feelings THREE OF SWORDS.
Problems with
loved ones – Ace of Cups
hurt your feelings. – Three of Swords
Problems with loved ones TEN OF PENTACLES and ACE OF CUPS hurt your feelings THREE OF SWORDS.
… .. ….
Problems with loved ones
… .. ….
Problems with (them) hurt your feelings
… ..
Loved ones hurt your feelings.
. …..
… ..
The people I like ACE OF CUPS don’t get along with one another TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS.
The people – Ten of Pentacles
I like – Ace of Cups
don’t get along with one another – Ten of Pentacles
(Echoes ‘don’t get along.’) – Three of Swords
The people I like ACE OF CUPS don’t get along with one another TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS.
… .. ….
The people I like don’t get along with one another.
… .. ….
People don’t get along with one another.
… ..
… I like … don’t get along.
. …..
Healing ACE OF CUPS toxic relationships TEN OF PENTACLES by separating the parties THREE OF SWORDS.
Healing– Ace of Cups
toxic relationships – Ten of Pentacles
by separating the parties. – Three of Swords
Healing ACE OF CUPS toxic relationships TEN OF PENTACLES by separating the parties THREE OF SWORDS.
… .. ….
Healing toxic relationships.
… .. ….
toxic relationships … by separating the parties.
… ..
Healing _ by separating the parties.
. …..
… ..
A bunch of disagreeable people TEN OF PENTACLES quarrel THREE OF SWORDS even when they agree ACE OF CUPS.
A bunch of disagreeable people – Ten of Pentacles
quarrel – Three of Swords
even when they agree.
A bunch of disagreeable people TEN OF PENTACLES quarrel THREE OF SWORDS even when they agree ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
A bunch of disagreeable people even when they agree.
… .. ….
A bunch of disagreeable people quarrel.
… ..
Quarrel even when they agree.
. …..
A truce – Ace of Cups
in the family – Ten of Pentacles
feud. – Three of Swords
… .. ….
A truce in the family.
… .. ….
family feud***
… ..
A truce in the feud.
. …..
… ..
I’m in love ACE OF CUPS with a hostile person THREE OF SWORDS from a hostile background TEN OF PENTACLES.
I’m in love – Ace of Cups
with a hostile person – Three of Swords
from a hostile background. – Ten of Pentacles
I’m in love ACE OF CUPS with a hostile person THREE OF SWORDS from a hostile background TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
I’m in love with … a hostile background.
… .. ….
a hostile person from a hostile background
… ..
I’m in love with a hostile person.
. …..
… ..
An organization that is against something TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS cooperates closely ACE OF CUPS.
An organization that is against something – Ten of Pentacles
against – Three of Swords
cooperates closely. – Ace of Cups
An organization that is against something TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS cooperates closely ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
An organization cooperates closely.
An organization that is against something cooperates closely.
… .. ….
an organization that is against something
… ..
is against … cooperates closely.
. …..
God’s ACE OF CUPS people are so hateful TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS.
God’s – Ace of Cups
people are so hateful – Ten of Pentacles
(hateful). – Three of Swords
God’s ACE OF CUPS people are so hateful TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS.
… .. ….
God’s people.
God’s people are so hateful.
… .. ….
people are so hateful
… ..
God’s … hateful.
. …..
Divorce THREE OF SWORDS, in a bad marriage TEN OF PENTACLES, is a sacrament ACE OF CUPS.
Divorce – Three of Swords
in a bad marriage – Ten of Pentacles
is a sacrament. – Ace of Cups
Divorce THREE OF SWORDS, in a bad marriage TEN OF PENTACLES, is a sacrament ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
… in a bad marriage is a sacrament.
… .. ….
Divorce in a bad marriage.
… ..
Divorce is a sacrament.
. …..
Splitting with THREE OF SWORDS the quarreling family TEN OF PENTACLES for the sake of peace ACE OF CUPS.
Splitting with – Three of Swords
the quarreling family – Ten of Pentacles
for the sake of peace. – Ace of Cups
Splitting with THREE OF SWORDS the quarreling family TEN OF PENTACLES for the sake of peace ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
… the quarreling family for the sake of peace
… .. ….
Splitting with the quarreling family
… ..
splitting for the sake of peace
. …..
Everybody is against TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS what I’m in favor of ACE OF CUPS.
Everybody is against – Ten of Pentacles
(against) – Three of Swords
what I’m in favor of. – Ace of Cups
Everybody is against TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS what I’m in favor of ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
Everybody is against what I am in favor of
… .. ….
Everybody is against
… ..
against what I am in favor of
. …..
… ..
The enemy THREE OF SWORDS of my enemies TEN OF PENTACLES is my friend ACE OF CUPS.
The enemy – Three of Swords
of my enemies – Ten of Pentacles
is my friend. – Ace of Cups
The enemy THREE OF SWORDS of my enemies TEN OF PENTACLES is my friend ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
… of my enemies is my friend.
… .. ….
The enemy of my enemies***
… ..
The enemy of _ is my friend.
. …..
War THREE OF SWORDS and peace ACE OF CUPS in their complicated lives TEN OF PENTACLES.
War – Three of Swords
and peace – Ace of Cups
in their complicated lives. – Ten of Pentacles
War THREE OF SWORDS and peace ACE OF CUPS in their complicated lives TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Peace in their complicated lives.
… .. ….
War in their complicated lives.
… ..
War and peace.
. …..
… ..
Love ACE OF CUPS and hate THREE OF SWORDS is all in the family TEN OF PENTACLES.
Love – Ace of Cups
and hate – Three of Swords
is all in the family. – Ten of Pentacles
Love ACE OF CUPS and hate THREE OF SWORDS is all in the family TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Love is all in the family.
… .. ….
Hate is all in the family.
… ..
Love and hate.
. …..
Love ’em ACE OF CUPS or hate ’em THREE OF SWORDS, they’re still relatives TEN OF PENTACLES.
Love ’em – Ace of Cups
or hate ’em – Three of Swords
they’re still relatives. – Ten of Pentacles
Love ’em ACE OF CUPS or hate ’em THREE OF SWORDS, they’re still relatives TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Love ’em, they’re still relatives.
… .. ….
Hate ’em, they’re still relatives.
… ..
Love or hate.
. …..
Being For ACE OF CUPS and being Against THREE OF SWORDS divides people TEN OF PENTACLES.
Being for – Ace of Cups
and being against – Three of Swords
divides people. – Ten of Pentacles
Being For ACE OF CUPS and being Against THREE OF SWORDS divides people TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Being ‘for’ divides people.
… .. ….
Being ‘against’ divides people.
… ..
for and against.
. …..
Holy ACE OF CUPS war THREE OF SWORDS is for misguided people TEN OF PENTACLES.
Holy – Ace of Cups
war – Three of Swords
is for misguided people. – Ten of Pentacles
Holy ACE OF CUPS war THREE OF SWORDS is for misguided people TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Holy _ is for misguided people.
… .. ….
War is for misguided people.
… ..
Holy war.
. …..
They make a hostile atmosphere TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS, and I make peace ACE OF CUPS.
They make a hostile – Ten of Pentacles
hostile atmosphere – Three of Swords
and I make peace.
They make a hostile atmosphere TEN OF PENTACLES and THREE OF SWORDS, and I make peace ACE OF CUPS.
… .. ….
They make a hostile atmosphere and I make peace.
… .. ….
They make a hostile atmosphere.
… ..
… a hostile atmosphere, and I make peace.
. …..
Someone you love ACE OF CUPS is getting a divorce THREE OF SWORDS from a difficult family life TEN OF PENTACLES.
Someone you love – Ace of Cups
is getting a divorce – Three of Swords
from a difficult family life. – Ten of Pentacles
Someone you love ACE OF CUPS is getting a divorce THREE OF SWORDS from a difficult family life TEN OF PENTACLES.
… .. ….
Someone you love has a difficult family life.
… .. ….
is getting a divorce from a difficult family life
… ..
Someone you love is getting a divorce.
Tarot Verbatim
Guidance centers on war and peace today, on settling differences by hashing things out and coming to a peaceful coexistence. Some of us are for Whatever It Is and some of us are against it, but most of us make an effort to get along and resonate somewhere near the middle. Fighting for what’s right can become a holy war and get you dysfunctional. Someone says “I’m in love with a screwed-up person who acts violent.” People who are ill struggle to get well.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).

Ace of Cups
Magician – Ten of Pentacles – Five of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: We Are Together in Doing This (Magician and Ten of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Do It For Our Health (Magician and Ace of Cups)
Tarot Readings: Peace Between Warring Factions (Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups)
Tarot Readings: Fights Among Friends (Five of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Tarot Readings: In Favor and Against (Five of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Tarot Readings: We Are Together in Doing This (Magician and Ten of Pentacles)
Everyone is doing whatever it takes, in an effort to get along.
Starting up an organization is a big cooperative effort.
Even when we fight one another we love one another.
He brings healing energy to troubled people.
Try hard to love that troublemaker.
We righteous people start the wars.
The kind of people who start holy wars (crusades).
Fighting for what’s right, you can make yourself dysfunctional.
He tries to get warring parties to make peace.
They get together to engage in some friendly competition.
Tarot Readings: Do It For Our Health (Magician and Ace of Cups)
We do exercise together for our health.
They are making an effort to get themselves well.
He agitates us about our ways and about clean living.
Instigating hostilities in a support group?
We get together to take action in our struggle to be well.
I am against what this public health organization is doing.
This organization is trying to bring about public health.
This healing is for the whole group of men combatants.
Tarot Readings: Peace Between Warring Factions (Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Cups)
Combatants meet to make a truce.
Peace-lovers organize to start a war of resistance.
Made peace in a family fight.
When people in his circle squabble, he is the one who makes peace.
Make peace between these warring factions and individuals.
When they make war, I make peace.
Take initiative to be affectionate to disagreeable combative members.
He is the one who is trying to get the parties to cooperate.
Tarot Readings: Fights Among Friends (Five of Wands and Ace of Cups)
The disagreement started out as friendly competition.
They disagree over whether doing that is a fair fight.
Innocently instigates fights among other people – ‘Let’s you and him fight.’
He gets people who are in love to fight.
In this loving family, what we do is fight with each other.
I’m in love with a screwed-up person who acts violent.
Tarot Readings: In Favor and Against (Five of Wands and Ace of Cups)
Everybody is against what I am in favor of doing.
People are so disagreeable that in any group there will be those in favor and those against.
Some of us are in favor of doing it and some of us are against that.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the messages.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.

Ace of Cups
Magician – Ten of Pentacles – Five of Wands
Ten of Pentacles in Rider Waite is one of the family-marriage-community cards; there are three of them. Ten of Pentacles in Tarot Verbatim is a division or schism in a group, or represents any dysfunctional group at all – whether at home, at work, in public life, etc. It can be patients in a treatment facility. It can be a gang, mob, political entity at any level, corporation or company at any level. It can be a neighborhood, an ethnic group, any bunch of people who have something in common, usually something problematical. People who have a problem or people who are a problem. People who have trouble, are in trouble, or are troublemakers.
It can be a meeting of persons who disagree or are working something out – like the Continental Congress. Strife is inherent but not overt in Ten of Pentacles.
Its illustration is a multi-generational family disagreement. (Note I said ‘in Tarot Verbatim.’ Other people, and other decks, have a different niche for this card.)
The strife that is inherent in Ten of Pentacles is overt in Five of Wands. They talk in Ten of Pentacles; they whack each other in Five of Wands. Five of Wands is the fight, the struggle, being against, the opposition or opposing. A lot of energy, working up a sweat – even exercising – belong to Five of Wands. So Ten of Pentacles and Five of Wands are people who oppose one another, factions who fight one another, or even gang warfare.
So, after two cards that both connote strife, here come two that, together, mean ‘make peace.’ It is this contrast that is the main theme of our layout today. See how that works?
Magician simply represents whatever the action is today. He simply means: to do, to make, to bring about, to be the one who does (or man who does, usually). Ace of Cups has more meanings than he does. Ace of Cups means, among other things, peace, healing, getting along or cooperating – going with the flow. It is a love card (true love, most of the time), and it means to agree, to permit or let, to be copacetic.
Like I said, Magician simply represents the action being done today. With Ace of Cups
, peace, he is making peace. So Magician and Ace of Cups are making peace or agree or love one another. With Five of Wands
, war, he is making war or fighting. So Magician and Five of Wands are a person who starts a fight or who is engaged in some struggle. Ten of Pentacles
shows people who are members of a circle who are having, and presumably working out, some issue or disagreement.

Magician One hand raised to heaven, the other to earth, the tools of his trade on the table, Magician is in the process of making something he wills happen. This card’s meanings are few and grow directly out of the illustration: to do, to make, to bring about, to act, to start or instigate; to take initiative. Esoterically, as a ‘1,’ Magician represents the male principle, which is active on the physical plane, as High Priestess represents passivity on the physical plane, being active in mental and spiritual realms.

Ten of Pentacles hinges upon disagreement in the human group or is a disagreeable human group. This is us when we have problems with other people – any group at all – home life and relatives, workplace, neighbors, legal disputes, political or public life.
The illustration is so perfect for this: You can see the family quarrel here. Grandpa in his fancy chair overlooking it all while the couple is having one of those ‘marital discussions’ with the guy staring away from the woman who talks earnestly at him, the squalling brat clawing at her clothes. Even the dogs are on the boss’ side.

Five of Wands shows a fight or competition. Fellows are sparring, or are energetically attacking one another, with log-sized boards. Meanings that arises from this illustration are pretty straightforward: fight or fighting, struggle, oppose or opposition, against, a lot of energy, exercise.

Ace of Cups has a spectrum of meanings arising from its illustration, which is a diagram of Roman Catholic concepts. As I understand, the dove and wafer represent Holy Communion, and the water with the fountain flowing into the (presumably) ocean represent the idea that Holy Spirit indwells the human body and its fluids, and from there flows out into the world to have a good effect on surroundings. Today, Ace of Cups is about peace and love, about peacemaking and cooperation among people.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
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Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread, Tarot Verbatim

One hell of a hateful family that you coexist with peacefully
Ace of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Temperance
Romantic Perspective:
Problems with loved ones, problem with intimate partner.
Loved ones have problems, intimate partner has a problem.
Love life causes problems in marriage, bad feelings with intimate partner.
Close relationship with a wrong partner means problems in love life.
Dealing with the nastiness of home life makes __ a very positive person.
Family Perspective:
Close friend is healing to the problems (you have) at home.
Loving family deals with the problems of a black sheep.
The whole family is affected by the illness and is together in the healing.
A handicapped family member brings everyone together lovingly.
One hell of a hateful family that you coexist with peacefully.
Healing toxic relationships in the dysfunctional family.
Relations with the family that hates (you) are peaceful.
Peaceful coexistence with family enemies.
We are together in healing our family problems.
A home for people with disabilities has the benefit of one-on-one communication.
A halfway house for addicts has one-on-one counseling (loving communication).
Spiritual and Healing Perspective:
Dealing with the enemy and others like him/her/them to make him/her/them harmless.
Being one-on-one with God and being close friends with the troublemakers/evildoers where they live.
Dilute the toxic substance so it is harmless to humans.
Divine healing for demonic problems.
God and the devil make people’s relationships with one another difficult.
Benefits from relationships deranged people have with one another.
Hateful Group Perspective:
Every one of the people in that place are hateful as a group but have amicable one-on-one relationships with one another.
The members of that hateful organization (those nazis!) cooperate so closely with one another.
They all hate each other but each of them loves (you).
Members of this hate group have God on their side.
Gang members cooperate closely with one another in their mischief.
The first thing I notice in looking at this spread is God (Ace of Cups), the Devil, and an angel (Temperance) arrayed around ‘people who have problems.’ Okay …
Ace of Cups and Temperance each refer to healing, and to being close or loving. Ten of Pentacles and Devil both refer to severe problems and hatefulness. With the Ten of Pentacles being a house, and Devil meaning addiction and disability, together they become a halfway house, especially with Temperance in there to suggest healing. Both Ten of Pentacles and Temperance refer to relationships, in different ways.
Advice is to deal in benign ways with the worst people, that the way you deal with them can render them harmless and heal the situation you are in with them. You could call today’s spread here ‘How to Coexist with Cellmates.’ Notice there’s no confrontation being done. Why? Because when people (or nonphysical entities, for that matter) are severely impaired in character, confrontation feeds the dysfunction. Instead you do what benefits the situation you are in with them, which is often family.
Meanings and Illustrations:
Ace of Cups: Love, healing, the presence of God, cooperation, to make peace or ease a situation, to make something harmless or to be harmless and beneficial. These are its meanings we are using today. The illustration shows the Holy Spirit with the wafer (of Roman Catholic fame) infusing a chalice from which five flows emanate representing the five bodily senses and/or five bodily fluids.
Ten of Pentacles: People who are trouble or have troubles or both. The dysfunctional family. A bunch of quarreling hateful people or a mob or gang. The family ruled by a tyrant. Family pressures. A house. A (bad) marriage. Illustration shows grandpa on his throne with two supine canines at his side, and he oversees a couple with a child who are having a disagreeable discussion.
Temperance: Finally I get to use its ‘dilution’ meaning. Once every 5 years, you know? Standard meanings in Rider Waite Tarot for this card are dealing with or interacting, relationship, communication, healing, and one-on-one, as well as ‘on the same side together.’ It shows an angel, and the symbol on its chest is supposed to mean healing. Pouring the water and wine together (Yeah, that’s what it’s supposed to be.) suggests a back-and-forth communication.
Devil: Today he mainly represents the hatefulness that is the problem with these Ten of Pentacle people. He is also showing up as a disability, ailment, being the wrong ___, and the words: nastiness, handicapped, toxic substance, addicts, evildoers or troublemakers, demonic, deranged and mischief. The Devil is one of the most flexible cards, and not all its meanings are ‘bad.’ He is being bad today because of the Ten of Pentacles’ problems. His Rider Waite Tarot illustration shows, yes, a big bad ugly devil with horns from an ancient (real) terrible creature. Two humans are voluntarily associating with this creature, and have caught horns from the devil. (In the Marseilles deck, he is a playful mischievous figure like the Norse God Loki.)

She knows she is right that prosperous times are coming back
Ten of Cups
Justice, Queen of Cups, Judgment
Legal Marriage/Marriage Perspective:
Comes back to his legal wife to marry her.
Comes back to the woman who loves him to legally marry her.
She knows her legal marriage partner is coming back home.
Occurs to him that she is the right woman for him to marry.
Asks the lady who thinks well of him to marry him legally.
She knows him, that he is coming back to legally marry her.
She has faith in him that he is coming back to legally marry her.
She knows he should come back home to her.
His legal wife comes back home.
She does think of remarrying him.
She is thinking of marrying again.
Other Perspectives:
She is thinking of the whole new happy life she deserves/should have/is entitled to.
She knows she is right that prosperous times are coming back.
She is thinking of going back home where she belongs.
As soon as she sees it, she knows this is the right home for her.
This gives her a whole new idea about the house that is right for her.
She knows everyone is going to be as happy as they should be again.
Legal Perspective:
Judgment is declared in favor of the married woman.
She gets her home back in the lawsuit.
She figures out everybody has a whole new standing, legally.
The class action lawsuit was her inspired idea.
She has a new idea about the family’s legal situation.
When you have Justice and Judgment in only a four-Tarot-card spread, its potential meanings are fewer. When you have Justice with Ten of Cups, that famously means ‘legal marriage’ in Tarot Verbatim. And Justice with Queen of Cups suggests ‘legal wife’ because Queen of Cups is the kind you marry. Judgment also means to do something again, so Judgment with Ten of Cups means remarry. Since Ten of Cups is a group of people, when you put Justice with it (especially backed up with Judgment) it suggests a class action suit.
Advice here clearly talks of a legal marriage happening, to a woman who is the kind you marry. Finding just the right house is also featured in this spread. A happy outcome in a lawsuit too. Coming back home.
Meanings and Illustrations:
Justice is the ‘legal’ of ‘legal marriage’ here. Court action, especially with Judgment accompanying it. Justice also means ‘should,’ ‘right’ and ‘entitled,’ sometimes ‘belonged to be.’
Queen of Cups: The nice girl. She has faith in him, she understands him. She thinks, knows and figures out. She is on the dreamy side, her center is emotional. She is pictured staring at an ugly antique she holds up.
Judgment: The illustration of the resurrection creates the idea of coming back, getting back and going back. The angel with the trumpet is a big announcement so the card appears as any word that means talk, speak or ask, etc. The trumpet also brings up ‘sudden’ and ‘inspired’ and ‘strikes’ or ‘occurs to.’ Resurrection is a redo, so the preface ‘re’ in front of almost any other word, and such phrases as ‘a whole new’ anything.
Ten of Cups: Well, everybody, the whole family, neighborhood or community … is happy. These are the good people … maybe even the moral majority. This is the happy marriage card. I want to draw the picket fence on it. It stands for a house, a good house, of course. The rainbow full of full cups … yeppers, they’ve arrived.